
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
A. S. Hitchcock, A. Chase rev1951A manual of the grasses of the United States
Lawrence1951Taxonomy of Vascular Plants
M. B. Raizada, Jain S. K.1951Filipedium, a new genus of Gramineae (Grasses)
J. W. Vickery1951Contributions to the Taxonomy of Australian Grasses
S. T. Blake1952The identification and distribution of some Cyperaceae and Gramineae, chiefly from Australia
S. T. Blake1952Cyril Tenison White 1890-1950
N. L. Bor1952Notes on Asiatic grasses. 1. Danthonia in India
N. L. Bor1952Notes on Asiatic grasses. 2. Apocopsis
N. L. Bor1952Notes on Asiatic grasses. 3. New names in Poa Linn
N. L. Bor1952Notes on asiatic grasses. 4. What is the correct name for Capillipedium assimile (Steud.)A.Camus?
N. L. Bor1952Notes on Asiatic grasses. 5. The genus Microstegium in India and Burma
N. L. Bor1952Notes on Asiatic grasses. 6. A new species of Poa from Sikkim
N. L. Bor1952Notes on Asiatic grasses. 7. Coelachyrum Hochstett., a genus of grasses new to Pakistan
N. L. Bor1952Notes on Asiatic grasses. 8. The genus Eremochloa Buse
N. L. Bor1952Notes on Asiatic grasses. 9. The genus Lopholepis Dcne
N. L. Bor1952Notes on Asiatic grasses. 10. A confused species of Isachne.
N. L. Bor1952Notes on Asiatic grasses. 11. The genus Dimeria in India and Burma.
N. L. Bor1952The genus Poa in India, Pt 1
N. L. Bor1952The genus Poa in India, Pt II
C. A. Gardner1952Flora of Western Australia, Vol 1, Part 1, Gramineae
C. E. Hubbard1952Whiteochloa, a new genus of grasses from the Northern Territory of Australia
H. Jacques-Felix1952Notes sur les graminees d'Afrique tropicale. Structure foliare, ecologie et systematique
P. Jansen1952Notes on Malaysian Grasses II
K. Jones1952Autotetraploidy in Agrostis canina
S. C. Pandeya1952Studies on the morphology and ecology of three species of Dichanthium Willemet
E. Potztal1952Uber die Blattanatomie der Isachneae
J. W. Vickery1952Pseudoraphis spinescens (R.Br.) n.comb., and some records of New South Wales grasses
N. L. Bor1953Notes on Asiatic grasses. 12. New species
N. L. Bor1953Notes on Asiatic grasses. 13. Currugaria Hack., a subgenus of Ischaemum
N. L. Bor1953Notes on Asiatic grasses. 14. The genus Duthiea Hack
N. L. Bor1953The genus Cymbopogon in India, Pt. 1
N. T. Burbidge1953The genus Triodia R.Br. (Gramineae)
A. Chevalier1953Etudes & Dossiers
D. E. Fairbrothers1953Relationships in the Capillaria Group of Panicum in Arizona and New Mexico
E. Y. Hosaka1953Feather Fingergrass
E. Y. Hosaka1953Sour Grass in Hawaii
E. Y. Hosaka, Ripperton J. C.1953Molasses grass on Hawaiin ranges
C. E. Hubbard1953Gramineae Australiensis: IV. Spartochloa, a new genus of Australian grasses
P. Jansen1953Notes on Malaysian Grasses III
P. Jansen1953Notes on Malaysian grasses - 1
K. Jones1953The cytology of some British species of Agrostis and their hybrids
E. Potztal1953Uber die Anatomie von Micraira subilifolia F.Muell
N. L. Bor1954The genus Cymbopogon in India, Pt II
N. L. Bor1954Notes on Asiatic grasses. 15. Triplogon Bor, a new genus of Indian grasses
N. L. Bor1954Notes on Asiatic grasses. 16. Indochloa Bor, a new genus of Indian grasses
N. L. Bor1954Notes on Asiatic grasses. 20. New species and new names
H. E. Connor1954Studies in New Zealand Agropyron
D. Davidson1954The Mitchell Grass association of the Longreach district
J. M. J. de Wet1954Chromosome numbers of a few South African grasses
I. Hansen, Potztal E.1954Beitrage zur Anatomie und Systematik der Leptureae


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith