
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
P. Weatherwax1929The morphology of the spikelets of six genera of Oryzeae
W. R. Philipson1935The development and morphology of the ligule in grasses
C. E. Hubbard1936Morphology of the grass spikelet
Y. L. Keng1939The gross morphology of Andropogoneae
E. R. Sohns1949Floral Morphology of Cenchrus, Pennisetum, Setaria and Ixophorus
S. C. Pandeya1952Studies on the morphology and ecology of three species of Dichanthium Willemet
C. O. Grassl1956The morphology of the grass spikelet with special reference to Saccharum
W. V. Brown, Harris, W. F., Graham, J. D.1959Grass morpholgy and systematics: I. The internode
W. V. Brown, Pratt, G. A., Mobley, H. M.1959Grass morpholgy and systematics: II. The nodal pulvinus
T. Tateoka1959Lepturus and Monerma: a remarkable example of parallel development of gross morphology in grasses
W. V. Brown1960The morphology of the grass embryo
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K. L. Mehra1962The Dichanthium annualtum complex I. Morphology
P. S. Woodland1964The floral morphology and embryology of Themeda australis (R.Br.)Stapf
J. M. J. de Wet, Harlan J. R.1966Morphology of the compilospecies Bothriochloa intermedia
F. Butzin1968Remarks on the size and morphology of the panicoid genus Alloteropsis
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H. T. Clifford1969Attribute correlations in Poaceae (Grasses)
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M. Peart1984The effects of morphology, orientation and position of grass diaspores on seedling survival
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E. Joseph Judziewicz1987Taxonomy and Morphology of the tribe Phareae (Poaceae: Bambusoideae)
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E. E. Terrell, Peterson P. M.1993Caryopsis morphology and classification in the Triticeae (Pooideae: Poaceae)
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K. M. Wong1995The morphology, anatomy, biology and classification of Penisnsular Malaysian Bamboos.
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T. J. Columbus1998Morphology and leaf blade anatomy suggest a close realtionship between Bouteloua aristidoides and B. (Chondrosium) eriopoda (Gramineae: Chloridoideae)
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N. Snow1998Caryopsis morphology of Leptochloa sesu lato (Poaceae, Chloridoideae)
R. Gomez-Martinez1999Spikelet morphology of the genus Axonopous (Poaceae, Paniceae)
E. A. Kellogg1999The molecular basis of morphological systematics
P. H. Linder1999Rytidosperma vickeryae - a new dantnonioid grass from Kosciuszko (New South Wales, Australia): morphology, phylogeny and biogeography
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Doust, A.N. & Kellogg, E.A.2003Understanding inflorescence evolution in the bristle grass clade (Panicoideae: Poaceae), using phylogeny, developmantal morphology and quantitative genetics
C. P. Dunn2003Keeping taxonomy based on morphology
O. Liu2003Pollen of the subfamily Chloridoideae species (Gramineae) Morphology and Evolutionary Aspects
S. C. Nisa2003Revision of the genus Arrhenatherum (Poaceae): Preliminary results based on morphology
Saarela, J.M., Peterson, P.M., Soreng,R.J, and Chapman, R.E.2003A taxonomic revision of the eastern North American and eastern Asian disjunct genus Brachyelytrum (Poaceae): evidence from morphology, phytogeography and AFPLP's
B. K. Simon2003Grass Phylogeny and Classification: Conflict of Morphology and Molecules
Q. Liu, Peterson, P. M., Columbus, J. T., Zhao, N. - X., Hao, G., Zhang, D.2007Inforescence diversification in the "finger millet clade" (Chloridoideae, Poaceae): a comparison of molecular phylogeny and developmental morphology
O. Sedberg, Peterson G.2007Phylogeny of Triticeae (Poaceae) based on three organelle genes, two singl-copy nuclear genes, and morphology


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith