
AuthorsYearTitlesort ascending
S. W. L. Jacobs1971Systematic position of the genera Triodia R.Br. and Plectrachne Henr. (Gramineae)
J. B. Hacker, Clements, R. J., Cameron, D. F.1987Systematic botany and the genetic improvement of tropical pastures
J. J. Roemer, Schultes J. A.1817Systema Vegetabilum
B. F. Hansen, Wuderlin R. P.1988Synthesis of Dichanthelium (Poaceae) in Florida
E. G. Steudel1855Synopsis Plantarum Glumacearum, Part 1
V. D. Zotov1963Synopsis of the grass subfamily Arundinoideae in New Zealand
D. C. Franklin2004Synchrony and asynchrony: observationsand hypotheses for the flowering wavein a long-lived semelparous bambooo.
R. J. Raven1985Symposium on cladistics, systematics, and phylogeny:the first for Australia
T. R. Soderstrom, Decker H. F.1963Swallenia, a new name for the California genus Ectosperma (Gramineae)
E. E. Terrell1971Survey of occurrences of liquid or soft endosperm in grass genera
W. G. Dore1950Supposed natural hybrid between Agropyron and Hystrix
M. - J. Jung, Chen, C. - W., Chung, S. - W., Kuoh, C. - S.2009Supplements to the Grasses (Poaceae) in Taiwan (I)
T. B. Ryves1988Supplementary list of wool-alien grasses rcorded from Blackmoor, North Hants., 1959-1976
Edgar1998Supplement to checklist of panicoid grasses naturalised in New Zealand
S. Sungkaew, al et2008Sungkaew (2008)
Y. Sun2005Sun (2005)
K. Bremer1985Summary of green plant phylogeny and classification
T. R. Soderstrom1981Sucrea (Poaceae: Bambusoideae), a new genus from Brazil
P. M. Peterson, Webster, R. D., Valdes-Reyna, J.1995Subtribal classification of the New World Eragrostideae (Poaceae:Chloridoideae)
Webster1995Subtribal classification of the New World Eragrostideae (Poaceae: Chloridoideae)
Y. K. Kam, Maze J.1974Studies on the Relationships and Evolution of Supraspecific Taxa utilizing Developmental Data. II. Relationships and Evolution of Oryzopsis Hymenoides, O.Virescens, O.Kingii, O.Micrantha, and O.Asperifolia
J. Maze, Bohm, L. R., Beil, C. E.1972Studies on the relaionships and evolution of supraspecific taxa utilizing developmental data 1. Stipa lemmonii (Gramineae)
W. Hartley1973Studies on the origin, evolution and distribution of the Gramineae. V. The subfamily Festucoideae
W. Hartley1958Studies on the origin, evolution and distribution of the Gramineae. II. The tribe Paniceae
W. Hartley1961Studies on the origin, evolution and distribution of the Gramineae IV. The genus Poa L
W. Hartley1958Studies on the origin, evolution and distribution of the Gramineae I. The tribe Andropogoneae
S. C. Pandeya1952Studies on the morphology and ecology of three species of Dichanthium Willemet
J. Christopher, Abraham A.1974Studies on the cytology and phlogeny of south Indain grasses II Subfamily Eragrostideae
D. Giraldo-Canas1999Studies on structural variation of the inflorescence of Axonopus (Poaceae: Paniceae); typology and evolutionary trends
S. T. Blake1939Studies on Queensland Grasses, 1
S. T. Blake1940Studies on Queensland Grasses, 1
S. T. Blake1941Studies on Queensland Grasses II
J. R. Harlan, Celarier, R. P., Richardson, W. L., Brooks, M. Hoover, Mehra, K. L.1958Studies on Old World Bluestems II
J. R. Harlan, Celarier, R. P., Richardson, W. L., Brooks, M. Hoover, Mehra, K. L.1958Studies on Old World Bluestems II
R. P. Celarier, Harlan J. R.1955Studies on Old World Bluestems
R. P. Celarier, Harlan J. R.1955Studies on Old World Bluestems
P. - C. Kuo, Wang, S. - J., Li, J. - H.1985Studies on morphological evolution, classification and distribution of the Triticeae in China
P. D. F. Kok1984Studies on Digitaria (Poaceae) I. Enumeration of species and synonymy
R. Ann James Thompson1988Studies in the Paniceae: generic boundaries in the Brachiaria complex (Poaceae). Taxonomy of the Brachiaria complex (Poaceae: Paniceae)
W. D. Clayton, Richardson F. R.1973Studies in the Gramineae: XXXII. The tribe Zoysieae
W. D. Clayton1971Studies in the Gramineae: XXVI. Numerical taxonomy of the Arundinelleae
W. D. Clayton1969Studies in the Gramineae: XXI. Coelorhachis and Rhytachne: a study in numerical taxonomy
W. D. Clayton1970Studies in the Gramineae: XXI
W. D. Clayton1967Studies in the Gramineae: XIII. Chlorideae
W. D. Clayton1966Studies in the Gramineae: IX
W. D. Clayton1965Studies in the Gramineae: 6. Sporoboleae
A. Arber1931Studies in the Gramineae. X. 1. Pennisetum, Setaria, and Cenchrus. 2. Alopecurus. 3. Lepturus
W. D. Clayton1973Studies in the Gramineae. 33. The awnless genera of Andropogoneae
W. D. Clayton1970Studies in the Gramineae XXII. A curious new genus from Tanzania
W. D. Clayton1967Studies in the Gramineae XIV. Paniceae and Arundineae (Phragmites)


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith