
AuthorsYearTitlesort ascending
N. L. Bor1962Studies in the flora of Thailand. 8. Gramineae.
N. L. Bor1965Studies in the flora of Thailand. 26. Gramineae (Second list).
K. L. Tomlins Wright1984Studies in the Danthonieae (Poaceae). PArt I. Systematic relationships in Danthonia s. lat. (Danthonieae: Poaceae)
J. B. Phipps1972Studies in the Arundinelleae. XI. Taximetrics of changing classifications
J. B. Phipps1972Studies in the Arundinelleae (Gramineae). XIII. Taximetrics of the loudetioid, tristachyoid, and danthoniopsid groups
J. B. Phipps1972Studies in the Arundinelleae (Gramineae). XII. Relationships of Arundinella, Jansenella, Trichopteryx, and the danthonioids
J. B. Phipps1970Studies in the Arundinelleae (Gramineae). X. Preliminary taximetrics
J. B. Phipps1967Studies in the Arundinelleae (Gramineae). V. The series of the genus Arundinella
J. B. Phipps, Mahon J. B.1970Studies in the Arundinelleae (Gramineae). IX. Chromosome numbers of 21 species
J. B. Phipps1966Studies in the Arundinelleae (Gramineae). III. Check-List and Key to Genera
J. B. Phipps1967Studies in the Arundinelleae (Gramineae) VIII. The phylogeny - a hypothesis
Y. H. Li, Lubke, R. A., Phipps, J. B.1966Studies in the Arundinelleae (Gramineae) IV. Chromosome numbers of 23 species
S. T. Blake1948Studies in Queensland Grasses, III
P. Goetghebeur, Van der Veken P.1980Studies in Poaceae 2. A new species of Digitaria section Calvulae, and a reexamination of Digitariopsis sections Flaccidulae and Monodactylae
H. E. Connor1962Studies in New Zealand Agropyron 3. Intraspecific hybrids in A. scabrum (R.Br.) Beauv
H. E. Connor1954Studies in New Zealand Agropyron
J. Everett, Jacobs S. W. L.1983Studies in Australian Stipa (Poaceae)
B. K. Simon1984Studies in Australian grasses: 1
B. K. Simon1993Studies in Australian grasses. 7. A new species of Thelepogon (Andropogoneae, Ischaemineae) for Australia
B. K. Simon1992Studies in Australian grasses. 6. Alexfloydia, Cliffordiochla and Dallwatsonia, three new panicoid genera from eastern Australia
B. K. Simon1992Studies in Australian grasses. 5. New species and new combinations of Queensland panicoid grasses
B. K. Simon1986Studies in Australian grasses, 3
B. K. Simon1986Studies in Australian grasses, 2
B. K. Simon1994Studies in Australian grasses 9. Two new species of Aristida (Arundineae: Aristideae) from Queensland
B. K. Simon1993Studies in Australian Grasses 8. Four new species of Sporobolus R.Br. (Poaceae, Chloridoidea, Sporoboleae) in Australia
B. K. Simon1989Studies in Australian grasses 4; Taxonomic and nomenclatural studies in Australian Andropogoneae
R. W. Bailey, Connor H. E.1972Structural Polysaccharides in Leaf Blades and Sheaths in the Arundinoid Grass Chionochloa
D. K. Hughes1923Streptolophus, a new genus of Gramineae
Jacobs, S. W. L., Everitt, J., Connor, H.E. & Edgar, E.1989Stipoid grasses in New Zealand
J. E. S. Townrow1978Stipa L. in Tasmania-Historical notes: Taxonomic contributions 1868-1968 and the type locality of Stipa flavescens Labill
H. E. ConnorSubmittedStipa L. (Gramineae) in New Zealand
W. Hartley, Slater C.1960Stidies on the origin, evolution and distribution of the Gramineae III. The tribes of the subfamily Eragrostideae
G. Davidse, Ellis R. P.1984Steyermarkochloa unifolia, a new genus from Venezuela and Colombia: Steyermarkochloeae
P. Ax1985Stem species and the stem lineage concept
R. W. Pohl, Lersten N. R.1975Stem aerenchyma as a character separating Hymenachne and Sacciolepis (Gramineae, Panicoideae)
B. Simon1999Steinchisma hians (Elliot)Nash, the correct name for Fasciculochloa sparshottiorum B.K.Simon & C.M.Weiller
T. Tateoka1962Starch grains of endosperm in grass systematics
D. Stancik, Renvoize S. A.2007Stancik (2007)
A. S. Hitchcock1909Stable nomenclature practically unattainable
V. A. Funk2001SSZ 1970-1989: A view of the years of conflict
T. V. Ch Satyamurty1983Srtucture and development of the caryopsis in Sporobolus coromandelianus (Retz.) Kunth
N. K. Persad1980Sporobolus - a seious weed in improved tropical and sub-tropical pastures
A. R. Smith-White1988Sporobolus virginicus (L.)Kunth in Coastal Australia: the Reproductive Behaviour and the Distribution of Morphological Types and Chromosome Races
E. J. Judziewicz, Peterson P. M.1989Sporobolus tmomairemsis (Poaceae: Eragrostideae): a new species form northern South America
J. F. Veldkamp1990Sporobolus indicus (L.)R.Br. var. indicus (Gramineae) en Gironde, France
Peterson, P. M., Valdes-Reyna, J.2004Sporobolus (Poaceae:Chloridoideae:Cynodonteae:Zoysieae:Sporobolinae) from Northeastern Mexico
G. J. Baaijens, Veldkamp J. F.1991Sporobolus (Gramineae) in Malesia
P. J. O'Connor1990Sporobolus
Peterson, P. M., Hatch, SL., Weakley, A.S2003Sporobolus
P. C. Heyligers1988Spinifex L., setting the record straight


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith