
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
O. Stapf1922Homozeugos fragile Stapf
D. K. Hughes1923Paractaenum novae-hollandiae
D. K. Hughes1923The genus Panicum of the Flora Australiensis
D. K. Hughes1923Streptolophus, a new genus of Gramineae
D. K. Hughes1923Orthachne and Streptachne
A. Chase1924Aciachne, a cleistogamous grass of the high Andes
A. S. Hitchcock1924The type specimen
vonOtto R. Holberg1924Die Gattung Phippsia und ihre Arten
O. R. Holmberg1924Die Gattung Phippsia und ihre Arten
vonAugust Hayek1925Zur systematik der Gramineen
C. D. Niles1925A bibliographic study of Beauvois' Agrostographie
vonOtto R. Holberg1926Ueber die Begrenzung und Einteilung der Gramineen-Trbus Festuceae und Hordeae
O. R. Holmberg1926Ueber die Begrenzung und Einteilung der Gramineen-Tribus Festuceae und Hordeeae
Stapf, O & Hubbard, C.E.1926Notes on African Grasses 2.
A. Camus1927Perulifera, a new genus of the tribe Boivinelleae
A. S. Hitchcock1927Two new species of Setaria from Western Australia
A. S. Hitchcock1927The validity of the grass genus Digitaria
C. E. Hubbard1928XXXVIII. The genus Astrebla or Mitchell grasses
L. R. Parodi1928Gramineas argentinas del genero Muhlenbergia
L. R. Parodi1928Revision de las Graminas argentinas del genero Sporobolus
P. Weatherwax1928Cleistogamy in two species of Danthonia
J. W. Bews1929The World's Grasses: Their Differentiation, Distribution, Economics and Ecology
A. Chase1929The North American species of Paspalum
A. S. Hitchcock1929Papuan grasses collected by L.J.Brass
O. Stapf, Hubbard C. E.1929A new genus of grasses
P. Weatherwax1929The morphology of the spikelets of six genera of Oryzeae
G. L. Stebbins1930A revision of some North American species of Calamagostis
S. M. Stent1930South African Gramineae. Some new species of Digitaria
A. Arber1931Studies in the Gramineae. X. 1. Pennisetum, Setaria, and Cenchrus. 2. Alopecurus. 3. Lepturus
N. P. Avdulov1931Karyo-systematische Untersuchung der Familie Gramineen
A. Camus1931Le genre Bothriochloa
T. G. B. Osborn1931On the autecology of Stipa nitida, a study of a fodder grass in arid Australia
H. Prat1931L'epiderme des Graminees, etude anatomique et systematique
S. M. Stent1932The South African species of Sporobolus
J. R. Swallen1932Peniculus, a new grass genus from British Honduras
F. Ballard1933Chamaeraphis hordeacea R.Br
F. Ballard1933Astrebla squarrosa C.E.Hubbard
C. E. Hubbard1933Calyptochloa gracillima C.E.Hubbard
C. E. Hubbard1933Cleistochloa subjuncea C.E.Hubbard
C. E. Hubbard1933Thellungia advena Stapf
C. E. Hubbard1933Pennisetum basedowii Summerhayes & Hubbard
L. R. Parodi1933Los arroces de la Flora argentina
J. R. Swallen1933Crassipes, a new grass genus from Utah
J. R. Swallen1933Bracteola, a new grass genus from Africa
H. H. Allan1934The specific identity of Ratstail grass
A. Arber1934The Gramineae: A study of cereal, bamboo and grass
J. von Helm1934Uber Baueigentumlichkeiten der Infloreszenzen einiger tropischer Graser
J. T. Henrard1934Notes on the genus Digitaria
A. S. Hitchcock1934The inflorescence in Schizostachyum Nees
C. E. Hubbard1934Lepturus geminatus C.E.Hubbard


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith