
AuthorsYearTitlesort ascending
R. P. Celarier1956Cytotaxonomy of the Andropogoneae I. Subtribes Dimeriinae and Saccharinae
F. W. Gould1963Cytotaxonomy of Digitaria sanguinalis and D. adscendens
R. D. Brock, Brown J. A. M.1961Cytotaxonomy of Australian Danthonia
T. Yabuno1962Cytotaxonomic studies on the two cultivated species and the wild relatives in the genus Echinochloa
E. D. Garber, Snyder L. A.1951Cytotaxonomic studies in the Genus Sorghum II.Two new species from Australia
E. D. Garber1950Cytotaxonomic studies in the genus Sorghum
D. Gledhill1966Cytotaxonomic revision of the Axonopus compressus (Sw.) Beauv. complex
R. P. Celarier1958Cytotaxonomic notes on the subsection Halepensia of the genus Sorghum
J. B. Hacker1968Cytology of species hybrids in the Setaria sphacelata complex
T. Tateoka1960Cytology in grass systematics: a critical review
H. L. Carnahan, Hill H. D.1961Cytology and genetics of forage grasses
J. -h Feng, Zhang T. -b1993Cytological study on Chinese species in the genus Echinochloa
K. Abele1959Cytological studiesin the genus Danthonia
B. S. Gill, Bir, S. S., Singhal, B. K., Bedi, Y. S.1980Cytological studies on some grasses from Pachmarhi forest (Central India)
J. E. Endrizzi1957Cytological studies of some species and hybrids in the Eu-sorghums
P. N. Mehra, Subramanyam, K. N., Swaminathan, A. S.1962Cytological studies in some members of Andropogoneae
P. N. Mehra, Sharma M. L.1977Cytological studies in some grasses of Kashmir
P. N. Mehra, Sharma M. L.1975Cytological studies in some central and eastern Himalayan grasses. IV. The Arundinelleae, Ergarosteae, Isachne, Chlorideae, Sporoboleae, Meliceae, Stipeae, Arundineae and Garnotieae
P. N. Mehra, Sharma M. L.1975Cytological studies in some central and eastern Himalayan grasses. III. The Agrostideae, Aveneae, Brachypodieae, Bromeae, Festuceae, Phalarideae and Triticeae
P. N. Mehra, Sharma M. L.1975Cytological studies in some central and eastern Himalayan grasses. II. The Paniceae
P. N. Mehra, Sharma M. L.1975Cytological studies in some central and eastern Himalayan grasses. I. Andropogoneae
M. A. Hamoud, Haroun, S. A., Macleod, R. D., Richards, A. J.1994Cytological relationships of selected species of Panicum L
T. YabunoSubmittedCytological relationship between the two Afican perennial hexaploid strains of Echinochloa stagnina (Retz.)Beauv
T. Yabuno1988Cytological relationship between Echinochloa obtusiflora and the Kenyan diploid strain of E. pyramidalis (Lamk.) Hitchc. & Chase
S. Smith-WhiteSubmittedCytological evolution in the Australian flora
R. S. Sadasivaiah, Magoon M. L.1965Cytological and morphological studies of some species and species hybrids in the genus Sorghum
J. Rychlewski1959Cytogical investigations on Sesleria heufleriana Schu and S. coerulans Friv
R. P. Celarier, Mehra, K. L., Wulf, M. L.1958Cytogeography of the Dichanthium annulatum complex
G. L. Stebbins1956Cytogenetics and evolution in the grass family
M. C. M. Hickenbick1975Cytogenetic and evolutionary relationships in the genus Axonopus (Gramineae)
J. Rychlewski1961Cyto-embryological studies in the apomictic species Nardus stricta L
S. T. Blake1952Cyril Tenison White 1890-1950
M. Lazarides, Watson L.1987Cyperochloa, a new genus in the Arundinoideae Dumortier (Poaceae)
M. E. Barkworth2003Cynodonteae
M. E. Barkworth2003Cynodon
C. E. Hubbard1936Cymbosetaria sagittifolia (A.Rich.) Schweickerdt
M. E. Barkworth2003Cymbopogon
T. R. Soderstrom, Calderon C. E.SubmittedCutains for this bamboo?
Conert, H. Joachim1987Current concepts in the systematics of the Arundinoideae
Shaw, R. B.1998Current and future status of tropical grass-dominated plant communities
T. R. Soderstrom1982Cryptochloa dressleri (Poaceae), a new bambusoid grass from Panama
Y. R. Rozhevits2003Crtical Botanical Review of Species of Rice
T. Koyama, Kawano S.1964Critical taxa of grasses with North American and eastern Asiatic distribution
S. T. Blake1943Critical notes on the Gramineae and Cyperaceae of South Australia with descriptions on new species
P. Auquier1963Criteres anciens et modernes dans la systematique des Graminees
C. E. Hubbard1957Crinipes Hochst., a Genus of Grasses from NorthEast Tropical Africa
J. R. Swallen1933Crassipes, a new grass genus from Utah
C. F. Crane, Carmen J. G.1987Crane (1987)
G. E. Gibbs Russell1983Correlation between evolutionary history, flowering phenology, growth form and seral status for important veld grasses
T. Sendulsky1966Corpos silicocus de Gramneas dos Cerrados I


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith