
AuthorsYearTitlesort ascending
P. C. Manglesdorf1974Corn's Old World Relatives
W. Burns1946Corm and bulb formation in plants with special reference to the Gramineae
T. A. Cope2008Cope (2008)
D. J. Kornet1988Conventional and fundamental problems in the delimitation of genera from a phylogenetic point of view
T. Sendulsky1965Contrubution to the study of friuts and associated structures og grasses from the "cerrados" (Aristida, Chloris, Mesosetum, Sorghastrum, Tristachya, Eragrostis and Paspalum)
J. W. Vickery1961Contributions to the Taxonomy of Australian Grasses II
J. W. Vickery1951Contributions to the Taxonomy of Australian Grasses
L. K. A. Chippindall1943Contributions to the grass flora of Africa I. Three new grass from tropical Africa II A brief survey of some lesser known dispersal mechanisms in African grasses
M. F. Bailey1913Contributions to the Flora of Queensland
T. Tateoka1965Contributions to biosytematic investigations of East African grasses
T. Sendulsky1966Contribution to the study of fruits and associated structures of grasses from the "Cerrados" II - Andropogon L
Bailey1910Contribution to the flora of Queensland
S. S. Aliscioni2002Contribucion a la filogenia del genero Paspalum (Poaceae:Panicoideae:Paniceae)
B. Kurten1969Continental Drift and Evolution
T. J. Wilson1963Continental Drift
D. L. Hull1970Contemporary systematic philosophies
C. J. Humphries, Camus J.1986Contemporary issues in sytematics
W. M. Fitch, Margoliash E.1967Construction of Phylogenetic Trees
A. L”ve1984Conspectus of the Triticeae
Phillips, R. B.1984Considerations in formalizing a classification
J. F. Veldkamp1980Conservation of Notodanthonia Zotov. (Gramineae)
P. Z. Goldstein, DeSalle, R., Amato, G., Vogler, A.2000Conservation Genetics at the Species Boundary
A. Anderberg, Tehler A.1990Consensus trees, a necessity in taxonomic practice
M. M. Miyamoto1985Consensus cladograms and general classifications
L. L. Consaul, Gillespie, L. J., Waterway, M. J.2008Consaul (2008)
Doust, A.N., Penl, A.M., Jacobs, S.W.L. & Kellogg, E.A2007Congruence, conflict and polyploidization shown by nuclear and chloroplast markers in the monophyletic "bristle clade" (Paniceae, Panicoideae, Poaceae)
Mason-Gamer, R. J., Kellogg E. A.1998Conflict among gene trees and reticulate evolution in the wheat tribe, Triticeae (Poaceae)
R. A. McKenzie, Schultz K.1983Confirmation of the presence of calcium oxalate crystals in some tropical grasses
M. J. Sanderson1989Confidence Limits on Phylogenies:the bootstrap revisited
J. Felsenstein1985Confidence limits on phylogenies: an approach using the bootstrap. Evolution 39:783-791
H. P. Linder1991Confidence limits in phylogenies: an example from the African Restionaceae
J. A. Endler1989Conceptual and other problems in speciation
Estes, J. R., Tyrl R. J.1987Concepts of Taxa in the Poaceae
W. D. Clayton, Panigrahi G.1974Computer-aided chorology of Indian grasses
W. D. Clayton, Hepper F. N.1974Computer-aided chlorology of West African grasses
M. F. Bailey1913Comprehensive Catalogue of Queensland Plants
M. Roeser2008Complex chromosome evolution in some Aveneae, integrating karyotype structure and phylogeny
V. Amarasinghe, Watson L.1988Comparative ultrastructure of microhairs in grasses
Yu, P.1998Comparative reproductive biology of the vulnerable and common grasses in Bothriochloa and Dichanthium
Yu, P., Prakash, N., Whalley, R. D. B.2000Comparative Reproductive Biology of the Vulnerable and Common Grasses in Bothriochloa and Dichanthium
H. - J. Tillich1977Comparative morphological investigations on the identity of the primary root of the Gramineae
P. M. Peterson, Annable, C. R., Franceschi, V. R.1989Comparative leaf anatomy of the annual Muhlenbergia (Poaceae)
F. Albers1980Comparative karyology of thr Grass Subtribes Aristaveneae and Airinae (Poaceae - Aveneae)
A. J. Maze, Dengler, N. G., Bohm, L. R.1971Comparative floret development in Stipa tortilis and Oryzopsis milacea (Gramineae)
J. Maze, Bohm L. R.1973Comparative embryology of Stipa elmeri (Gramineae)
J. R. Wilson, Hacker J. B.1987Comparative digestibility and anatomy of some sympatric C3 and C4 arid zone grasses
R. Ann James Thompson, Tyrl, R. J., Estes, J. R.1990Comparative anatomy of the spikelet callus of Eriochloa, Brachiaria and Urochloa (Poaceae:Paniceae:Setariinae)
K. L. Tomlinson1985Comparative anatomical studies in Danthonia sensu lato (Danthonieae: Poaceae)
M. W. Frohlich1987Common-is-primitive: A partial validation by tree counting
G. J. Nelson1972Comments on Hennig's "Phlogenetic Sytematics" and its Influence on Ichthyology


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith