
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
Giussani, L., Hugo Cota-Sanchez, J, Zuluoaga, Fernado and Kellogg, Elizabeth2001A molecular phylogeny of the grass subfamily Panicoideae (Poaceae) shows multiple origins of C4 Photosynthesis
L. M. Giussani, Cota-Sanchez, H., Zuloaga, F. O., Kellogg, E. A.2001A molecular phylogeny of the subfamily Panicoideae (Poaceae) shows multiple origins of C4 photosynthesis
D. M. Hillis2001The emergence of Systematic Biology
K. W. Hilu, Alice L. A.2001Hilu (2001)
S. W. L. Jacobs2001The genus Lachnagrostis (Gramineae) in Australia
S. W. L. Jacobs2001Four new species of Agrostis (Gramineae) from Australia
E. A. Kellogg2001Evolutionary History of the Grasses
S. Laegaard, Peterson P. M.2001Flora of Ecuador 68 (ed. Harling & Andersson)
H. P. Linder2001On areas of endemism, with an example from the African Restionaceae
Longhi-Wagner, Hilda Maria, Bittrich, V, Wanderley,M.G., Shepherd, G.J.2001Flora Fanerogamica do estado de Sao Paulo
Lukens, L. & Doebley, J.2001Lukens L. & Doebley (2001)
P. W. Michael2001The taxonomy and distribution of Echinochloa species (barnyard grasses) in the Asian-PAcific region, with a review to pertinent biological studies.
P. W. Michael2001The taxonomy and distribution of Echinochloa species (Barnyard grasses) in the Asian-Pacific region, with a review of pertinent biological studies
Morrone, O., Zuloaga, F.O., Davidse, G, Filgueras, T.S.2001Canastra, a New Genus of Paniceae (Poaceae, Panicoideae) Segregated from Arthropogon
R. Nowack, Veldkamp J. F.2001Notes on Lepturus (Gramineae) in Malesia
P. M. Peterson2001Eragrostis
P. M. Peterson2001Muhlenbergia
Peterson, P. M., Soreng, R.J, Davidse, G., Filgueras, T.S., Zuloaga, F.O., Judziewicz, E.J.2001Catalogue of New World Grasses (Poaceae): II. Subfamily Chloridoideae
P. M. Peterson, Herrera Y. A.2001A leaf-blade anatomical survey of Muhlenbergia (Poaceae:Muhlenbergiinae)
G. Sanchez-Ken, Clark L. G.2001Gynerieae, a new neotropic tribe of grasses (Poaceae).
R. Soreng2001Poa
Terrell, E. E., Peterson, P.M., Wergin, W.2001Epidermal Features and Spikelet Micromorphology in Oryza and Related Genera (Poaceae: Oryzeae)
J. J. Wiens2001Character Analysis in Morphological Phylogenetics: Problems and Solutions
G. Williamson2001Endemic Euphorbias from Zambia with notes on habitat and ecology
J. K. Wipff2001Nomenclatural changes in Pennisetum (Poaceae: Paniceae)
J. Alexander2002The future of biological taxonomy? Does the Phylocode offer a viable alternative to the traditionla Linnean taxonomy?
S. S. Aliscioni2002Contribucion a la filogenia del genero Paspalum (Poaceae:Panicoideae:Paniceae)
Baeza, Carlos M., Stuessy, T.F. & Marticorena2002Notes on the Poaceae of the Robinson Crusoe (Juan Fernandez) Islands, Chile
G. N. Batianoff, Butler D. W.2002Assessment of invasive naturalized plants in south-east Queensland
M. B. Bertiller, Sain, C. L., Bisignato, A. J., Coronato, F. R., Ares, J. O., Graff, P.2002Bertiller (2002)
K. Bremer2002Gondwanan evolution of the Grass Alliance of Families
R. K. Brummitt2002How to chop up a tree
A. M. Cialdella, Giussani L.2002Cialdella (2002)
H. E. Connor2002Regional endemism in New Zealand grasses
H. E. Connor, E. E.2002History of the taxonomy of the New Zealand native grass flora
Costea, Mihai & Tardif, Francois J.2002Taxonomy of the most common weedy European Echinochloa species (Poaceae: Panicoideae) with special emphasis on characters of the lemma and caryopsis
G. M. Diggs, Lipscomb B. L.2002What is the writer of a flora to do! Evolutionary taxonomy or phylogenetic systematics
Doust, A.N. & Kellogg, E.A.2002Integrating phylogeny, developmental phylogeny and genetics: a case study of inflorescence evulution in the 'bristle grass clade' (Panicoideae: Poaceae)
M. T. Federici, Schcherban, A. B., Capdevielle, F., Francis, M., Vaughan, D. A.2002Federici (2002)
Freckman, Robert W & Lelong, Michael G2002Nomenclatural Changes and innovations in Panicum and Dichanthelium (Poaceae-Paniceae)
Funk, V. A., Sakai, A.K., Richardson, K2002Biodiversity: The interface between systematics and conservation
S. Ge, Li, A., Lu, B. R., Zhang, S. - Z., Hong, D. - Y.2002Ge (2002)
Jannink, T.A. & Veldkamp, J.F.2002Revision of Chionachninae (Gramineae: Andropogononeae)
M. S. Y. Lee2002Divergent evolution, hierarchy and cladistics
M. S. Y. Lee, Wolsan M.2002Integration, individuality and species concepts
Linder, H. P., Simon, B.K., Weiller,C.M.2002The biogeography of Australian grasses
Matthews, S, Spangler, R.E, Mason-Gamer, R.J. and Kellogg, E.A.2002Phylogeny of Andropogoneae inferred from Phytochrome B, GBSSI, and ndhf.
Penaloza-Jimenez,G;Peterson, P. M.; Giraldo-Canas, D.2002Los generos Eragrostis y Leptochloa (Poaceae: Cynodonteae) en Colombia
P. M. Peterson2002Muhlenbergia
Salamin, N, hodkinson, T.R., Savolainen, V2002Building Supertrees: An Empirical Assessmsnt Using the Grass Family (Poaceae)


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith