
AuthorsYearTitlesort ascending
J. F. Veldkamp1985Aegopogon (Gramineae) in Malesia
T. Heijerman1996Adequacy of Numerical TAxonomic Methods: Why not be a Pheneticist?
V. Prakash, Shukla, U., Pal, D. C., Jain, S. K.1978Additions to the Indian grass flora in the last two decades
D. Gledhill1967Additions to the grass flora of Sierra Leone
R. P. Celarier1956Additional evidence for five as the basic chromosome number of the Andropogoneae
A. R. & Hong Son Brach2005ActKey: a web-based interactive identification key program
A. Chase1924Aciachne, a cleistogamous grass of the high Andes
C. Accedo, Molina, A., Llamas, F.2008Accedo (2008)
T. D. Macfarlane1979A taxonomic study of the Pooid grasses
J. W. Vickery1970A taxonomic study of the genus Poa L. in Australia
T. Tateoka1965A taxonomic study of Oryza eichingeri and O. punctata
R. J. Atkins, Barkworth, M. E., Dewey, D. R.1984A taxonomic study of Leymus ambiguus and L.salinus (Poaceae: Triticeae)
P. C. van Welzen1981A taxonomic revision of the genus Arthraxon Beauv. (Gramineae)
Saarela, J.M., Peterson, P.M., Soreng,R.J, and Chapman, R.E.2003A taxonomic revision of the eastern North American and eastern Asian disjunct genus Brachyelytrum (Poaceae): evidence from morphology, phytogeography and AFPLP's
J. Martinez-y-Perez, Mejia-Saules, T., Sosa, V.2008A taxonomic revision of Luziola (Poaceae: Oryzeae)
J. F. Veldkamp1974A taxonomic revision of Dichelachne Endl. (Gramineae) with some combinations in Stipa L. and Oryzopsis Michx
A. M. Planchuelo, Peterson P. M.1998A taxonomic revision of Bromus (Poaceae) of South America
F. W. Gould1972A systematic treatment of Garnotia (Gramineae)
G. Davidse1978A systematic study of the genus Lasiacis (Gramineae: Paniceae)
N. P. Barker1995A systematic study of Pseudopentameris (Arundinoideae, Poaceae).
N. P. Barker1993A systematic study of Pentameris Beauv.
J. N. Brunken1977A systematic study of Pennisetum sect. Pennisetum (Gramineae)
P. Catalan, Torrecilla, P., Lopez-Rodriguez, J. A., Muller, J., Stace, C. A.2007A systematic approach to subtribe Loliinae (Poaceae:Pooideae) based on phylogenetic evidence
Clayton, W. D., Renvoize S. A.1992A system of classification of the grasses
W. D. Clayton, Renvoize S. A.SubmittedA system of classification for the grasses
S. T. Blake1956A synthetic new species of Phalaris (Gramineae)
T. A. Cope1998A synopsis of Sporobolus R.Br. (Poaceae) in the Flora Zambesiaca area
T. A. Cope1998A synopsis of Eragrostis Wolf (Poacee) in the Flora Zambesiaca area
E. Launert1965A survey of the genus Leersia in Africa (Gramineae, Oryzoideae, Oryzeae)
S. A. Renvoize1986A survey of leaf-blade in grasses VIII. Arundinoideae
S. A. Renvoize1982A survey of leaf-blade anatomy in grasses. I. Andropogoneae
S. A. Renvoize1987A survey of leaf-blade anatomy in grasses X. Bambuseae
S. A. Renvoize1985A survey of leaf-blade anatomy in grasses VII. Pommereulleae, Orcuttieae & Pappophoreae
S. A. Renvoize1985A survey of leaf-blade anatomy in grasses VI Stipeae
S. A. Renvoize1985A survey of leaf-blade anatomy in grasses V. The bamboo allies
S. A. Renvoize1986A survey of leaf-blade anatomy in grasses IX. Centothecoideae
S. A. Renvoize1983A survey of leaf-blade anatomy in grasses IV. Eragrostideae
S. A. Renvoize1982A survey of leaf-blade anatomy in grasses III. Garnotieae
S. A. Renvoize1982A survey of leaf-blade anatomy in grasses II. Arundinelleae
L. Watson, Bell E. M.1975A surface-structural survey of some taxonomically diverse grass pollen
M. D. Pirie, al et2008A supermatrix approach resolves phylogenetic relationships in danthonioid grasses
L. G. Stebbins, Crampton B.1961A suggested revision of the grass genera of temperate North America
S. J. Farris1969A successive weighting approach to character weighting
Z. Nanxian1998A study on the Systematics of [the] genus Themeda Forsskal
C. Chi-son, Cheng-de C.1983A study on the bamboo genus Indosasa of China
J. Maze, Lin S. - C.1975A study of the mature megagametophye of Stipa elmeri
T. Holm1893A study of some anatomical characters of North American Gramineae
D. I. Sillar1977A study of a collection of Angleton Grass (Dichanthium aristatum) lines in a spced plant nursery at Mackay
J. E. S. Townrow1969A species list of and keys to the grasses in Tasmania
Galley, C.A., Linder, H.P.2003A species level phlogeny of the Pentachistis clade (Poaceae); preliminary data


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith