
Search results

  1. Chromosome studies and polyploid analysis in grasses of West Pakistan. I Node/Biblio

    PANICUM, PASPALIDIUM, PASPALUM, Setaria Alternate Journal: Caryologia Panicum (World Grasses), Paspalidium ... (World Grasses), Paspalum (World Grasses), Setaria (World Grasses), Echinochloa (World Grasses), Cenchrus ... Paspalidium (World Grasses), Paspalum (World Grasses), Setaria (World Grasses) Publication Type: Journal ...

    Bryan Kenneth Simon - 2015-07-03 19:41

  2. Scholz Node/Page

    Formenkreis der Setaria italica (L.) P.B. Ein Beitrag zur Kulturpflanzenkunde.- Ber. Dtsch. Bot. Ges. 73: ... im Herbar Roman Schulz.- Willdenowia 3: 325-328. Scholz, H. 1963: (Bestimmungsschlüssel für) Setaria ... Variabilität von Mikrohaaren in der Gattung Setaria (Gramineae).- Willdenowia 7: 415-418. Scholz, H. 1974: ...

    Bryan Kenneth Simon - 2015-07-03 19:41

  3. A molecular phylogeny of the subfamily Panicoideae (Poaceae) shows multiple origins of C4 photosynthesis Node/Biblio

    PENNISETUM, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, PHYLOGENY, POACEAE, Setaria , THRAYSIA, UROCHLOA Alternate Journal: Amer. J. Bot. ... Panicum (World Grasses), Paspalidium (World Grasses), Paspalum (World Grasses), Setaria (World Grasses), ... Paspalidium (World Grasses), Paspalum (World Grasses), Setaria (World Grasses), Urochloa (World Grasses) ...

    Bryan Kenneth Simon - 2015-07-03 19:41

  4. Panicoideae Node/Page

    2004). This group consists of 25 genera of which the three most species rich genera are Setaria P. ... Donaldio et al., 2009), Pennisetum paraphyletic and Setaria polyphyletic. On this basis Cenchrus ... the possibility of expanding the genus Setaria to accommodate Ixophorus and Zuloagaea and furthermore even ...

    Bryan Kenneth Simon - 2015-07-03 19:41

  5. Poaceae (Angiosperm Phylogeny) Node/Page

    Setaria , see Kellogg et al. (2009); see also Sede et al. (2009a) for two new genera. Salariato et al. ...

    Bryan Kenneth Simon - 2015-07-03 19:41

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith