
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
E. B. Alexeev1987Festuca L. et genera proxima (Poaceae) in Australia et Tasmania
S. T. Blake1974Revision of the genera Cymbopogon and Schizachyrium (Gramineae) in Australia
H. Duistermaat1987A revision of Oryza (Gramineae) in Malesia and Australia
F. R. Fosberg1988New and noteworthy plants from Great Barrier Reef sand cays, Australia
S. W. L. Jacobs1985A new grass genus from Australia
E. K. Z. Kakudidi, Lazarides, M., Carnahan, J. A.1989A revision of Enneapogon Desv. ex P.Beauv. (Pappophoreae, Poaceae) in Australia
P. M. Kloot1983The genus Lolium in Australia
M. Lazarides1980The genus Leptochloa Beauv. (Poaceae, Eragrostideae) in Australia and Papua New Guinea
M. Lazarides1980Aristida L. (Poaceae, Aristideae) in Australia
M. Lazarides, Webster R. D.1984Yakirra (Paniceae, Poaceae), a new genus for Australia
B. K. Simon1993Studies in Australian grasses. 7. A new species of Thelepogon (Andropogoneae, Ischaemineae) for Australia
B. K. Simon1992Studies in Australian grasses. 6. Alexfloydia, Cliffordiochla and Dallwatsonia, three new panicoid genera from eastern Australia
B. K. Simon1989A new species of Coix L. (Poaceae) from Australia
B. K. Simon1984Two new species of Enteropogon (Poaceae, Chlorideae) in Australia
B. K. Simon1984New taxa of and nomenclatural changes in Aristida L in Australia
B. K. Simon1982Notes on {ISporobolus} in Australia
J. W. Vickery1970A taxonomic study of the genus Poa L. in Australia
J. W. Vickery1939Revision of the indigenous species of Festuca Linn. in Australia
J. W. Vickery, Jacobs, S. W. L., Everett, J.1986Taxonomic studies in Stipa (Poaceae) in Australia
R. D. Webster1983A revision of the genus Digitaria Haller (Paniceae. Poaceae) in Australia
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith