
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
S. T. Blake1943Critical notes on the Gramineae and Cyperaceae of South Australia with descriptions on new species
S. T. Blake1941Studies on Queensland Grasses II
S. T. Blake1941New genera of Australian grasses
S. T. Blake1940The interrelationships of the plant communities of Queensland
S. T. Blake1940Studies on Queensland Grasses, 1
S. T. Blake1939Studies on Queensland Grasses, 1
S. T. Blake1938The genus Iseilema in Queensland
S. T. Blake1938The plant communities of western Queensland and their relationships, with special reference to the grazing industry
A. V. Bogdan1962Grass pollination by bees in Kenya
W. J. Bond, Silander, J. A., Ranaivonasy, J., Ratsirarson, J.2008The antiquity of Madagascar's grasslands and the rise of C4 grassy biomes
G. Bonnett, Ekaterina, N., Olivares-Villegas, J., Berding, N., Morgan, T., Aitken, K. S.SubmittedIdentifying the risks of transgene escape from sugarcane crops to related species using the breeding experience of inter-species hybridisations, with particular reference to Saccharum spontaneum in Australia
N. L. BorSubmittedNotes on Asiatic Grasses: 27. A new name in Sporobolus
N. L. Bor1970Gramineae in K.H. Rechinger, Flora Iranica. No. 70/30.1
N. L. Bor1967Lophopogon tridentatus (Roxb.)Hack.
N. L. Bor1967Pennisetum lanatum Klotzsch.
N. L. Bor1965Studies in the flora of Thailand. 26. Gramineae (Second list).
N. L. Bor1962Studies in the flora of Thailand. 8. Gramineae.
N. L. Bor1958Notes on Asiatic grasses. 32. Indopoa Bor, a new genus of Indian grasses
N. L. Bor1957Notes on Asiatic grasses. 27. A new name in Sporobolus
N. L. Bor1956Notes on Asiatic grasses. 26. New species.
N. L. Bor1955The genus Digitaria in India
N. L. Bor1955Notes on Asiatic grasses: 24. The genus Arundinella Raddi in India, Burma, and Ceylon
N. L. Bor1955Notes on Asiatic grasses: 23 - Jansenella Bor, a new genus of Indian grasses
N. L. Bor1955Notes on Asiatic grasses. 20. Indian grasses in Roth's herbarium.
N. L. Bor1955Notes on Asiatic grasses. 21. Species of Setaria (Sect. Ptychophyllum) inh India
N. L. Bor1955Notes on Asiatic grasses. 22. Trikeraia Bor, a new genus of Stipeae
N. L. Bor1954The genus Cymbopogon in India, Pt II
N. L. Bor1954Notes on Asiatic grasses. 15. Triplogon Bor, a new genus of Indian grasses
N. L. Bor1954Notes on Asiatic grasses. 16. Indochloa Bor, a new genus of Indian grasses
N. L. Bor1954Notes on Asiatic grasses. 20. New species and new names
N. L. Bor1953Notes on Asiatic grasses. 12. New species
N. L. Bor1953Notes on Asiatic grasses. 13. Currugaria Hack., a subgenus of Ischaemum
N. L. Bor1953Notes on Asiatic grasses. 14. The genus Duthiea Hack
N. L. Bor1953The genus Cymbopogon in India, Pt. 1
N. L. Bor1952Notes on Asiatic grasses. 1. Danthonia in India
N. L. Bor1952Notes on Asiatic grasses. 2. Apocopsis
N. L. Bor1952Notes on Asiatic grasses. 3. New names in Poa Linn
N. L. Bor1952Notes on asiatic grasses. 4. What is the correct name for Capillipedium assimile (Steud.)A.Camus?
N. L. Bor1952Notes on Asiatic grasses. 5. The genus Microstegium in India and Burma
N. L. Bor1952Notes on Asiatic grasses. 6. A new species of Poa from Sikkim
N. L. Bor1952Notes on Asiatic grasses. 7. Coelachyrum Hochstett., a genus of grasses new to Pakistan
N. L. Bor1952Notes on Asiatic grasses. 8. The genus Eremochloa Buse
N. L. Bor1952Notes on Asiatic grasses. 9. The genus Lopholepis Dcne
N. L. Bor1952Notes on Asiatic grasses. 10. A confused species of Isachne.
N. L. Bor1952Notes on Asiatic grasses. 11. The genus Dimeria in India and Burma.
N. L. Bor1952The genus Poa in India, Pt 1
N. L. Bor1952The genus Poa in India, Pt II
N. L. Bor1950A new genus of Indian grasses
N. L. Bor1949Bhidea Stapf; a new grass of Indian Grasses
N. L. Bor1949 Pogonanchne Bor: a new genus of Indian grasses.


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith