
AuthorsYearTitlesort ascending
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R. C. Lomasson1957Vascular bundle sheaths in the genus Aristida
P. W. Hattersley1984Varying photosynthetic pathway and a C3-Cc4 intermediate in Australian Neurachne and its allies (Poaceae)
P. W. Hattersley, Watson, L., Wong, S. C.1984Varying photosynthetic pathway and a C3-C4 intermediate in Australian Neurachne and its allies (Poaceae)
P. W. Hattersley1987Variations in photosynthetic pathway
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H. - H. Yeoh1981Variations in kinetic properties of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylases among plants
W. V. Brown1960Variations in anatomy, associations and origins of Kranz tissue
R. B. Shaw, Webster R. D.1983Variation and taxonomic significance of anthoecium characteristics in Ichnanthus (Poaceae: Paniceae)
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J. van den Toorn1972Variability of Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin Ex Steudel
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J. H. Maiden1908Useful Australian Plants. 99. Sporobolus pulchellus
J. H. Maiden1908Useful Australian Plants. 98. Sporobolus actinocladus
J. H. Maiden1908Useful Australian Plants. 97. Eriachne obtusa var. glabrata
J. H. Maiden1906Useful Australian Plants. 95. Leersia hexandra
J. H. Maiden1905Useful Australian Plants. 94. Ischaemum australe
J. H. Maiden1905Useful Australian Plants. 93. Eremochloa muricata
J. H. Maiden1905Useful Australian Plants. 92. Ischaemum triticeum
J. H. Maiden1905Useful Australian Plants. 91 Eriachne aristidea
J. H. Maiden1904Useful Australian Plants. 90. Eragrostis diandra
J. H. Maiden1904Useful Australian Plants. 88. Festuca diuruscula
J. H. Maiden1903Useful Australian PLants. 84. Eragrostis nigra var.trachycarpa
J. H. Maiden1903Useful Australian Plants. 83. Eragrostis tenella
J. H. Maiden1903Useful Australian Plants. 82. Panicum helopus
J. H. Maiden1902Useful Australian Plants. 81. Ectrosia leporina
J. H. Maiden1902Useful Australian Plants. 76. Deyeuxia nivalis Benth
J. H. Maiden1900Useful Australian Plants. 67. Chloris ventricosa
J. H. Maiden1900Useful Australian Plants. 66. Chrysopogon gryllus
J. H. Maiden1900Useful Australian Plants. 65. Chaemaeraphis spinescens
J. H. Maiden1900Useful Australian Plants. 64. Aristida calycina
J. H. Maiden1900Useful Australian Plants. 63. Aristida ramosa
J. H. Maiden1900Useful Australian Plants. 59. Aristida behriana
J. H. Maiden1899Useful Australian Plants. 55. Apluda mutica 56. Aristida arenaria
J. H. Maiden1899Useful Australian Plants. 53. Agrostis muelleri. 54. Agrostis scabra
J. H. Maiden1897Useful Australian Plants. 43. Triraphis microdon
J. H. Maiden1897Useful Australian Plants. 41. Distichlis maritima
J. H. Maiden1897Useful Australian Plants. 35 Agropyron pectinatum


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith