
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
A. V. Bogdan1962Grass pollination by bees in Kenya
N. L. Bor1962Studies in the flora of Thailand. 8. Gramineae.
W. M. Bowden1962Cytotaxonomy of the native and adventive species of Hordeum, Eremopyrum, Secale, Sitanion, and Triticum in Canada
W. M. Bowden1962Chromosome numbers in 28 grass genera from South America
R. P. Celarier, de Wet, J. M. J., Bakshi, J. S.1962Species relationships in Dichanthium. II. The taxonomy of D. caricosum and D. aristatum
A. Chase, Niles C. D.1962Index to grass species. 3 vols
H. E. Connor1962Studies in New Zealand Agropyron 3. Intraspecific hybrids in A. scabrum (R.Br.) Beauv
J. M. J. de Wet1962Intergeneric hybrids in the Bothriochloininae II. Bothriochloa and Capillipedium
J. M. J. de Wet, Harlan J. R.1962Species relationships in Dichanthium. III. D. sericeum and its allies
H. B. Gilliland1962A checklist of Malayan Grasses
H. Jacques-Felix1962Les Graminees d'Afrique tropicale
J. Koechlin1962Famille ddes Graminees
T. Koyama1962Nomenclatural remarks on some grasses
J. Lorch1962A revision of Crypsis Ait s.l. (Gramineae)
K. L. Mehra1962The Dichanthium annualtum complex I. Morphology
P. N. Mehra, Subramanyam, K. N., Swaminathan, A. S.1962Cytological studies in some members of Andropogoneae
H. Prat1962Revue d'agrostologie
J. R. Reeder1962The bambusoid embryo: a reappraisal
J. M. Rominger1962Taxonomy of Setaria (Gramineae) in North America
T. Tateoka1962Starch grains of endosperm in grass systematics
T. Tateoka1962Notes on some grasses XIV. Enumeration of genera of Festuceae
T. Tateoka1962Taxonomic studies of Oryza I. O.latifolia complex II. Several species complexes
T. Tateoka1962Taxonomic studies of Oryza II. Several species complexes
T. Yabuno1962Cytotaxonomic studies on the two cultivated species and the wild relatives in the genus Echinochloa
P. Auquier1963Criteres anciens et modernes dans la systematique des Graminees
G. A. Black1963Grasses of the genus Axonopus
T. A. Bull, Glasziou K. T.1963The evolutionary significance of sugar accumulation in Saccharum
P. H. Davis, Heywood V. H.1963Principles of Angiosperm Taxonomy
D. G. De Lisle1963Taxonomy and distribution of the genus Cenchrus
J. M. J. de Wet, Richardson W. L.1963Morphological variation and species relationships in Dichanthium
F. W. Gould1963Cytotaxonomy of Digitaria sanguinalis and D. adscendens
F. W. Gould1963Gould (1963)
F. J. Grandbacher1963The physiological function of the cereal awn
C. O. Grassl1963Problems and potentialities of intergeneric hybridization in a sugar cane breeding programme
J. R. Harlan1963Natural intrograssion between Bothriochloa ischaemum and B. intermedia in West Pakistan
J. R. Harlan1963Two kinds of gene centers in Bothriochloininae
J. R. Harlan, de Wet J. M. J.1963The compilospecies concept
I. W. Knobloch1963The extent of hybridization in the Gramineae
J. R. Reeder1963Notes on Mexican Grasses. I. New and noteworthy species of Bouteluoa
J. R. Reeder, Reeder C. G.1963Notes on Mexican Grasses II. Cyclostachya, a new doiecious genus
B. Rosengurtt, de Maffei B. R. Arrilla1963Danthonia (Gramineae) en el Uruguay
T. R. Soderstrom, Decker H. F.1963Swallenia, a new name for the California genus Ectosperma (Gramineae)
T. Tateoka1963Notes on some grasses. XIII. Relationship between Oryzeae and Ehrharteae with special refernce to leaf anatomy and histology
T. Tateoka1963Taxonomic studies of Oryza III. Key to the Species and their enumeration
T. Tateoka1963Notes on some grasses XV. Affinities and species relationship of Arthropogon and relatives, with reference to their leaf-structure
T. Tateoka1963Chromosomes of Thysanolaena maxima O.Ktze. (Gramineae)
T. Tateoka, Pancho J. V.1963A cytotaxonomic study of Oryza minuta and O. officinalis
J. W. Vickery1963Dryopoa, a new grass genus allied to Poa
T. J. Wilson1963Continental Drift
V. D. Zotov1963Synopsis of the grass subfamily Arundinoideae in New Zealand


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith