
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
W. D. Clayton1978Gramineae
W. D. Clayton, Panigrahi G.1974Computer-aided chorology of Indian grasses
W. D. Clayton, Renvoize S. A.SubmittedA system of classification for the grasses
W. D. Clayton, Renvoize S. A.1986Genera Graminum - Grasses of the World
W. D. Clayton, Richardson F. R.1973Studies in the Gramineae: XXXII. The tribe Zoysieae
H. T. Clifford1989Parallels between Gramineae and Cyperaceae
H. T. Clifford1970Monocotyledon classification with special refernce to the origin of the grasses (Poaceae)
H. T. Clifford1969Attribute correlations in Poaceae (Grasses)
H. T. Clifford1965The classification of the Poaceae: a statistical study
H. T. Clifford1961Floral evolution in the family Gramineae
H. T. Clifford, Evans G. P.SubmittedThe genus Oplismenus in Australia
H. T. Clifford, Everist S. L.1964X Cynochloris macivorii gen, et sp. nov., a suspected spontaneous hybrid between Cynodon dactylon (L.) Paers. and Chloris divarivata R.Br
H. T. Clifford, Goodall D. W.1967A numerical contribution to the classification of the Poaceae
H. T. Clifford, Simon B. K.1981The biography of Australian grasses
H. T. Clifford, Watson L.1977Identifying Grasses: Data methods and illustrations
H. T. Clifford, Williams, W. T., Lance, G. N.1969A further numerical contribution to the classification of the Poaceae
P. S. Cocks, Boyce, P. S., Kloot, P. M.1976The Hordeum murinum complex in Australia
W. J. Cody, Darbyshire, S. J., Kennedy, C. E.1990A Bluegrass, Poa pseudoabbreviata Roshev., New to the Flora of Canada, and Some Additional Records from Alaska
H. G. Cogger, Cameron E. E.1984Photosynthesis in some arid zone plants
V. Lyola ColbrySubmittedDiagnostic characteristics of the fruits and florets of economic species of North American Sporobolus
M. M. Cole1982The influence of soils,geomorphology and gelogy on the distribution of plant communities in savanna ecosystems
F. B. Coleman1939A classification of the Millets
D. H. Colless1969The phylogenetic fallacy revisited
D. H. Colless1967The phylogenetic fallacy
J. T. Columbus2003Molecular phylogenetics of the Chloridoideae (Gramineae)
J. T. Columbus, Kinney, M. S., Pant, R., Delgardo, M. E. S.1998Columbus (1998)
J. T. Columbus, Cerros-Tlatilpa, R., Kinney, M. S., Siqueiros-Delgardo, M. E., Bell, H. L., Griffith, M. P., Refulio-Rodriguez, N. F.2007Columbus (2007)
T. J. Columbus1999An expanded circumscription of Bouteloua (Gramineae:Chlorodoideae): new combinations and names
T. J. Columbus1998Phylogenetics of Bouteloua and close relatives (Gramineae:Chlorideae)
T. J. Columbus1998Morphology and leaf blade anatomy suggest a close realtionship between Bouteloua aristidoides and B. (Chondrosium) eriopoda (Gramineae: Chloridoideae)
T. J. Columbus, Kinney, M. S., Delgardo, M. Elena Siqu, J. Porter, M.2000Phylogenetics of Bouteloua and relatives (Gramineae:Chloridoideae):cladistic parsimony analysis on internal transcribed spacer (nrDNA) and trnL-F (cpDNA) sequences
H. J. Conert1975Die Chionochloa - Arten von Australien und Neuguinea
H. J. Conert, Turpe A. M.1974Revision der Gattung Schismus (Poaceae: Arundinoideae:Danthonieae
H. Joachim Conert1971The genus Danthonia in Africa
H. E. ConnorSubmittedStipa L. (Gramineae) in New Zealand
H. E. Connor2005Flora of New Zealand - Gramineae Supplement II: Pooideae (Poaeae, Triticeae)
H. E. Connor2005Floa of New Zealand - Gramineae Supplement III: Panicoideae
H. E. Connor2005Flora of New Zealand - Gramineae Supplement IV. Agrostideae, and an Addendum to Supplement I:Danthonioideae
H. E. Connor2004Flora of New Zealand - Gramineae. Supplement I: Danthonioideae
H. E. Connor2002Regional endemism in New Zealand grasses
H. E. Connor1998Festuca (Poaeae: Gramineae) in New Zealand. I. Indigenous taxa.
H. E. Connor1994Indigenous New Zealand Triticeae: Gramineae
H. E. Connor1994Checklist of pooid grasses naturalised in New Zealand. 2. Tribe Triticeae
H. E. Connor1991Chionochloa Zotov <Gramineae) in New Zealand
H. E. Connor1981Evolution of the breeding systems in the Gramineae
H. E. Connor1981Evolution of reproductive systems in the Gramineae
H. E. Connor1980Breeding systems in the grasses - a survey
H. E. Connor1979Breeding systems in the grasses:a survey
H. E. Connor1967Interspecific hybrids in Chionochloa (Gramineae)
H. E. Connor1962Studies in New Zealand Agropyron 3. Intraspecific hybrids in A. scabrum (R.Br.) Beauv


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith