
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
P. C. KengSubmittedA revision of the genera of bamboos from the world (IV)
P. C. Keng1982A revision of the genera of bamboos from the world II
P. C. Keng1983A revision of the genera of bamboos from the world III
P. C. Keng1983A revision of the genera of bamboos from the world IV
B. K. Simon1992A revision of the genus Aristida L. (Poaceae) in Australia
R. D. Webster1983A revision of the genus Digitaria Haller (Paniceae. Poaceae) in Australia
W. D. Clayton1969A revision of the genus Hyparrhenia
G. Davidse1988A revision of the genus Prionanthium (Poaceae:Arundineae)
S. W. L. Jacobs, Brock M. A.1982A revision of the genus Ruppia (Potamogetonaceae) in Australia
B. K. Simon1971A Revision of the Genus Sacciolepis (Gramineae)
B. K. Simon1972A revision of the genus Sacciolepis (Gramineae) in the Flora Zambesiaca area
J. Vera Santos1950A revision of the grass genus Garnotia
J. W. Vickery1941A revision of the the Australian species of Agrostis Linn
N. T. Burbidge1946A revision of the western Australian species of Triodia R.Br
Lazarides1997A revision of Triodia including Plectrachne (Poaceae, Eragrostideae, Triodiinae)
Finot, Victor L., Peterson, P.M., Soreng, R.J. , Zuloaga, O.2005A revision of Trisetum and Graphephorum (Poaceae: Pooideae: Aveninae) in North America north of Mexico
Finot, Victor L., Peterson, P.M., Soreng, R.J. , Zuloaga, O.2004A revision of Trisetum, Peyritschia and Shenopholis (Poaceae:Pooideae: Aveninae) in Mexico and Central America
J. W. Vickery1956A revison of the Australian species of Danthonia DC
J. M. Chalson, Keith D. A.1995A risk assessment scheme for vascular plants: pilot application to the flora of New South Wales. Project No 450
J. Page1978A scanning electron microscope survey of grass pollen
P. G. Palmer, Gerbeth-Jones, S., Hutchison, S.1985A scanning electron microscope survey of the epidermis of East African Grasses, III
S. Jay Gould1984A short way to corn
J. R. Harlan, de Wet J. M. J.1972A simplified classification of cultivated Sorghum
H. J. Price, Hodnett, G. L., Burson, B. L., Dillon, S. L., Rooney, W. L.2005A Sorghum bicolor x S. macrospermum hybrid recovered by embryo rescue and culture
Galley, C.A., Linder, H.P.2003A species level phlogeny of the Pentachistis clade (Poaceae); preliminary data
J. E. S. Townrow1969A species list of and keys to the grasses in Tasmania
D. I. Sillar1977A study of a collection of Angleton Grass (Dichanthium aristatum) lines in a spced plant nursery at Mackay
T. Holm1893A study of some anatomical characters of North American Gramineae
J. Maze, Lin S. - C.1975A study of the mature megagametophye of Stipa elmeri
C. Chi-son, Cheng-de C.1983A study on the bamboo genus Indosasa of China
Z. Nanxian1998A study on the Systematics of [the] genus Themeda Forsskal
S. J. Farris1969A successive weighting approach to character weighting
L. G. Stebbins, Crampton B.1961A suggested revision of the grass genera of temperate North America
M. D. Pirie, al et2008A supermatrix approach resolves phylogenetic relationships in danthonioid grasses
L. Watson, Bell E. M.1975A surface-structural survey of some taxonomically diverse grass pollen
S. A. Renvoize1982A survey of leaf-blade anatomy in grasses II. Arundinelleae
S. A. Renvoize1982A survey of leaf-blade anatomy in grasses III. Garnotieae
S. A. Renvoize1983A survey of leaf-blade anatomy in grasses IV. Eragrostideae
S. A. Renvoize1986A survey of leaf-blade anatomy in grasses IX. Centothecoideae
S. A. Renvoize1985A survey of leaf-blade anatomy in grasses V. The bamboo allies
S. A. Renvoize1985A survey of leaf-blade anatomy in grasses VI Stipeae
S. A. Renvoize1985A survey of leaf-blade anatomy in grasses VII. Pommereulleae, Orcuttieae & Pappophoreae
S. A. Renvoize1987A survey of leaf-blade anatomy in grasses X. Bambuseae
S. A. Renvoize1982A survey of leaf-blade anatomy in grasses. I. Andropogoneae
S. A. Renvoize1986A survey of leaf-blade in grasses VIII. Arundinoideae
E. Launert1965A survey of the genus Leersia in Africa (Gramineae, Oryzoideae, Oryzeae)
T. A. Cope1998A synopsis of Eragrostis Wolf (Poacee) in the Flora Zambesiaca area
T. A. Cope1998A synopsis of Sporobolus R.Br. (Poaceae) in the Flora Zambesiaca area
S. T. Blake1956A synthetic new species of Phalaris (Gramineae)
W. D. Clayton, Renvoize S. A.SubmittedA system of classification for the grasses


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith