
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
B. K. Simon1994Studies in Australian grasses 9. Two new species of Aristida (Arundineae: Aristideae) from Queensland
B. K. Simon1986Studies in Australian grasses, 2
B. K. Simon1986Studies in Australian grasses, 3
B. K. Simon1992Studies in Australian grasses. 5. New species and new combinations of Queensland panicoid grasses
B. K. Simon1992Studies in Australian grasses. 6. Alexfloydia, Cliffordiochla and Dallwatsonia, three new panicoid genera from eastern Australia
B. K. Simon1993Studies in Australian grasses. 7. A new species of Thelepogon (Andropogoneae, Ischaemineae) for Australia
B. K. Simon1984Studies in Australian grasses: 1
J. Everett, Jacobs S. W. L.1983Studies in Australian Stipa (Poaceae)
H. E. Connor1954Studies in New Zealand Agropyron
H. E. Connor1962Studies in New Zealand Agropyron 3. Intraspecific hybrids in A. scabrum (R.Br.) Beauv
P. Goetghebeur, Van der Veken P.1980Studies in Poaceae 2. A new species of Digitaria section Calvulae, and a reexamination of Digitariopsis sections Flaccidulae and Monodactylae
S. T. Blake1948Studies in Queensland Grasses, III
Y. H. Li, Lubke, R. A., Phipps, J. B.1966Studies in the Arundinelleae (Gramineae) IV. Chromosome numbers of 23 species
J. B. Phipps1967Studies in the Arundinelleae (Gramineae) VIII. The phylogeny - a hypothesis
J. B. Phipps1966Studies in the Arundinelleae (Gramineae). III. Check-List and Key to Genera
J. B. Phipps, Mahon J. B.1970Studies in the Arundinelleae (Gramineae). IX. Chromosome numbers of 21 species
J. B. Phipps1967Studies in the Arundinelleae (Gramineae). V. The series of the genus Arundinella
J. B. Phipps1970Studies in the Arundinelleae (Gramineae). X. Preliminary taximetrics
J. B. Phipps1972Studies in the Arundinelleae (Gramineae). XII. Relationships of Arundinella, Jansenella, Trichopteryx, and the danthonioids
J. B. Phipps1972Studies in the Arundinelleae (Gramineae). XIII. Taximetrics of the loudetioid, tristachyoid, and danthoniopsid groups
J. B. Phipps1972Studies in the Arundinelleae. XI. Taximetrics of changing classifications
K. L. Tomlins Wright1984Studies in the Danthonieae (Poaceae). PArt I. Systematic relationships in Danthonia s. lat. (Danthonieae: Poaceae)
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W. D. Clayton1970Studies in the Gramineae XXII. A curious new genus from Tanzania
W. D. Clayton1973Studies in the Gramineae. 33. The awnless genera of Andropogoneae
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W. D. Clayton1965Studies in the Gramineae: 6. Sporoboleae
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W. D. Clayton1967Studies in the Gramineae: XIII. Chlorideae
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W. D. Clayton1969Studies in the Gramineae: XXI. Coelorhachis and Rhytachne: a study in numerical taxonomy
W. D. Clayton1971Studies in the Gramineae: XXVI. Numerical taxonomy of the Arundinelleae
W. D. Clayton, Richardson F. R.1973Studies in the Gramineae: XXXII. The tribe Zoysieae
R. Ann James Thompson1988Studies in the Paniceae: generic boundaries in the Brachiaria complex (Poaceae). Taxonomy of the Brachiaria complex (Poaceae: Paniceae)
P. D. F. Kok1984Studies on Digitaria (Poaceae) I. Enumeration of species and synonymy
P. - C. Kuo, Wang, S. - J., Li, J. - H.1985Studies on morphological evolution, classification and distribution of the Triticeae in China
R. P. Celarier, Harlan J. R.1955Studies on Old World Bluestems
R. P. Celarier, Harlan J. R.1955Studies on Old World Bluestems
J. R. Harlan, Celarier, R. P., Richardson, W. L., Brooks, M. Hoover, Mehra, K. L.1958Studies on Old World Bluestems II
J. R. Harlan, Celarier, R. P., Richardson, W. L., Brooks, M. Hoover, Mehra, K. L.1958Studies on Old World Bluestems II
S. T. Blake1941Studies on Queensland Grasses II
S. T. Blake1939Studies on Queensland Grasses, 1
S. T. Blake1940Studies on Queensland Grasses, 1
D. Giraldo-Canas1999Studies on structural variation of the inflorescence of Axonopus (Poaceae: Paniceae); typology and evolutionary trends
J. Christopher, Abraham A.1974Studies on the cytology and phlogeny of south Indain grasses II Subfamily Eragrostideae
S. C. Pandeya1952Studies on the morphology and ecology of three species of Dichanthium Willemet
W. Hartley1958Studies on the origin, evolution and distribution of the Gramineae I. The tribe Andropogoneae
W. Hartley1961Studies on the origin, evolution and distribution of the Gramineae IV. The genus Poa L


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith