
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
L. L. Consaul, Gillespie, L. J., Waterway, M. J.2008Systematics of North American Arctic Diploid Puccinellia (Poaceae): Morphology, DNA Content and AFLP Markers
J. Sanchez-Ken2005Systematics of Poaceae: an indication of gene duplication of GBSSI
R. J. Soreng1991Systematics of the "Epiles" group of Poa (Poaceae)
T. R. Soderstrom, Judziewicz E. J.1987Systematics of the amphi-Atlantic bambusoid genus Streptogyna (Poaceae)
C. S. Campbell1983Systematics of the Andropogon virginicus complex (Gramineae)
Peterson, P. M., Annable, C.R.1991Systematics of the annual species of Muhlenbergia (Poaceae: Eragrostideae).
S. W. L. Jacobs1987Systematics of the chloridoid grasses
T. Tateoka1968Systematics of the family Gramineae
Peterson, P. M.2000Systematics of the Muhlenbergiinae
Peterson, P. M.1998Systematics of the Muhlenbergiinae (Chlidoideae:Eragrostideae)
J. R. Reeder1982Systematics of the tribe Orcuttieae (Gramineae) and the description of a new segregate genus, Tuctoria
S. W. L. Jacobs, Bayer, R. J., Everett, J., Arriaga, M. O., Barkworth, M. E., Sabin-Badereau, A., Torres, A., Bagnall, N.2007Systematics of the tribe Stipeae (Gramineae) using molecular data
Everett, J., Bayer, R. Jacobs, S. W. L., Arriaga, M., Barkworth, M., Badereau, A., Torres, A., Bagnell, N.2003Systematics of the tribe Stipeae using Molecular Data
N. I. Platnick1988Systematics, evolution and biogeography: A Dutch treat
F. Albers1980Systematik, variation und Entwicklungstendenzen der subtriben Aristaveninae und Airinae (Gramineae-Aveneae)
E. Mayr1995Systems of ordering data
T. A. Cope1993Taeniorhachis: a new genus of Gramineae from Somalia
S. A. RenvoizeSubmittedTanner Grass
T. S. Filgueras1982Taxonomia e distribuicao de Arthropogon Nees (Gramineae" Paniceae)
M. E. Barkworth1997Taxonomic and nomenclatural comments on the Triticeae in North America
J. McNeill1976Taxonomic and nomenclatural notes on Ontario grasses
S. T. Blake1969Taxonomic and nomenclatural studies in the Gramineae, No. 1
S. T. Blake1969Taxonomic and nomenclatural studies in the Gramineae, No. 2
S. T. Blake1974Taxonomic and nomenclatural studies in the Gramineae, No.3
D. C. Franklin2008Taxonomic interpretations of Australian native bamboos (Poaceae: Bambusae) and their biogeographic implications
N. I. Platnick1986Taxonomic methods and evolutionary cladistics
Canto_Dorow, Thais Scotti de & Longhi-Wagner, Hilda Maria2001Taxonomic novelties in Digitaria Haller (Poaceae) and new citations for the genus in Brazil
G. Covas1948Taxonomic observations on the North American species of Hordeum
L. Watson, Gibbs A. J.1974Taxonomic patterns in the host ranges of viruses among grasses, and suggestions on generic sampling for host-range studies
V. Amarasinghe, Watson L.1990Taxonomic significance of microhair morphology in the genus Eragrostis Beauv. (Poaceae)
N. Snow, Simon B. K.1999Taxonomic status and Australian distribution of the weedy neotropical grass Leptochloa fusca subsp. uninervia, with an updated key to Australian Leptochloa (Poaceae, Chloridoideae)
T. R. Soderstrom, Ellis R. P.1982Taxonomic status of the endemic South African bamboo Thamnocalamus tesselatus
S. Frederiksen1991Taxonomic studies in Dasypyrum
S. Frederiksen1991Taxonomic studies in Eremopyrum (Poaceae)
S. D. Sharma, Shastry S. V. S.1965Taxonomic studies in genus Oryza L. III. O rufipogon Griff. sensu stricto and O. nivara Sharma et Shastry nom.nov
J. W. Vickery, Jacobs, S. W. L., Everett, J.1986Taxonomic studies in Stipa (Poaceae) in Australia
T. Tateoka1962Taxonomic studies of Oryza I. O.latifolia complex II. Several species complexes
T. Tateoka1962Taxonomic studies of Oryza II. Several species complexes
T. Tateoka1963Taxonomic studies of Oryza III. Key to the Species and their enumeration
T. R. Soderstrom1967Taxonomic studies of subgenus Podoemum and section Epicampes of Muhlenbergia (Gramineae)
L. Watson, Johnston C. R.1978Taxonomic variation in stomatal insertion among grass leaves
Denham, S, Morrone, O & Zuloaga, F.O.2003Taxonomy and Biogeography of the genus Paspalum
T. Tateoka1965Taxonomy and chromosome numbers of African representatives of the Oryza offininalis complex
P. W. Michael1983Taxonomy and distribution of Echinochloa spp. with special reference to their occurrence as weeds of rice
D. G. De Lisle1963Taxonomy and distribution of the genus Cenchrus
D. E. Anderson1961Taxonomy and distribution of the genus Phalaris
G. L. Stebbins1956Taxonomy and evolution of genera, with special reference to the family Gramineae
E. Joseph Judziewicz1987Taxonomy and Morphology of the tribe Phareae (Poaceae: Bambusoideae)
J. M. J. de Wet, Harlan J. R.1968Taxonomy of Dichanthium section Dichanthium (Gramineae)
W. M. Bowden1966Taxonomy of intergeneric hybrids of the tribe Triticeae from North America


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith