
AuthorsYearTitlesort ascending
A. A. Federov1969Chromosome numbers of flowering plants
M. L. & E. Ma Frean1988Chromosome numbers of C3 and C4 variants within the species Alloteropsis semialata (R. Br.) Hitchc. (Poaceae)
J. M. J. de Wet1954Chromosome numbers of a few South African grasses
J. R. Reeder, Singh D. N.1968Chromosome numbers in the tribe Pappophoreae (Gramineae)
P. M. Peterson1988Chromosome numbers in the annual Muhlembergia (Poaceae)
B. K. Gupta1965Chromosome numbers in some species of Cymbopogon
A. J. Pritchard, Gould K. F.1964Chromosome numbers in some introduced and indigenous legumes and grasses
G. A. Norrmann, Quarin, C. L., Killeen, T. J.1994Chromosome numbers in Bolivian grasses
W. M. Bowden1962Chromosome numbers in 28 grass genera from South America
W. M. Bowden1961Chromosome numbers and taxonomic notes on northern grasses IV. Tribe Festuceae: Poa and Pucinella
W. M. Bowden1959Chromosome numbers and taxonomic notes on northern grasses II Festuceae
W. M. Bowden1960Chromosome numbers and taxonomic notes on norhtern grasses III Twenty-five genera
J. M. J. de Wet1960Chromosome numbers and some morphological attributes of various South African grasses
J. K. Morton1993Chromosome numbers and polyploidy in the flora of Cameroon Mountain
S. M. N. Ahsan, Vahidy, A. A., Ali, S. L.1994Chromosome numbers and incidence of polyploidy in Panicoideae (Poaceae) from Pakistan
G. Davidse, Pohl R.1972Chromosome number, meiotic behaviour, and notes on some grasses from Central America and the West Indies
Guerra, M.1998Chromosome number variation and evolution in Monocots
A. Federov1974Chromosome number of flowering plants
A. R. Smith-White, Paton P.1990Chromosome number and morphotype of Sporobolus verginicus from coastal North West Western Australia
G. Davidse, Hoshino, T., Simon, B. K.1986Chromosome counts of Zimbabwean grasses (Poaceae) and an analysis of polyploidy in the grass flora of Zimbabwe
C. D. Darlinton1973Chromosome Botany and the Origins of Cultivated Plants
Hunziker, J. H., G. Stebbins L.1987Chromosomal evolution in the Gramineae
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W. D. Clayton1975Chorology of the genera of Gramineae
J. Valdes-Reyna, Cordero I. Cabral1993Chorology of Mexican Grasses
T. A. Cope1998Chorology of Grasses - a Review
Cope, T. A.2000Chorology of Grasses - a Review
D. Baum, Donoghue M.1993Choosing among alternative phylogenetic species concepts
D. A. Baum, Donoghue M. J.1995Choosing among alternative "phylogenetic" species concepts
R. J. Soreng1990Chloroplast-DNA phylogenentics and biogeography in a reticulating group; study in Poa (Poaceae)
J. J. Doyle, Davis, J. I., Soreng, R., Garvin, D., Anderson, M.1992Chloroplast DNA inversions and the origin of the grass family Poaceae
Hilu, K. W.1987Chloroplast DNA in the systematics and evolution of the grasses
S. L. Everist1938Chloris Grasses in Queensland. Part IV
S. L. Everist1937Chloris Grasses in Queensland. Part III
S. L. Everist1935Chloris grasses in Queensland. Part I
S. L. Everist1944Chloris Grasses in Queensland
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O. Stapf1916Chloachne secunda Stapf
H. E. Connor, Edgar E.1974Chionochloa Zotov (Gramineae) in New Zealand
H. E. Connor1991Chionochloa Zotov <Gramineae) in New Zealand
V. D. Zotov1970Chionochloa macra (Gramineae): a new species
P. Ganis2000Chiave computerizzata dei generi delle graminacee del Fruili-Venezia Giulia
M. B. Forde, Edgar E.1995Checklist of pooid grasses naturalised in New Zealnd. 3. Tribes Bromeae and Brachypodieae
E. Edgar, Gibb E. S.1996Checklist of pooid grasses naturalised in New Zealand. 4. Tribe Poaeae
H. E. Connor1994Checklist of pooid grasses naturalised in New Zealand. 2. Tribe Triticeae
E. Edgar1991Checklist of pooid grasses naturalised in New Zealand 1.Tribes Nardeae, Stipeae, Hainardeae, Meliceae, and Aveneae
E. Edgar, Shand J. E.1987Checklist of Panicoid grasses naturalised in New Zealand; with a key to native and naturalised genera and species
C. G. G. J. van Steenis1987Checklist of Generic Names in Malesian Botany
W. R. Sykes1996Checklist of bamboos (Poaceae) naturalised in New Zealand


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith