
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
D. Sharp, Simon B. K.2002AusGrass. Grasses of Australia
B. Simon2002Book Review. Russell, Mike: Grasses and Humans. The story of human dependence on grasses and the science of grass use
B. K. Simon2002Key to Genera of Australian Grasses
Soreng, R.2002Poa
R. J. Soreng2002A new species of Poa L. (Poaceae) from Baja California, Mexico
A. S. Vega, Agrasar Z. E.2002Vega (2002)
J. Veldkamp2002Revision of Eragrostis (Gramineae, Chloridoideae) in Malesia
Wheeler, D. J. B., Jacobs, S.W.L., Whalley, R.D.B.2002Grasses of New South Wales. Third Edition
Aliscioni, Sandra S., Giussani, Liliana M., Zuloaga, Fernando O., Kellogg, Elizabeth A.2003Aliscioni Sandra S. (2003)
Allen, C.M., Hall, D.W.2003Paspalum
Allred, K. W.2003Aristida
Allred, K. W.2003Bothriochloa
Anderson, S. J.2003Zoysia
Barker, N. P., Linder, H.P., Morton, C.M. & Lyle, M.2003The paraphyly of Cortaderia (Danthonioideae: Poaceae): evidence from morphology and chloroplast and nuclear DNA sequence data
M. E. Barkworth2003From regional to Global without being Colonial - expanding the web site for the Manual of North American Grasses
Barkworth,M.E., Capels,K.M., Long,A and Piep,M.B.2003Barkworth M.E. (2003)
M. E. Barkworth2003Cynodonteae
M. E. Barkworth2003Chloris
M. E. Barkworth2003Cynodon
M. E. Barkworth2003Spartina
M. E. Barkworth2003Paniceae
M. E. Barkworth2003Andropogoneae
M. E. Barkworth2003Miscanthus
M. E. Barkworth2003Polytrias
M. E. Barkworth2003Sorghum
M. E. Barkworth2003Dichanthium
M. E. Barkworth2003Cymbopogon
M. E. Barkworth2003Themeda
F. R. Blattner2003Phylogeny and Biogeography of Hordeum L. (Poceae)
D. M. Brandenburg2003Notes on free pericarps in Grasses (Poaceae)
J. J. Bruhl2003'Sedge Genera of the World (INTCYP V3): a revised and illustrated interactive identification and data retrieval tool for Cyperaceae
Campbell, C. S.2003Andropogon
P. Catalan2003Phylogeny and Systematics of the Grass subtribe Loliinae (Pooideae) based on evidence from molecular and morphological data
Cerros-Tlatilpa, R & Columbus, J.T.2003Phylogenetics of Aristida (Gramineae) based on internal transcribed spacer (nrDNA) and trn-F sequences
G. P. Cheplick2003Pasticity of chasmogamous and cleistogamous reproductive allocation in grasses
A. Chevalier2003New Contribution to Systematic Study of Genus Oryza
Clark, Lynn G. & Triplett, J.2003Phylogeny of the One -Flowered, determinate genera of woody bamboos (Poaceae: Bambusoideae) Bambuseae
J. T. Columbus2003Molecular phylogenetics of the Chloridoideae (Gramineae)
S. J. Darbyshire2003Danthonia
Darbyshire, S. J., Connor,H.E.2003Rytidosperma
Davila, Patricia & Valdes-Reyna, J.2003Endemic species of Grasses in Mexico: a phytogeographic approach
Davis, J I, Soreng, R.J.2003Phylogenetics of Poaceae subfamily Pooideae as inferred from structural characters and variation in the plastid-encoded genes ndhF and ndhH
Denham, S, Morrone, O & Zuloaga, F.O.2003Taxonomy and Biogeography of the genus Paspalum
Dey, T& Bijral, J.S.2003Morpho-Physiological diversity in wild rice (Oryza species) germplasm
Doust, A.N. & Kellogg, E.A.2003Understanding inflorescence evolution in the bristle grass clade (Panicoideae: Poaceae), using phylogeny, developmantal morphology and quantitative genetics
C. P. Dunn2003Keeping taxonomy based on morphology
M. D. Duvall2003Phylogeny of the Grasses (Poaceae) revisited
Everett, J., Bayer, R. Jacobs, S. W. L., Arriaga, M., Barkworth, M., Badereau, A., Torres, A., Bagnell, N.2003Systematics of the tribe Stipeae using Molecular Data
D. C. Franklin2003Bamboo and the Northern Australian Connection
D. C. Franklin2003Franklin (2003)


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith