
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
R. R. Sokal, Crovello T.1970The biological species concept. A critical evaluation
V. B. Younger, McKell C. M.1972The biology and utilization of grasses
G. Proudlove, Wood P. J.2003The blind leading the blind: cryptic subterranean species and DNA taxonomy
D. Farrely1984The Book of Bamboo
B. Maguire1965The botany of the Guayana highland Part VI
R. S. Dietz1970The breakup of Pangaea
W. D. Clayton1976The chorology of African mountain grasses
T. A. Cope, Simon B. K.1995The chorology of Australasian grasses
T. A. Cope, Simon B. K.1996The chorology of Australasian grasses
T. A. Cope2005The chorology of Central and South American grasses
W. D. Clayton, Cope T. A.1980The chorology of North American species of Gramineae
W. D. Clayton, Cope T. A.1980The chorology of Old World species of Gramineae
T. D. Macfarlane, Watson L.1980The circumscription of Poaceae subfamily Pooideae, with notes on some controversial genera
R. E. Holttum1956The classification of bamboos
C. - C. Hsu1965The classification of Panicum (Gramineae) and its allies, with special refernce to the characters of lodicule, style-base and lemma
T. D. Macfarlane, Watson L.1982The classification of Poaceae subfamily Pooideae
L. Watson, Clifford, H. T., Dallwitz, M.1985The classification of Poaceae, subfamilies and supertribes
H. T. Clifford1965The classification of the Poaceae: a statistical study
J. R. Harlan, de Wet J. M. J.1963The compilospecies concept
E. O. Wiley, Siegel-Causey, D., Brooks, D. R., Funk, V. A.1991The compleat cladist: A primer of phylogenetic procedures
D. J. Kornet, McAllister J. W.1993The composite species concept
D. R. Kaplan1984The concept of homology and its central role in the elucidation of plants systematic relationships
C. Jeffrey1987The concept of the genus
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P. M. Hurley1968The confirmation of continental drift
H. E. H. Paterson1981The continuimg search for the unknown and unknowable: A critique of contempoary ideas on speciation
R. R. Sokal1985The continuing search for order
W. D. Clayton1968The correct name of the common reed
O. Liu2003The course of change and development of the classification sytems of the Subfamily Choridoideae (Gramineae)
R. P. Celarier, Harlan J. R.1958The cytogeography of the Bothriochloa ischaemum complex. Gramineae. I. Taxonomy and geographic distribution
K. Jones1953The cytology of some British species of Agrostis and their hybrids
Barker, N. P., H. Linder, P., Morton, C.1998The Danthonieae: Composition and Relationships
Barker, N. P., Morton, C. M., H. Linder, P.2000The Danthonieae: Genomic composition and relationships
W. R. Philipson1935The development and morphology of the ligule in grasses
K. L. Mehra1962The Dichanthium annualtum complex I. Morphology
K. L. Mehra1964The Dichanthium annulatum complex. II. Relationships between the tropical and Mediterranean types
D. L. Hayman1960The distribution and cytology of the chromosome races of Themeda australis in southern Australia
L. L. Tieszen, Senyimba, M. M., Imbamba, S. K., Troughton, J. H.1979The distribution of C3 and C4 grasses and carbon isotope discrimination along an altitudinal and moisture gradient in Kenya
P. W. Hattersley1983The distribution of C3 and C4 grasses in Australia in relation to climate
M. Peart1984The effects of morphology, orientation and position of grass diaspores on seedling survival
J. R. Reeder1957The embryo in grass systematics
D. M. Hillis2001The emergence of Systematic Biology
A. E. van Wyk2007The end justifies the means
Filgueras, T. S., Davidse, G, Zuloaga, F.O., Morrone, O.2001The establishment of the new genus Altoparadisium and a reevaluation of the genus Arthropogon (Poaceae, Paniceae)
D. L. Lipscomb1985The eukaryotic kingdoms
A. Cronquist1968The evolution and classification of flowering plants
A. Cronquist1988The evolution and classification of flowering plnats
H. P. Linder1987The evolutionary history of the Poales/Restionales: an hypothesis
T. A. Bull, Glasziou K. T.1963The evolutionary significance of sugar accumulation in Saccharum
E. O. Wiley1978The evolutionary species concept reconsidered


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith