
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
J. R. Swallen1933Bracteola, a new grass genus from Africa
J. R. Swallen1932Peniculus, a new grass genus from British Honduras
D. L. Swofford1993PAUP:phylogenetic analysis using parsimony, version 3.1
W. R. Sykes1996Checklist of bamboos (Poaceae) naturalised in New Zealand
G. R. Sykes, Christensen, A. H., Peterson, P. M.1997A chloroplast DNA analysis of Chaboissaea (Poaceae: Eragrostideae)
A. Takhtajan1980Outline of the classification of flowering plants (Magnoliophyta)
T. Tateoka1969Root anatomy in grass systematics
T. Tateoka1968Systematics of the family Gramineae
T. Tateoka1965Porteresia, a new genus of Gramineae
T. Tateoka1965Contributions to biosytematic investigations of East African grasses
T. Tateoka1965Chromosome numbers of some east African grasses
T. Tateoka1963Chromosomes of Thysanolaena maxima O.Ktze. (Gramineae)
T. Tateoka1962Starch grains of endosperm in grass systematics
T. Tateoka1962Taxonomic studies of Oryza II. Several species complexes
T. Tateoka1958Notes on some grasses. VIII. On leaf structure of Arundinella and Garnotia
T. Tateoka1957Notes on some grasses V. 8. Systematic position of the genus Astrebla
T. Tateoka1954Systematic significance of starch grains in Poaceae
T. Tateoka, Inoue, S., Kawano, S.1959Systematic significacnce of bicellulal microhairs of leaf epidermis
T. Tateoka1967Notes on some grasses. XX, Systematic significance of the vascular bundle system in the mesocotyl
T. Tateoka1965Geographical distribution of the genus Hierochloe
T. Tateoka1965Notes on the festucoid grasses in Africa
T. Tateoka1965Notes on the festucoid grasses in Australia
T. Tateoka1965A taxonomic study of Oryza eichingeri and O. punctata
T. Tateoka1965Taxonomy and chromosome numbers of African representatives of the Oryza offininalis complex
T. Tateoka1965Chromosome numbers of some grasses from Madagascar
T. Tateoka1964Notes on some grasses XVII. Metcalfia, a primitive genus of the tribe Aveneae
T. Tateoka1963Notes on some grasses. XIII. Relationship between Oryzeae and Ehrharteae with special refernce to leaf anatomy and histology
T. Tateoka1963Taxonomic studies of Oryza III. Key to the Species and their enumeration
T. Tateoka1963Notes on some grasses XV. Affinities and species relationship of Arthropogon and relatives, with reference to their leaf-structure
T. Tateoka1962Notes on some grasses XIV. Enumeration of genera of Festuceae
T. Tateoka1962Taxonomic studies of Oryza I. O.latifolia complex II. Several species complexes
T. Tateoka1961Notes on some grasses. XI. Leaf structure of Eriachne
T. Tateoka1961A biosystematic study of Tridens (Gramineae)
T. Tateoka1960Cytology in grass systematics: a critical review
T. Tateoka1960Notes on some grasses X. Some thoughts on Festuceae, Festucineae with special reference to their morphology
T. Tateoka1959Lepturus and Monerma: a remarkable example of parallel development of gross morphology in grasses
T. Tateoka1958Somatic chromosomes of Leptaspis and Streptogyna (Poaceae)
T. Tateoka1957Systematic position of the genus Brachyletrum
T. Tateoka1957Notes on some grasses VI. Coelachne and Sphaerocaryum 10. Chromosomes and leaf structure of several species
T. Tateoka1957Miscellaneous papers on the the phylogeny of Poaceae 10. Proposition of a new phylogenetic system of Poaceae
T. Tateoka1957Miscellaneous papers on the phylogeny of Poaceae (9)
T. Tateoka, Pancho J. V.1963A cytotaxonomic study of Oryza minuta and O. officinalis
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A. Teerawatananon, Hodkinson T. R.2008Molecular evolution of tribes Arundinelleae and Andropogoneae (Panicoideae; Poaceae)
D. Tenenbaum1988Seeking Teosinte
E. E. Terrell1971Survey of occurrences of liquid or soft endosperm in grass genera
E. E. Terrell, Peterson P. M.1993Caryopsis morphology and classification in the Triticeae (Pooideae: Poaceae)
E. E. Terrell, Peterson, P. M., Reveal, J. L., Duvall, M. R.1997Taxonomy of North American species of Zizania (Poaceae)
K. Thiele1999Lucid Hybrids- new developments in Interactive keys
K. Thiele1993The Holy Grail of the perfect character: the cladistic treatment of morphometric data


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith