
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
Finot, Victor L., Peterson, P.M., Soreng, R.J. , Zuloaga, O.2005A revision of Trisetum and Graphephorum (Poaceae: Pooideae: Aveninae) in North America north of Mexico
Finot, Victor L., Peterson, P.M., Zuloaga, O., Soreng, R.J, Matthei, O.2005Finot Victor L. (2005)
B. Foggi, al et2005Foggi B (2005)
T. - B. Fu, al et2005Genetic diversity of fringed brome (Bromus cilatus) as determined by amplified fragmnet length polymorphism
Gillespie, L.J., Archambault, A & Soreng, R.J.2005Gillespie L.J. (2005)
Gillespie, L.J., Archambault, A, Soreng, R.J., Jacobs, S.W.L. Ma, H.2005Gillespie L.J. (2005)
L. J. Gillespie, Soreng R. J.2005A phylogenetic analysis of the Bluegrass genus Poa based on cpDNA Restriction Site Data
Y. - L. Guo, Ge S.2005Molecular Phylogeny of Oryzeae (Poaceae) based on DNA sequences from chloroplast, mitochondrial and nuclear genomes
L. A. Inda, al et2005Phylogenetic studies and the radiation of the NEw and Old World festucoids (Loliinae, Pooideae, Poaceae)
C. - S. & Hong Son Kuoh2005Interactive Key to Taiwan Grasses using characters of leaf anatomy - The ActKey Approach
H. P. Linder, Barker N. P.2005From Nees to Now -Changing Questions in the Sytematics of the Grass Subfamily Danthonioideae
Q. Liu, Zhao, N. - X., Hao, G.2005Inflorescence structures and evolution in subfamily Chloridoideae (Gramineae)
K. Mallett2005Mallett (2005)
R. J. Mason-Gamer2005Reticulate evolution and origins of northern hemisphere allopolyploid Elymus (Triticeae)
Molloy, B. P. J., Connor, H.E.2005Species novae graminum Novae-Zelandiae III. Two diploid species of Rytidosperma (Danthonieae: Danthonioideae)
Morrone, O., Aliscioni, S.S., Zuluaga, F.O.2005Analisis de la diversidad y distribucion geographica de la familia Poaceae en la provincia de Jujuy, Argentina
E. G. Naumova2005Tribe Stipeae in Siberia
I. Nordal, Stedje B.2005Paraphyletic taxa should be accepted
Oliveira, G.C., Schaal, B.A.2005Molecular phylogenetic analysis of Oryza L. (Poaceae) and its consequences for historical biogeography, cytogenetics and morphological evolution
M. A. Ortuzar, al et2005Phylogenetic relations of the South America species of Rytidosperma Steud. (Danthonioideae, Poaceae) based on morphoanatomical characters
Peterson, P. M., Pennington, S.J., Soreng, R.J.2005Biogeography and classification of New World Pooideae (Poaceae)
Peterson, P. M., Valdes-Reyna, J.2005Eragrostis (Poaceae: Chloridoideae: Eragrostideae: Eragrostidinae) from northeastern Mexico
Peterson, P. M., Soreng, R. J. & Wu, Zhen-Lan2005Ptilagrostis luquensis (Poaceae: Pooideae: Stipeae: Stipinae), a new species from China
P. M. Peterson2005Grasses: family Poaceae
P. M. Peterson, al et2005Global climate change: the spring temperature flora
Peterson, P. M. & McCracken, C.L.2005Genetic diversity of reduced diversity: heterozygosity loss, inbreeding depression, and effective population size
Pfeil, B.E. and Crisp, M.D.2005What to do with Hibiscus? A proposed nomemnclatural resolution for a lage and well known genus of Malvaceae and comments on paraphylly
H. J. Price, Dillon, S. L., Hodnett, G., Rooney, W. L., Ross, L., J. Johnston, S.2005Genome evolution in the genus Sorghum (Poaceae)
H. J. Price, Hodnett, G. L., Burson, B. L., Dillon, S. L., Rooney, W. L.2005A Sorghum bicolor x S. macrospermum hybrid recovered by embryo rescue and culture
Refulio-Rodriguez, N.F., Columbus, J.T., Peterson, P.M.2005Systematics of Dissanthelium Trin. (Poaceae: Pooideae)
Oof the Gen Regulator2005Regulator (2005)
Reinheimer, R., Pozner, R. & Vegetti, A.C.2005Inflorescence, spikelet and floral development in Panicum maximum and Urochloa plantaginea (Poaceae).
Saarela, J.M., Peterson, P.M., Graham, S.W.2005Phylogeny and Biogeography of Bromeae
Saarela, J.M., Peterson, P.M., Cayoutte, J.2005Bromus hallii (Poaceae), a new taxonomic combination for California, U.S.A. and taxonomic notes on Bromus orcuttianus and Bromus grandis
Sajo, G.M., Longhi-Wagner, H.M., Rudall, P.J.2005Sajo G.M. (2005)
J. Sanchez-Ken2005Systematics of Poaceae: an indication of gene duplication of GBSSI
Seberg, O, Peterson, G.2005Incongruence and the Phylogeny of the Triticeae (Poaceae_
R. J. Soreng2005Phylogenetic structure of Poaceae (R.Br.)Barnhart subfamily Pooideae Benth. based on sequence data of four chloroplast-encoded genes (matK, ndhH, and rbcL)
R. J. Soreng2005Miscellaneous chromosome number reports for Poa (Poaceae) in North America
Soreng, R.J. & Olonova, M.V.2005On the distribution of the rare species Poa veresczagnii Tzvel. (in Russian)
Sosef, M. S. M. & Ngok Banak, L.2005Novitates Gabonenses 52. A new variety within the Sporobolus indicus complex (Gramineae).
Y. Sun2005Sun (2005)
Sytsma, K.J., Walker, J.2005The "giant genus' problem: issues, solutions, opportunities?
A. M. Torres Gonzalez, Morton C. M.2005Torres Gonzalez (2005)
Vega, Andrea S., Rugolo de Agrasar, Zulma e.2005Novedades taxonomicas y sinopsis del genero Digitaria (Poaceae, Panicoideae, Paniceae) en Colombia y Venezuela
S. V. & Walsh C. Weiller2005Weiller (2005)
K. M. Wong2005Mullerochloa, a new genus of bamboo (Poaceae: Bambusoideae) from north-east Australia and notes on the circumscription of Bambusa.
V. A. Amalraj, Balasundaram N.2006on the taxonomy of the members of "Saccharaum complex'
M. O. Arriaga, Barkworth M. E.2006Arriaga (2006)
D. F. Austin2006Fox-tail Millets (Setaria: Poaceae) - abandoned food in two hemispheres


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith