
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
Z. Balint2006Monophylly, parsimony and stability: threats to taxonomy
Bess, E.C., Doust, A.N., Davidse, G. & Kellogg, E.A.2006Bess E.C. (2006)
A. J. Brown2006Brown (2006)
J. J. Bruhl, Wilson, P. G., Wills, K. E.2006Bruhl (2006)
R. K. Brummitt2006Am I a bony fish?
T. A. Cope2006Three new Arabian grasses
Finot, V. L., Peterson, P.M., Zuloaga, O.2006Two new combinations in Peyritschia (Poaceae: Pooideae: Aveninae)
L. Fish2006Fish (2006)
L. Fish2006Fish (2006)
L. Fish2006Fish (2006)
C. A. Galley, Linder H. P.2006New species and taxonomic changes within Pentaschistis (Danthonioideae, Poaceae) from Western Cape, South Africa.
Guglieri, A., Longhi-Wagner, H.M., Zuloaga, F.O.2006Guglieri A. (2006)
K. W. Hilu2006Skewed Distribution of Species Number in Grass Genera: Is It a Taxonomic Artefact?
E. Horandl2006Paraphyletic versus monophyletic taxa - evolutionary versus cladistic classifications
E. A. Kellogg2006Beyond Taxonomy: Prospects for Understanding Morphological Diversity in the Grasses (Poaceae)
Peterson, P. M., Soreng R.J., Arrieta, Y.L. .2006Poa matri-occidentalis (Poaceae: Pooideae: Poeae: Poinae), a new species from Mexico
S. A. Renvoize2006Renvoize (2006)
Rua, G.H., Oliveira, R.C. Valls, J.F.M.2006Ophiochloa bryoides (Poaceae, PAniceae), a New Grass Species from Central Brazil
Z. E. Rugolo de Agrasar2006Rugolo de Agrasar (2006)
Saarela, J.M., Peterson, P.M., Refulio-Rodriguez.2006Bromus ayachchensis (Poaceae: Pooideae: Bromeae), a new species from Peru, with a key to Bromus in Peru
H. Scholz2006Kikuyuochloa, genus novum (Poaceae: Paniceae)
C. Shouliang, Deszhu, L., Guanghua, Z., Zhenlan, W., Shenglian L.,, Liang, L., Zhengping, W., Wang, C., Bixing, S., Zhengde, Z., Nianhe, X., Linagzhi, J., Zhenhua, G., Wenli, C., Xiang, C., Yang, G., Phillips, S. M., Stapleton, C., Soreng, R., Aiken, S. G., Tzvelev, N. N., Peterson, P. M., Renvoize, S. A., Olonova, M. V., Ammann, K. H.2006Flora of China, Poaceae,
A. A. Sulekic2006Una nueva especie de Paspalum (Poaceae, Paniceae) para la Argentina
B. Valdes, Scholz H.2006Valdes (2006)
D. A. Vaughan, Kaga, A., Kambuoa, R., Paofa, J., Tomooka, N.2006Vaughan (2006)
Vega, A.S., Rugolo de Agrasar, Z.E.2006Vivipary and pseudovivipary in the Poaceae, including the first record of pseudovivipary in Digitaria (Panicoidea: Paniceae)
Verboom, G. A., Ntsohi, R, Barker, N.P.2006Verboom G. A. (2006)
Zanin, Ana & Longhi-Wagner, H.M.2006Sinopse do genero Andropogon L. (Poaceae - Andropogoneae) no Brasil
Zuloaga, F.O., Giussani,L.M., Morrone, O.2006Zuloaga F.O. (2006)
Arrieta, Y.L., Peterson, P.M.2007Muhlenbergia (Poaceae) de Chihuahua, Mexico
Barker, N.P., Galley, C, Verboom, G.A., Mafa, P., Gilbert, M., Linder, H.P.2007The phylogeny of the austral subfamily Danthonioideae: evidence from multiple data sets
N. P. Barker, Fish L.2007Rare and infrequent southern African grasses; assessing their conservation status and understanding their biology
M. E. Barkworth, Capels, K. M., Long, A., Anderton, L. K., Piep, M. B.2007Barkworth M.E. (2007)
A. R. Bean2007 A new system for determining which plant species are indigenous in Australia
L. Boulos, Fahmy A. G. E. D.2007Grasses in ancient Egypt
P. Catalan, Torrecilla, P., Lopez-Rodriguez, J. A., Muller, J., Stace, C. A.2007A systematic approach to subtribe Loliinae (Poaceae:Pooideae) based on phylogenetic evidence
G. P. Cheplick2007Placticity of Chasmogamous and Cleistogamous Reproductive Allocation in Grasses
P. A. Christin, Salamin, N., Savolainen, V., Besnard, G.2007Christin (2007)
A. Cialdella, Giussani, L., Aagesen, L., Zuloaga, F. O., Morrone, O.2007Cialdella (2007)
L. G. Clark, Dransfield, S., Triplett, J. K., Sanchez-Ken, J. G.2007Phylogenetic relationships among the one-flowered, determinate genera of Bambuseae (Poaceae: Bambusoideae)
L. G. Clark, Tyrrell, C. D., Triplett, J. K.2007Clark (2007)
J. T. Columbus, Cerros-Tlatilpa, R., Kinney, M. S., Siqueiros-Delgardo, M. E., Bell, H. L., Griffith, M. P., Refulio-Rodriguez, N. F.2007Columbus (2007)
S. J. Darbyshire2007Darbyshire (2007)
J. I. Davis, Soreng R. J.2007A preliminary phylogenetic analysis of the grass subfamily Pooideae (Poaceaeae), with attention to structural features of the plastid and nuclear genomes, including an intron loss in GBSSI
R. P. De Oliverira, Longhi-Wagner H. M.2007De Oliverira (2007)
S. Denham, Zuloaga F. O.2007Denham S (2007)
S. L. Dillon, Lawrence, Henry, R. J., Price, H. J.2007Dillon S.L. (2007)
S. L. Dillon, Shapter, F. M., Henry, R. J., Cordeiro, G., Izquierdo, L., L. Lee, S.2007Dillon (2007)
E. Doring, Schneider, J., Hilu, K. W., Roser, M.2007Phlyogenetic relationships in the Aveneae/Poeae complex (Pooideae, Poaceae)
Doust, A.N., Penl, A.M., Jacobs, S.W.L. & Kellogg, E.A2007Congruence, conflict and polyploidization shown by nuclear and chloroplast markers in the monophyletic "bristle clade" (Paniceae, Panicoideae, Poaceae)


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith