
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
Q. Liu, Ge, X., Columbus, J. T.2008Richness patterns of grasses in China's nature reserves
X. Londono, Zurita E.2008Two new species of Guadua (Bambusoideae: Guaduinae) from Colombia and Bolivia
K. A. Lye, Namaganda M.2008Lye (2008)
S. R. Machado, Alvarez J. M.2008Root and stem anatomy of Poaceae species from the Brazilian pantanal
J. Martinez-y-Perez, Mejia-Saules, T., Sosa, V.2008A taxonomic revision of Luziola (Poaceae: Oryzeae)
S. J. Mayo, al et2008Alpha e-taxonomy: responses from the systematics community to the biodiversity crisis
O. Morrone, al et2008Phylogeny of the Paniceae (Poaceae: Panicoideae) integrating chloroplast DNA sequences and morphology
S. G. Newmaster, Balusubramaniam, V., Murugesan, M., Ragupathy, S.2008Newmaster (2008)
G. A. Norrmann, Swenson, U., Caponio, I.2008Norrmann (2008)
T. Oja2008Oja (2008)
M. Olonova2008Olonova (2008)
M. Olonova, Shavrova D.2008Olonova (2008)
B. Paszko, Peterson, P. M., Soreng, R.2008Paszko (2008)
S. Peng, Yang, H. - Q., D-Z, L.2008Peng (2008)
M. P. Pereira, Sahuquillo E.2008Pereira (2008)
P. M. Peterson, al et2008Peterson (2008)
P. M. Peterson, Giraldo-Canas D.2008Eragrostis (Poaceae: Chloridoideae: eragrostideae) in Colombia
M. D. Pirie, al et2008A supermatrix approach resolves phylogenetic relationships in danthonioid grasses
M. D. Pirie, Humphreys, A. M., Galley, C. A., Linder, H. P.2008Biogeography of Danthonioideae: Dispersal and diversification in the Southyern Hemisphere
T. Pleines, Blattner F. R.2008Pleines (2008)
A. Quintanar, Castroviejo, S., Catalan, P.2008Review of systematics and phylogenetics of the Koeleriinae
M. S. K. Raj, Sivadasan M.2008A new species of Dimeria (Poaceae, Panicoideae, Andropogoneae) from Goa, India
M. Roeser2008Complex chromosome evolution in some Aveneae, integrating karyotype structure and phylogeny
M. Roeser, al et2008Major lineages of Pooideae: a comparison of plastid with nuclear ITS DNA sequences
K. Romaschenko, Garcia-Jacas, N., Peterson, P. M., Soreng, R. J., Futorna, O., Susanna, A.2008Romaschenko (2008)
K. Romaschenko, Peterson, P. M., Nuria, G. - J.2008A phylogeny of Stipeae (Poaceae) based on nuclear and plastid DNA sequence data
G. H. Rua, Valls, J. F. M., Graciano-Ribeiro, D., Oliveira, R. C.2008Rua G.H. (2008)
E. Ruiz-Sanchez, V., S., Mejia-Saules, M. T.2008Ruiz-Sanchez (2008)
J. M. Saarela, Peterson, P. M., Liu, Q., Paszko, B.2008Saarela (2008)
N. Salamin, Kinney, M. S., Savolainen, V., Hodkinson, T. R.2008Phylogenetic supermatrices and online database for grass systematics and diversity
D. Salariato, Morrone, O., Zuloaga, F. O.2008Salariato (2008)
C. B. Salunkhe, Potdar, G. V., Yadav, S. R.2008Endemic grasses of peninsular India; a phytogeographic approach
S. M. Sede, Morrone, O., Giussani, L. M., Zuloaga, F. O.2008Sede (2008)
B. K. Simon2008Update of GrassWorld - information system and interactive key to world grasses
P. Singh, Kumari P.2008Use of SEM studies in Indian bamboo identification
V. Smith, Rycroft, S. D., Roberts, D.2008Scratchpads: getting biodiversity online, redefining publication
N. Snow, Peterson, P. M., Giraldo-Canas, D.2008Leptochloa (Poaceae: Chloridoideae) in Colombia
R. Soreng, Peterson P. M.2008Soreng (2008)
R. J. Soreng, Bull, R., Gillespie, L. J.2008Soreng (2008)
T. F. Stuessy, Koning C.2008Patrocladistic classification
S. Sungkaew, al et2008Sungkaew (2008)
A. Teerawatananon, Hodkinson T. R.2008Molecular evolution of tribes Arundinelleae and Andropogoneae (Panicoideae; Poaceae)
J. Triplett, Clark L. G.2008Intergeneric hybridization in the temperate bamboos (Poaceae: Bambusoideae)
D. A. Vaughan, Lu, B. R., Tomooka, N.2008The evolving stroy of rice evolution
A. R. Williams2008Williams (2008)
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G. Zizka, al et2008Diversity patterns of grasses in West Africa
J. C. Barber, Hames, K. A., Cialdella, A. M., Giussani, L. M., Morrone, O.2009Barber (2009)
N. P. Barker, Galley, C. A., Verboom, G. A.2009The phylogeny of the austral grass subfamily Danthonioideae: Evidence from multiple data sets.
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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith