
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
R. Cerros-Tlatilpa, Columbus J. T.2009Cerros-Tlatilpa (2009)
G. Davidse, Soreng, R., Peterson, P. M.2009Agrostopoa (Pooaceae, Pooideae, Poinae), a new genus with three species from Colombia
S. Donadio, Giussani, L., Kellogg, E. A., Zuloaga, F. O., Morrone, O.2009Donadio S (2009)
L. Giussani, Zuloaga, F. O., Quarin, C. L., Cota-Sanchez, H., Ubayasena, K., Morrone, O.2009Giussani (2009)
M. - J. Jung, Chen, C. - W., Chung, S. - W., Kuoh, C. - S.2009Supplements to the Grasses (Poaceae) in Taiwan (I)
H. P. Linder, Baeza, C. M., Barker, N. P., Galley, C. A., Humphreys, A. M., Lloyd, K. M., Orlovich, D. A., Pirie, M. D., Simon, B. K., Walsh, N. G., Verboom, G. A.2009A classification of the Danthonioideae (Poaceae)
H. Meimberg, Rice, K. J., N.F., M. <, Collins, C. N., McKay, J. K.2009Multiple origins promote the ecological amplitude of allopolyploid Aegilops (Poaceae)
D. L. Salariato, Giussani, L., Morrone, O., Zuloaga, F. O.2009Salariato (2009)
J. Schneider, Doring, E., Hilu, K. W., Roser, M.2009Schneider (2009)
S. M. Sede, Morrone, O., Aliscioni, S. S., Giussani, L., Zuloaga, F. O.2009Sede (2009)
A. S. Vega, Rua, G. H., Fabbri, L. T., de Agrasar, Z. E. Rugolo2009Vega (2009)
Y. - H. Wu2009Wu (2009)
O. Morrone2012Phylogeny of the Paniceae (Poaceae: Panicoideae): integrating plastid DNA sequences and morphology into a new classification
E. M. BellSubmittedBell (Submitted)
S. T. BlakeSubmittedKey to cultivars of Buffel Grass
G. Bonnett, Ekaterina, N., Olivares-Villegas, J., Berding, N., Morgan, T., Aitken, K. S.SubmittedIdentifying the risks of transgene escape from sugarcane crops to related species using the breeding experience of inter-species hybridisations, with particular reference to Saccharum spontaneum in Australia
N. L. BorSubmittedNotes on Asiatic Grasses: 27. A new name in Sporobolus
B. N. BowdenSubmittedModern Grass Taxonomy
W. D. Clayton, Renvoize S. A.SubmittedA system of classification for the grasses
H. T. Clifford, Evans G. P.SubmittedThe genus Oplismenus in Australia
V. Lyola ColbrySubmittedDiagnostic characteristics of the fruits and florets of economic species of North American Sporobolus
H. E. ConnorSubmittedStipa L. (Gramineae) in New Zealand
J. M. J. de WetSubmittedOrigins of polyploids
D. R. DeweySubmittedTaxonomy of the crested wheatgrasses (Agropyron)
E. .ESubmittedPuccinellia Parl (Gramineae:Poaeae) in New Zealand
Goldblatt, P.SubmittedPolyploidy in Angiosperms: Monocotyledons
Gould ShawSubmittedGrass Systematics
F. W. GouldSubmittedGould (Submitted)
J. B. Hacker, Lazarides, M., Andrew, M. H.SubmittedAustralian Native Sorghums - A potential resource for the improvement of grain sorghum
J. B. Hacker, Loch D. S.SubmittedTropical and sub-tropical grasses 2. Chloridoideae and Andropogoneae
J. B. Hacker, Loch D. S.SubmittedTropical and sub-tropical grasses 2-Chloridoideae and Andropogoneae
J. Heidweiller, van der Klaau M. A. F.SubmittedDifferences between Mnesithea and Coelorachis (Gramineae) in Southeast Asia
J. von HelmSubmittedUber Baueigentumlichkeiten der Infloreszenzen einiger tropischer Graser
J. T. HenrardSubmittedA critical revision of the genus Aristida
J. T. HenrardSubmittedA monograph of the genus Aristida
R. E. HolttumSubmittedOn the identification of the common hedge-mamboo of south-east Asia
C. E. HubbardSubmittedHubbard (Submitted)
S. W. L. JacobsSubmittedWhy Themeda australis?
S. W. L. JacobsSubmittedClassification in the Eragrostis curvula complex in Australia
S. W. L. JacobsSubmittedClassification in the Eragrostis curvula complex in Australia
H. Jacques-FelixSubmittedNotes sur les Graminees d'Afrique tropicale
H. Jacques-FelixSubmittedNotes sur les Graminees d"Afrique tropicale/ II. Les Arundinellees
P. JansenSubmittedNo.59. Two new species of Eriachne
P. C. KengSubmittedA revision of the genera of bamboos from the world (IV)
P. C. KengSubmittedA revision of the genera of bamboos from the world (III)
P. C. KengSubmittedA revision of the genera of bamboos from the world (II)
Y. L. KengSubmittedTwo New Generic Names and One New Species of Chinese Bamboos
M. LazaridesSubmittedEnneapogon
M. Lazarides, Clayton, W. D., Palmer, J.SubmittedA morphological character model for the Poaceae
H. P. LinderSubmittedLeaf anatomy, phylogeny, biogeography and evolution of Chionochloa (Danthonieae, Poaceae) in Australasia


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith