
Authorssort ascendingYearTitle
Stapf, O & Hubbard, C.E.1926Notes on African Grasses 2.
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Saarela, J.M., Peterson, P.M., Soreng,R.J, and Chapman, R.E.2003A taxonomic revision of the eastern North American and eastern Asian disjunct genus Brachyelytrum (Poaceae): evidence from morphology, phytogeography and AFPLP's
Davis, J I, Soreng, R.J.2003Phylogenetics of Poaceae subfamily Pooideae as inferred from structural characters and variation in the plastid-encoded genes ndhF and ndhH
Gillespie, L.J., Archambault, A & Soreng, R.J.2003Phylogeny of Poa (Poaceae) based on trnT-trnF sequence data: major clades and basal relationships
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Peterson, P. M., Pennington, S.J., Soreng, R.J.2005Biogeography and classification of New World Pooideae (Poaceae)
Soreng, R.J. & Olonova, M.V.2005On the distribution of the rare species Poa veresczagnii Tzvel. (in Russian)
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Snowden, J.D. & Hubbard, C.E.1936New species from Uganda
Dillon, S.L., Lawrence, P.K., & Henry, R.J.2001The use of ribosomal ITS to determine phylogenetic relationships within Sorghum
Dillon, S.L., Lawrence, P.K., & Henry, R.J., Ross,L., Price, H.J. and Johnston,J.S.2004Dillon S.L. (2004)
Siqueiros-Delgardo, M.E., Columbus, J.T.2003Species paraphylly and the Bouteloua curtipendula complex (Gramineae: Chloridoideae)
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Schweickerdt, H. G. & Hubbard, C.E.1936New species from South Africa
Oliveira, G.C., Schaal, B.A.2005Molecular phylogenetic analysis of Oryza L. (Poaceae) and its consequences for historical biogeography, cytogenetics and morphological evolution
Sanchez-Ken, G.J., & Clark, L.G.2003Phylogenetic relationships within the Centothecoideae + Panicoideae clade
Sanchez-Ken, G.J., Clark, L.G., Kellogg, E.A. & Kay, E. E.2007Reinstatement and Emendation of Subfamily Micrairoideae (Poaceae)
Reima, E, & Cota-Sanchez, J.H.2007An SEM Survey of the Leaf Epidermis in Danthonioid Grasses (Poaceae: Danthonioideae)
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Sage, Rowan.F, Meirong Li, Monson, Russell K.1999The taxonomic distribution of C4 photosynthesis
Saarela, J.M., Peterson, P.M., Kean, R.M., Cayoutte, J.2003Molecular Systematics of Bromus (Bromeae: Poeae) based on chloroplast and nuclear sequence data
Saarela, J.M., Peterson, P.M., Cayoutte, J.2005Bromus hallii (Poaceae), a new taxonomic combination for California, U.S.A. and taxonomic notes on Bromus orcuttianus and Bromus grandis
Saarela, J.M., Peterson, P.M., Refulio-Rodriguez.2006Bromus ayachchensis (Poaceae: Pooideae: Bromeae), a new species from Peru, with a key to Bromus in Peru
Refulio-Rodriguez, N.F., Columbus, J.T., Peterson, P.M.2005Systematics of Dissanthelium Trin. (Poaceae: Pooideae)
Freckman, Robert W & Lelong, Michael G2002Nomenclatural Changes and innovations in Panicum and Dichanthelium (Poaceae-Paniceae)
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Peterson, Paul M. & Planchuelo, A.M.1998Bromus catharticus in South America (Poaceae: Bromeae)
Barkworth,M.E., Capels,K.M., Long,A and Piep,M.B.2003Barkworth M.E. (2003)
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Pereira, M.P. Perez, G.E., Balbuena, E. S.2007Pereira M.P. Perez (2007)
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Duvall, Melvin D., Noll, Jeffrey D, Minn, Alexandra H.2001Phylogenetics of Paniceae (Poaceae)
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Barker, N. P., Linder, H.P., Morton, C.M. & Lyle, M.2003The paraphyly of Cortaderia (Danthonioideae: Poaceae): evidence from morphology and chloroplast and nuclear DNA sequence data
Molloy, B. P. J., Connor, H.E.2005Species novae graminum Novae-Zelandiae III. Two diploid species of Rytidosperma (Danthonieae: Danthonioideae)
Mason-Gamer, R. J., Helfgott, D.M.2003Untangling Polyploid Relationships in the Triticeae using Chloriplast and Nuclear GeneTrees
Marchant, A.D., & Briggs, B.G.2003Problems in the Phylogeny of Poales: DNA Studies of Centolepidaceae, Ecdeiocoleaceae and Australian Restionaceae
Lukens, L. & Doebley, J.2001Lukens L. & Doebley (2001)


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith