
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
R. P. Celarier, Harlan J. R.1957Apomixis in Bothriochloa, Dichanthium and Capillipedium
J. E. Endrizzi1957Cytological studies of some species and hybrids in the Eu-sorghums
C. E. Hubbard1957Nematopoa, a New Genus from Southern Rhodesia.
C. E. Hubbard1957Piptophyllum, a New Genus from Angola
C. E. Hubbard1957Crinipes Hochst., a Genus of Grasses from NorthEast Tropical Africa
C. E. Hubbard1957New species from Tropical Africa.
H. D. Jordan1957Hybridization of Rice
J. Kennedy-O'Byrne1957A new species of Eleusine from Tropical and South Africa
R. C. Lomasson1957Vascular bundle sheaths in the genus Aristida
E. Potztal1957Beschreibungen einiger systematischer Gruppen ger Graser
J. R. Reeder1957The embryo in grass systematics
T. Tateoka1957Notes on some grasses V. 8. Systematic position of the genus Astrebla
T. Tateoka1957Systematic position of the genus Brachyletrum
T. Tateoka1957Notes on some grasses VI. Coelachne and Sphaerocaryum 10. Chromosomes and leaf structure of several species
T. Tateoka1957Miscellaneous papers on the the phylogeny of Poaceae 10. Proposition of a new phylogenetic system of Poaceae
T. Tateoka1957Miscellaneous papers on the phylogeny of Poaceae (9)
C. G. G. J. van Steenis1957Specific and infraspecific delimitation
S. T. Blake1958New criteria for distinguishing genera allied to Panicum (Gramineae)
N. L. Bor1958Notes on Asiatic grasses. 32. Indopoa Bor, a new genus of Indian grasses
N. L. Bor, Hubbard C. E.1958Notes on Asiatic grasses. 31. A new genus of grasses
W. V. Brown1958Apomixis as related to geographical distribution in Panicoid grass tribes
W. V. Brown1958Leaf anatomy in grass systematics
W. V. Brown, Emery H. P.1958Apomixis in the Gramineae: Panicoideae
R. P. Celarier1958Cytotaxonomic notes on the subsection Halepensia of the genus Sorghum
R. P. Celarier1958Cytotaxonomy of the Andropogoneae III. Subtribe Sorgheae, genus Sorghum
R. P. Celarier, Harlan J. R.1958The cytogeography of the Bothriochloa ischaemum complex. Gramineae. I. Taxonomy and geographic distribution
R. P. Celarier, Mehra, K. L., Wulf, M. L.1958Cytogeography of the Dichanthium annulatum complex
J. R. Harlan, Celarier, R. P., Richardson, W. L., Brooks, M. Hoover, Mehra, K. L.1958Studies on Old World Bluestems II
J. R. Harlan, Celarier, R. P., Richardson, W. L., Brooks, M. Hoover, Mehra, K. L.1958Studies on Old World Bluestems II
W. Hartley1958Studies on the origin, evolution and distribution of the Gramineae. II. The tribe Paniceae
W. Hartley1958Studies on the origin, evolution and distribution of the Gramineae I. The tribe Andropogoneae
H. Jacques-Felix1958XII.- Notes sur les Graminees D'Afrique Tropicale
T. Tateoka1958Somatic chromosomes of Leptaspis and Streptogyna (Poaceae)
T. Tateoka1958Notes on some grasses. VIII. On leaf structure of Arundinella and Garnotia
K. Abele1959Cytological studiesin the genus Danthonia
S. T. Blake1959New criteria for distinguishing genera allied to Panicum (Gramineae)
W. M. Bowden1959The taxonomy and nomenclature of the wheats, barelys, and ryes and their wild relatives
W. M. Bowden1959Chromosome numbers and taxonomic notes on northern grasses II Festuceae
W. V. Brown, Harris, W. F., Graham, J. D.1959Grass morpholgy and systematics: I. The internode
W. V. Brown, Pratt, G. A., Mobley, H. M.1959Grass morpholgy and systematics: II. The nodal pulvinus
R. P. Celarier1959Cytotaxonomy of the Andropogoneae. IV. Subtribe Sorgheae
W. G. Dore1959Grasses of the Ottawa District
E. Hulten1959The Trisetum spicatum complex
M. Lazarides1959A new and distinctive species of Eriachne R.Br. (Gramineae) fron Western Australia
M. Lazarides1959The Australian species referred to Ichnanthus Beauv. (Gramineae)
B. Rosengurtt, de Maffei B. R. Arrilla1959Vaina entera en las Grmineas uruguayas
J. Rychlewski1959Cytogical investigations on Sesleria heufleriana Schu and S. coerulans Friv
T. Tateoka1959Lepturus and Monerma: a remarkable example of parallel development of gross morphology in grasses
T. Tateoka, Inoue, S., Kawano, S.1959Systematic significacnce of bicellulal microhairs of leaf epidermis
R. O. Whyte, Moir, T. R. G., Cooper, J. P.1959Grasses in Agriculture


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith