
Search results

  1. Australopyrum Taxonomy term/World grasses

    Unit name 1:  Australopyrum Unit name 2:  Unit name 3:  Unit name 4:  ...

  2. Australopyrum (Triticeae: Gramineae) in New Zealand Node/Biblio

    Dawson, MI Journal: New Zealand Journal of Botany Volume: 31 Pagination: 1-10 Keywords: AUSTRALOPYRUM ... , GRAMINEAE, TRITICEAE Alternate Journal: New Zealand Journal of Botany Australopyrum (World Grasses), ... Australopyrum (World Grasses) Publication Type: Journal Article Authors: Connor, H. E.; Molloy, B. P. J.; ...

    Bryan Kenneth Simon - 2015-07-03 19:41

  3. Australopyrum, Brachypodium and Elymus (Gramineae) in Malesia Node/Biblio

    Scheindelen, HJ Journal: Blumea Volume: 34 Pagination: 61-76 Keywords: AUSTRALOPYRUM , BRACHYPODIUM, ELYMUS, ... Australopyrum (World Grasses), Australopyrum (World Grasses), Brachypodium (World Grasses), Elymus (World ... Blumea, Volume 34, p.61-76 (1989) Keywords: AUSTRALOPYRUM , BRACHYPODIUM, ELYMUS, GRAMINEAE, MALESIA ...

    Bryan Kenneth Simon - 2015-07-03 19:41

  4. Useful Australian Plants. 35 Agropyron pectinatum Node/Biblio

    AGROPYRON, AUSTRALOPYRUM , AUSTRALOPYRUM PECTINATUM Alternate Journal: Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales ... Miscellaneous Publication Australopyrum (World Grasses), Agropyron (World Grasses), Australopyrum pectinatum ... (World Grasses), Agropyron (World Grasses), Australopyrum (World Grasses), Australopyrum pectinatum ...

    Bryan Kenneth Simon - 2015-07-03 19:41

  5. Sources of new genes and DNA sequences for plant breeding and molecular systematics Node/Biblio

    Biologist Volume: 5 Pagination: 31-39 Keywords: AUSTRALOPYRUM , SYSTEMATICS, TRITICEAE, TRITICUM Alternate ... Journal: Australian Biologist Triticum (World Grasses), Australopyrum (World Grasses), Australopyrum (World ... Biologist, Volume 5, p.31-39 (1992) Keywords: AUSTRALOPYRUM , SYSTEMATICS, TRITICEAE, TRITICUM ...

    Bryan Kenneth Simon - 2015-07-03 19:41

  6. Studies in Australian grasses, 2 Node/Biblio

    Austrobaileya Volume: 2 Pagination: 238-242 Keywords: ARTHRAGROSTIS, AUSKEY, AUSTRALIAN GRASSES, AUSTRALOPYRUM ... , AUSTROFESTUCA, CRITESION, ELYMUS, Grasses Alternate Journal: Austrobaileya Elymus (World Grasses), Australopyrum ... (World Grasses), Arthragrostis (World Grasses), Arthragrostis (World Grasses), Australopyrum (World ...

    Bryan Kenneth Simon - 2015-07-03 19:41

  7. Pooideae Node/Page

    Australopyrum Austrofestuca Sti Austrostipa Avellinia Po Avena Po Avenella Po Beckmannia Bro Boissiera Bra ... Grasses), Austrostipa (World Grasses), Australopyrum (World Grasses), Arrhenatherum (World Grasses), ...

    Bryan Kenneth Simon - 2015-07-03 19:41

  8. Pooideae Node/Page

    Australopyrum Austrofestuca Sti Austrostipa Avellinia Po Avena Po Avenella Po Beckmannia Bro Boissiera Bra ... Arctophila (World Grasses), Arrhenatherum (World Grasses), Australopyrum (World Grasses), Avena (World ...

    Bryan Kenneth Simon - 2016-09-28 03:28

  9. Veldkamp Node/Page

    van Scheindelen. 1989. Australopyrum , Brachypodium, and Elymus (Gramineae) in Malesia. Blumea 34: ...

    Bryan Kenneth Simon - 2015-07-03 19:41

  10. B.K.Simon cv Node/Page

    2:238-242     [Arthrothragrostis aristispicula B.K.Simon] [ Australopyrum velutinum (Nees) B.K.Simon] ...

    Bryan Kenneth Simon - 2015-07-03 19:41


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith