
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
R. E. HolttumSubmittedOn the identification of the common hedge-mamboo of south-east Asia
R. E. Holttum1967The Bamboos of New Guinea
R. E. Holttum1956The classification of bamboos
R. E. Holttum1955The bamboo genera Nastus and Chloothamnus
R. E. Holttum1955Growth habits of Monocotyledons - variations on a theme
R. F. Hoover1941The genus Orcuttia
S. D. Hopper1986Cladistics, Phenetics and the Threadbo Boden Conference on LArge Genera
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S. D. Hopper2000How well do phylogenetic studies inform the conservation of Australian plants?
S. D. Hopper, Barlow B. A.2000Sidney Herbart James 1933-1998
E. Horandl2007Neglecting evolution is bad taxonomy
E. Horandl2006Paraphyletic versus monophyletic taxa - evolutionary versus cladistic classifications
E. Y. Hosaka1953Feather Fingergrass
E. Y. Hosaka1953Sour Grass in Hawaii
E. Y. Hosaka, Goddell D.1954Pangola Grass in Hawaii
E. Y. Hosaka, Ripperton J. C.1953Molasses grass on Hawaiin ranges
K. Hoshikawa1969Underground organs of the seedlings and the systematics of Gramineae
T. Hoshino, Davidse G.1988Chromosome numbers of grasses (Poaceae) from Southern Africa. I.
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C. Hsiao, Jacobs, S. W. L., Chatterton, N. J., Asay, K. H.1999A Molecular Phylogeny of the Grass Family (Poaceae) Based on the Sequences of Nuclear Ribosomal DNA (ITS)
C. Hsiao, Wang, R. R. C., Dewey, D. R.1986Karyotype analysis and genome relationships of 22 diploid species in the tribe Triticeae
C. Hsiao, Wang, R. R. C., Dewey, D. R.1985Karyotype aanalysis and genomic relationships of 22 ploid diploid species in the tribe Triticeae
C. - C. Hsu1978Flora of Taiwan, Vol 5
C. - C. Hsu1971A guide to the Taiwan grases, with keys to subfamilies. tribes, genera and species
C. - C. Hsu1965The classification of Panicum (Gramineae) and its allies, with special refernce to the characters of lodicule, style-base and lemma
C. E. HubbardSubmittedHubbard (Submitted)
C. E. Hubbard1967On a Sporobolus naturalised in Portugal
C. E. Hubbard1967Habrochloa bullockii C.E.Hubbard
C. E. Hubbard1967Chaetopoa taylori C.E.Hubbard
C. E. Hubbard1967Snowdenia petitiana (A.Rich,)C.E.Hubbard
C. E. Hubbard1957Nematopoa, a New Genus from Southern Rhodesia.
C. E. Hubbard1957Piptophyllum, a New Genus from Angola
C. E. Hubbard1957Crinipes Hochst., a Genus of Grasses from NorthEast Tropical Africa
C. E. Hubbard1957New species from Tropical Africa.
C. E. Hubbard1956Heteropholis sulcata (Stapf)C.E.Hubbard
C. E. Hubbard1953Gramineae Australiensis: IV. Spartochloa, a new genus of Australian grasses
C. E. Hubbard1952Whiteochloa, a new genus of grasses from the Northern Territory of Australia
C. E. Hubbard1950Henrardia persica (Boiss.) C.E.Hubbard
C. E. Hubbard1950Drake-Brockmania somalensis Stapf
C. E. Hubbard1950Heterocarpha haareri Stapf et C.E.Hubbard
C. E. Hubbard1950Urochondra setulosa (Trin.) C.E.Hubbard
C. E. Hubbard1950Kerriochloa siamensis C.E.Hubbard
C. E. Hubbard1950Hyparrhenia edulis C.E.Hubbard
C. E. Hubbard1950Pogonochloa greenwayii C.E.Hubbard
C. E. Hubbard1950Digitariopsis redheadii
C. E. Hubbard1950Orthoclada africana
C. E. Hubbard1950Oryza angustifolia C.E.Hubbard
C. E. Hubbard1950Rhizocephalus orientalis C.E.Hubbard
C. E. Hubbard1950Alloeochaete andongensis


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith