
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
M. Lazarides1976The genus Eragrostiella Bor (Poaceae, Eragrostideae)
M. Lazarides1972A revision of Australian Chlorideae (Gramineae)
M. Lazarides1971A revision of Australian Chlorideae (Gramineae)
M. Lazarides1970The grasses of Central Australia
M. Lazarides196111. Contributions to the knowledge of Western Australian Gramineae
M. Lazarides1961The genus Ottochloa Dandy (Gramineae) in Australia and its relationship to Ichnanthus oblongus Hughes
M. Lazarides1959A new and distinctive species of Eriachne R.Br. (Gramineae) fron Western Australia
M. Lazarides1959The Australian species referred to Ichnanthus Beauv. (Gramineae)
M. Lazarides1992Resurrection grasses (Poacaeae) in Australia
M. Lazarides, Clayton, W. D., Palmer, J.SubmittedA morphological character model for the Poaceae
M. Lazarides, Hacker, J. B., Andrew, M. H.1991Taxonomy, cytology and ecology of indigenous Australian sorghums (Sorghum Moench, Andropogoneae, Poaceae)
M. Lazarides, Norman, M. J. T., Perry, R. A.1965Wet-season development of some native grasses at Katherine, N.T
M. Lazarides, Watson L.1987Cyperochloa, a new genus in the Arundinoideae Dumortier (Poaceae)
M. Lazarides, Webster R. D.1984Yakirra (Paniceae, Poaceae), a new genus for Australia
A. M. Lea1915An insect catching grass
M. Gonzales-Ledesma, Koch S. D.1994Tres especies nuevas de Festuca (Poaceae:Pooideae) de Mexico
M. S. Y. Lee2004The molecularisation of taxonomy
M. S. Y. Lee2003Species concepts and species reality: salvaging a Linnean rank
M. S. Y. Lee2002Divergent evolution, hierarchy and cladistics
M. S. Y. Lee1999Circularity, evolution, sytematics and circularity
M. S. Y. Lee, Doughty P.2003The geometric meaning of macroevolution
M. S. Y. Lee, Wolsan M.2002Integration, individuality and species concepts
A. J. M. Leeuwenberg1997Amusing superficiality of orthodox cladists
L. G. LeRoux, Kellogg E. A.1999Floral development and the formation of unisexual spikelets in the Andropogoneae (Poaceae)
D. A. Levin1993Local speciation in Plants: The Rule not the Exception
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G. Stebbins, L.SubmittedPolyploidy in plants: Unsolved problems and prospects
Y. H. Li, Lubke, R. A., Phipps, J. B.1966Studies in the Arundinelleae (Gramineae) IV. Chromosome numbers of 23 species
C. Liang-Chi, Hok-Lam F.1981Leptocann, a new genus of Bambusoideae from China
M. Liden1997Process and pattern, again. In response to Sosef
H. P. LinderSubmittedLeaf anatomy, phylogeny, biogeography and evolution of Chionochloa (Danthonieae, Poaceae) in Australasia
H. P. Linder2008Evolutionary history of the Poales
H. P. Linder2003The radiation of the Cape flora, southern Africa
H. P. Linder2001On areas of endemism, with an example from the African Restionaceae
H. P. Linder1996Priorities for taxonomic research on the Cape flora
H. P. Linder1995Setting Conservation Priorities: The Impotance of Endemism and Phylogeny in the Southern African Orchid Genus Herschelia
H. P. Linder1994Afrotemperate phytogeography: implications of cladistic biographical analyses
H. P. Linder1991Confidence limits in phylogenies: an example from the African Restionaceae
H. P. Linder1990On the relationship between the vegetation and floras of the Afromontane and the Cape regions of Africa
H. P. Linder1990A revision of Pentaschistis (Arundinoideae: Poaceae)
H. P. Linder1989Grasses in the Cape floristic region: phytogeographical implications
H. P. Linder1988A review of cladistics for botanists
H. P. Linder1987The evolutionary history of the Poales/Restionales: an hypothesis
H. P. Linder1984A phylogenetic classification of the genera of the African Restionaceae
H. P. Linder, Baeza, C. M., Barker, N. P., Galley, C. A., Humphreys, A. M., Lloyd, K. M., Orlovich, D. A., Pirie, M. D., Simon, B. K., Walsh, N. G., Verboom, G. A.2009A classification of the Danthonioideae (Poaceae)
H. P. Linder, Barker N. P.2005From Nees to Now -Changing Questions in the Sytematics of the Grass Subfamily Danthonioideae
H. P. Linder, Crisp M. D.1995Nothofagus and Pacific Biogeography
H. P. Linder, Davidse G.1997The systematics of Tribolium Desv. (Danthonieae:Poaeae)
H. P. Linder, Ellis R. P.1990Vegetation morphology and interfire survival stategies in the Cape fynbos grasses
H. P. Linder, Ferguson I. K.1985On the pollen morphology and phlogeny of the Restionales and Poales


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith