
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
B. K. Simon1989A new species of Coix L. (Poaceae) from Australia
B. K. Simon1989Studies in Australian grasses 4; Taxonomic and nomenclatural studies in Australian Andropogoneae
B. K. Simon1986Planichloa (Poaceae, Chloridoideae, Eragrostideae), a new grass genus from northern Queensland
B. K. Simon1986Studies in Australian grasses, 2
B. K. Simon1986Studies in Australian grasses, 3
B. K. Simon1986The biogeography of the genera and major groups of grasses
B. K. Simon1985What is the correct name for Kangaroo Grass?
B. K. Simon1984Two new species of Enteropogon (Poaceae, Chlorideae) in Australia
B. K. Simon1984New taxa of and nomenclatural changes in Aristida L in Australia
B. K. Simon1984Studies in Australian grasses: 1
B. K. Simon1982Notes on {ISporobolus} in Australia
B. K. Simon1982New species of Gramineae from south-eastern Queensland
B. K. Simon1982Sorghum timorense (Kunth) Buse - a new name for S. australiense Garber &Snyder
B. K. Simon1981An analysis of the Australian grass flora
B. K. Simon1980A key to Queensland Grasses
B. K. Simon1980A check-list of Queensland grasses.
B. K. Simon1979Naturalized fodder sorghums in Queensland and their role in shattering in grain sorghum
B. K. Simon1978A preliminary check-list of Australian grasses
B. K. Simon1972A revision of the genus Sacciolepis (Gramineae) in the Flora Zambesiaca area
B. K. Simon1971Rhodesian and Zambian Grass Lists
B. K. Simon1971A Revision of the Genus Sacciolepis (Gramineae)
B. K. Simon1971Three new species of Sacciolepis from the Flora Zambesiaca area
B. K. Simon2002Key to Genera of Australian Grasses
B. K. Simon2007Grass Phylogeny and Classification. Conflict of morphology and molecules
B. K. Simon, Clayton, W. D., Sharp, D., Bostock, P. D., Smith, W. D.1999Interactive key to the grasses of Australia
B. K. Simon, Healy D.2007GrassWorld update.
B. K. Simon, Henderson R.1994The need for taxonomy and taxonomists
B. K. Simon, Jacobs S. W. L.1990Gondwanan grasses in the Australian flora
B. K. Simon, Jacobs S. W. L.1999Revision of the genus Sporobolus (Poaceae, Chloridoideae) in Australia
B. K. Simon, Latz P.1994A key to the grasses of the Northern Territory, Australia
B. K. Simon, Weiller C. M.1995Fasciculochloa, a new grass genus (Poaceae:Paniceae) from south-eastern Queensland
B. K. Simon1992Poaceae
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A. P. Singh, de Wet J. M. J.1961Interspecific Hybrids in Bothriochloa II. Relationships between some American and Australian species
E. M. Skendzic, Columbus, J. T., R., C. - T.2007Phylogenetics of Andropogoneae(Poaceae: Panicoideae) based on nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer
C. SkottsbergSubmittedThe phanerogams of Juan Fernadez Islands
A. K. Skvortsov, Semikhov V. F.1994Systematics and Evolution of Grasses (in Russian)
A. B. Smith1994Systematics and the fossil record:documentary evolutionary patterns
L. Smith1982Flora Catarinense
L. S. Smith1941Some Queensland couch grasses
V. Smith, Rycroft, S. D., Roberts, D.2008Scratchpads: getting biodiversity online, redefining publication
V. Smith1999Experiments on the germination requirements of Aristida behriana
P. H. A. Sneath1995Thirty years of numerical taxonomy
N. Snow1999Systematics of Leptochloa P. Beauv. (Poaceae) using the phylogenetic species concept
N. Snow1999Review of Australian Tropical Rain Forest Trees and Shrubs
N. Snow1999The relevance of specimen citations to conservation
N. Snow1998Nomenclatural Changes in Leptochloa P. Beauvois Sensu Lato (Poaceae, Chloridoideae)
N. Snow1998Caryopsis morphology of Leptochloa sesu lato (Poaceae, Chloridoideae)
N. Snow1997Application of the phylogenetic species concept: a botanical monographic perspective
N. Snow1997Phylogeny and Systematics of Leptochloa P.Beauv. sensu lato (Poaceae:Chloridoideae)


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith