
Authorssort ascendingYearTitle
P. F. Stevens1985The genus concept in practice - but for what practice
P. F. Stevens1986Evolutionary classification in botany, 1960-1985
P. F. Stevens1987Genera, what and why - some thoughts
P. F. Stevens1991Character States, Morphological Varation, and Phylogenetic Analysis: A Review
P. F. Stevens1997J.D.Hooker, George Bentham, Asa Gray and Ferdinand Mueller on species limits in theory and practice: a mid-nineteenth-centurydebate and its repercussions
E. G. Steudel1855Synopsis Plantarum Glumacearum, Part 1
S. M. Stent1930South African Gramineae. Some new species of Digitaria
S. M. Stent1932The South African species of Sporobolus
G. L. Stebbins1982Major trends of evolution in the Poaceae and their possible significance
L. G. Stebbins, Crampton B.1961A suggested revision of the grass genera of temperate North America
G. L. Stebbins1930A revision of some North American species of Calamagostis
G. L. Stebbins1950Variation and Evolution in Plants
G. L. Stebbins1956Cytogenetics and evolution in the grass family
G. L. Stebbins1956Taxonomy and evolution of genera, with special reference to the family Gramineae
G. L. Stebbins1974Flowering Plants: Evolution above the Species Level
G. L. Stebbins1981Coevolution of grasses and herbivores
G. L. Stebbins1987Species concepts: Semantics and actual situations
L. G. StebbinsSubmittedOutline for a new system of classification of the Grasses
O. Stapf1900Gramineae
O. Stapf, Hubbard C. E.1929A new genus of grasses
O. Stapf1896Tripogon pauperulus
O. Stapf1896Halopyrum mucronatum Stapf
O. Stapf1904Xerochloa R.Br. (descr.emend)
O. Stapf1904on the fruit of Melocanna bambusoides, an endospermless, viviarous genus of Bambusese
O. Stapf1906The oil-grasses of India and Ceylon (Cymbopogon, Veteiveria, Andropogon spp)
O. Stapf1911Blue Couch: a new lawn grass
O. Stapf1911Dignathia gracilis Stapf & Dignathia hirtella Stapf
O. Stapf1916Uranthoecium truncatum
O. Stapf1916Digitaria exilis Stapf
O. Stapf1916Digitaria iburua Stapf
O. Stapf1916Microcalamus convallarioides Stapf
O. Stapf1916Poecilostachys hildebrandtii Stapf
O. Stapf1916Chloachne secunda Stapf
O. Stapf1916Odontelytrum abyssinicum
O. Stapf1916Danthonioipsis gossweilleri Stapf
O. Stapf1920Thellungia, a new genus of Gramineae
O. Stapf1921Kikuyu Grass (Pennisetum clandestinum Chiov.)
O. Stapf1922Sehima nervosum Stapf
O. Stapf1922Andropterum variegatum Stapf
O. Stapf1922Thyrsia inflata Stapf
O. Stapf1922Jardinia gabonensis Stapf
O. Stapf1922Lasiurus hirsutus Boiss
O. Stapf1922Coelorrhachis lepidura Stapf
O. Stapf1922Rhytachne gracilis Stapf
O. Stapf1922Miscanthidium teretifolium Stapf
O. Stapf1922Capillipedium glaucopsis Stapf
O. Stapf1922Euclasta condylotricha Stapf
O. Stapf1922Schizachyrium ursulus Stapf
O. Stapf1922Andropogon textilis Rendle
O. Stapf1922Exotheca abyssinica Anderss


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith