
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
J. J. Bruhl2003'Sedge Genera of the World (INTCYP V3): a revised and illustrated interactive identification and data retrieval tool for Cyperaceae
G. Nelson1971"Cladism" as a philosophy of classification
G. Nelson1973"Monophyly again?": a reply to P.D. Ashlock
R. K. Brummitt1998(1221) Conserve Brachiaria (Trin).Griseb. (Gramineae) with a new type (proposed by Veldkamp in Taxon 45:319-320. 1996 . Votes 1:11 (not recommended).
J. F. Veldkamp1996(1221) Proposal to conserve the name Brachiaria (Trin.)Griseb. (Gramineae) with a conserved type
N. Snow, Davidse G.1998(1330) Proposal to reject the name Poa malabarica (Gramineae)
P. M. Peterson, Soreng, R. J., Davidse, G.1998(1365) Proposal to conserve the name Elionurus (Poaceae, Andropogoneae) with that spelling
Vaughan, D.A., Miyazaki & Miyashita, K.20041. The rice genepool and human migrations
M. Lazarides196111. Contributions to the knowledge of Western Australian Gramineae
J. W. Vickery196119. Gramineae
D. A. Vaughan20034. Genepools of Genus Oryza
F. Mueller187363. Gramineae
C. D. Niles1925A bibliographic study of Beauvois' Agrostographie
S. W. L. Jacobs, Wilson K.1996A biogeographical analysis of the freshwater plants of Australasia
W. M. Ellis, Lee, B. T. O., Calder, D. M.1970A Biometric Analysis of Populations of Poa Annua L
O. Seberg1989A biometrical analysis of the South American Elymus glaucescens complex (Poaceae:Triticeae)
Lu, B. - R., Naredo, E. B., Juliano, A. B.1998A biosystematic study in the genus Oryza (Poaceae)
E. A. Kellogg1985A biosystematic study of the Poa secunda complex
T. Tateoka1961A biosystematic study of Tridens (Gramineae)
W. J. Cody, Darbyshire, S. J., Kennedy, C. E.1990A Bluegrass, Poa pseudoabbreviata Roshev., New to the Flora of Canada, and Some Additional Records from Alaska
A. Cronquist1987A Botanical Critique of Cladism
I. M. Turner1995A catalogue of the vascular plants of Malaya
K. W. Hilu2007A century of progress in grass systematics
I. W. Knobloch1968A check list of crosses in the Gramineae
B. K. Simon1980A check-list of Queensland grasses.
H. B. Gilliland1962A checklist of Malayan Grasses
G. R. Sykes, Christensen, A. H., Peterson, P. M.1997A chloroplast DNA analysis of Chaboissaea (Poaceae: Eragrostideae)
G. F. Guala1995A cladistic analysis and revision of the genus Apoclada (Poaceae: Bambusoideae: Bambusodae)
K. Thiele, Ladiges P. Y.1988A cladistic analysis of Angophora Cav. (Myrtaceae)
C. A. Wilson1998A cladistic analysis of Iris series Californicae based on morphological data
Soreng, R. J., Davis J. I.1998A cladistic analysis of Poaceae subfamily Pooideae
Zuloaga, F. O., Morrone, O., Giussani, L. M.2000A cladistic analysis of the Paniceae: a preliminary approach
Zuloaga, F. O., Morrone, O., Giussani, L.1998A cladistic analysis of the tribe Paniceae
H. P. Linder, Baeza, C. M., Barker, N. P., Galley, C. A., Humphreys, A. M., Lloyd, K. M., Orlovich, D. A., Pirie, M. D., Simon, B. K., Walsh, N. G., Verboom, G. A.2009A classification of the Danthonioideae (Poaceae)
F. B. Coleman1939A classification of the Millets
Macfarlane, T. D.1998A classification review of Poaceae subfamily Pooideae
T. R. Soderstrom, Calderon C. E.1979A commentary on the bamboos (Poaceae:Bambusoideae)
M. J. Dallwitz2000A Comparison of Interactive Identification Progams
M. J. Dallwitz1999A comparison of Interactive Identification Programs
P. D. Cantino, Olmstead, R. G., Wagstaff, S. J.1997A comparison of phylogenetic nomenclature with the current system: a botanical case study
D. R. Frost, Kluge A. G.1995A consideration of epistemology in systematic biology, with special reference to species
J. T. HenrardSubmittedA critical revision of the genus Aristida
M. J. Donoghue1985A critique of the biological species concept and recommendations for a phylogenetic alternative
B. S. Fisher, Schweickerdt H. G.1941A crtical account of the species of Dactyloctenium Willd. in Southern Africa
W. V. Brown1960A cytological difference between the Eupanicoideae and the Chloridoideae (Gramineae)
W. V. Brown1948A cytological study in the Gramineae
T. Tateoka, Pancho J. V.1963A cytotaxonomic study of Oryza minuta and O. officinalis
W. M. Ellis, Calder, D. M., Lee, B. T. O.1970A diploid polulation of Poa annua L. from Australia
W. D. Clayton1974A discriminant function for Digitaria diagonalis. Studies in the Gramineae: XXXVII
L. P. M. Willemse1982A discussion of the Ehrharteae (Gramineae) with special reference to the Malesian taxa formerly included in Microlaena


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith