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Sarga plumosum
Sarga leiocladum
Sarga intrans
Sarga angustum
S.S., Giussani, L.M., Zuloaga, F.O., Kellogg, E.A. 2003. A molecular phylogeny of Panicum
(Poaceae: Paniceae): Tests of monophyly and phylogenetic placement within the
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Avdulov, N.P. 1931. Karyo-systematische Untersuchung der Familie Gramineen. Bull. Appl. Bot. Genet. Pl.-Breed. Supp.
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Fig. 2 from Morrone et al, Phylogeny of the Paniceae (Poaceae: Panicoideae): integrating plastid
DNA sequences and morphology into a new classification. Cladistics 28: 1-24 (2012)
Taxonomy of Sarga, Sorghum and Vacoparis (Poaceae: Andropogoneae).
R. Spangler, «Taxonomy of Sarga, Sorghum and Vacoparis (Poaceae: Andropogoneae).», Australian Systematic Botany, vol. 16, pp. 279-299, 2003.
Genome evolution in the genus Sorghum (Poaceae)
H. J. Price, Dillon, S. L., Hodnett, G., Rooney, W. L., Ross, L., y J. Johnston, S., «Genome evolution in the genus Sorghum (Poaceae)», Annals of Botany, vol. 95, pp. 219-227, 2005.