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Arundinoideae. –This subfamily has presented problems to grass taxonomists for many years (Clayton & Renvoize 1986; Conert 1987; Ellis 1987; Hsiao et al. 1998; Kellogg & Campbell 1987; Renvoize 1981, Watson et al. 1985) as it has in the past being regarded primarily as repository for many genera that could not be readily accommodated in any of the other subfamilies (Renvoize 1981; Conert 1987).
Ehrhartoideae. --The ehrhartoid grasses (subfamily Ehrhartoideae), as presently classified, comprise the tribes Ehrharteae, Oryzeae, Phyllorachideae and Streptogyneae (Judziewicz & Clark, 2007), although only the first two were placed in this subfamily previously on the basis of molecular sampling (GPWG, 2001). The subfamily comprises 21 genera and 111 species in GrassWorld (Table 2).
Ideas on the classification of grasses are in a constant state of flux. Current work in this field is being conducted in many centres as can be seen from the proceedings the symposia on the classification and evolution of grasses from 1986 onwards (Soderstrom, Hilu, Campbell and Barkworth 1987; Jacobs and Everett 2000; J.T.Columbus et al 2007; Seberg et al. 2010).