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Chloridoideae. --
Brachyacne fulva Stapf
Some Queensland couch grasses
Useful Australian Plants
J. H. Maiden, «Useful Australian Plants», Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales Miscellaneous Publication, vol. 1425, p. 1, 1911.
A revision of Australian Chlorideae (Gramineae)
M. Lazarides, «A revision of Australian Chlorideae (Gramineae)», Australian Journal of Botany Supplmentary Series, vol. 5, pp. 1-51, 1972.
A revision of Australian Chlorideae (Gramineae)
M. Lazarides, «A revision of Australian Chlorideae (Gramineae)», Australian Journal of Botany Supplmentary Series, vol. 2, pp. 1-51, 1971.
Three new grasses from the Flora Zambesiaca area
F. K. Kupicha y Cope, T. A., «Three new grasses from the Flora Zambesiaca area», Kew Bulletin, vol. 40, pp. 89-91, 1985.
LIV. Gramineae Australiensis II
C. E. Hubbard, «LIV. Gramineae Australiensis II», Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, vol. 10, pp. 444-451, 1934.
Brachyachne prostrata C.A.GArdner et C.E.Hubbard
C. A. Gardner y Hubbard, C. E., «Brachyachne prostrata C.A.GArdner et C.E.Hubbard», Hookers Icones Plantarum, vol. 34 t.3362, pp. 1-4, 1938.