
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
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Doust, A.N. & Kellogg, E.A.2002Integrating phylogeny, developmental phylogeny and genetics: a case study of inflorescence evulution in the 'bristle grass clade' (Panicoideae: Poaceae)
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C. A. Galley2007The phylogeny of Pentaschistis (Danthonioideae, Poaceae) based on cpDNA, and the evolution and loss of complex characters
K. W. Hilu2004Phylogenetics and chromosomal evolution in the Poaceae (grasses)
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H. P. LinderSubmittedLeaf anatomy, phylogeny, biogeography and evolution of Chionochloa (Danthonieae, Poaceae) in Australasia
H. P. Linder, Verboom, G. A., Barker, N. P.1997Phylogeny and evolution in the Crinipes group of grasses (Arundinoideae: Poaceae)
O. Morrone, al et2008Phylogeny of the Paniceae (Poaceae: Panicoideae) integrating chloroplast DNA sequences and morphology
K. Romaschenko, Peterson, P. M., Nuria, G. - J.2008A phylogeny of Stipeae (Poaceae) based on nuclear and plastid DNA sequence data
O. Sedberg, Peterson G.2007Phylogeny of Triticeae (Poaceae) based on three organelle genes, two singl-copy nuclear genes, and morphology
R. J. Soreng, Davis, J. I., Doyle, J. J.1990A phylogenetic analysis of chloroplast DNA restriction site varaition in Poaceae subfam. Poiideae
R. J. Soreng, Davis J. I.1998Phylogenetics and Character Evolution in the Grass Family (Poaceae):Simultaneous Analysis of Morphological and Chloroplast DNA Restriction Site Character Sets
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith