
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
J. Everett, Jacobs S. W. L.1990Notes on Stipa (Poaceae) in Australia and Easter Island
J. Everett, Jacobs S. W. L.1983Studies in Australian Stipa (Poaceae)
S. W. L. JacobsSubmittedWhy Themeda australis?
S. W. L. JacobsSubmittedClassification in the Eragrostis curvula complex in Australia
S. W. L. JacobsSubmittedClassification in the Eragrostis curvula complex in Australia
S. W. L. Jacobs2004Thedachloa, a new grass genus (Gramineae: Paniceae) from the Northern Kimberley, Western Australia
S. W. L. Jacobs2001The genus Lachnagrostis (Gramineae) in Australia
S. W. L. Jacobs2001Four new species of Agrostis (Gramineae) from Australia
S. W. L. Jacobs1992New taxa and a new combination in Triodia (Poaceae)
S. W. L. Jacobs1992New species of Triodia and Plectrachne (Poaceae) from the Kimberley
S. W. L. Jacobs1985A new grass genus from Australia
S. W. L. Jacobs1971Systematic position of the genera Triodia R.Br. and Plectrachne Henr. (Gramineae)
S. W. L. Jacobs, Barkworth M. E.2008Jacobs (2008)
S. W. L. Jacobs, Everett J.1997Jarava plumosa (Gramineae), a new combination for the species formerly known as Stipa papposa
S. W. L. Jacobs, Everett J.1996Austrostipa, a new genus, and new names for Australasian species formerly included in Stipa (Gramineae)
S. W. L. Jacobs, Everett, J., Barkworth, M. E.1995Clarification of morphological terms used in the Stipeae (Gramineae), and a reassessment of Nassella in Australia
S. W. L. Jacobs, Everett, J., Torres, M. Amelia1998Nassella tenuissima (Gramineae) recorded from Australia, a potential new weed related to Serrated Tussock
S. W. L. Jacobs, Gillespie, L. J., Soreng, R. J.2008Jacobs (2008)
S. W. L. Jacobs, Lapinpuro L.1986A revision of Amphibromus
S. W. L. Jacobs, McClay, K. L., Simon, B. K.1993Review of Dichelachne (Gramineae) in Australia
J. W. Vickery, Jacobs, S. W. L., Everett, J.1986Taxonomic studies in Stipa (Poaceae) in Australia
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith