Name: Christine Sophie Kabuye
Department of Botany, Makerere University,
PO Box 7062, Kampala. Uganda
Phone: Mobile +256 752 539229
E-mail: ckabuye@botany.mak.ac.ug
Date of Birth: 21 November 1938
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: Ugandan
Education: B.Sc (London) Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda, 1964 (Botany & Zoology)
Special Training:
• In-service training and work at the Herbarium of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, England (April-September 1966); this was partly in connection with work on the family Oxalidaceae and partly to gain working experience in a large herbarium with a big collection of plants and literature
• Attended a course on Indigenous Knowledge Systems at the University of Leiden, the Netherlands and Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, Crete (January & February 1995)
• Working tour of European Herbaria with interest in and study of the African Flora. Besides Kew, these were the British Museum (Natural History), Uppsala and Stockholm in Sweden, Brussels in Belgium, Wageningen in the Netherlands, Paris, Geneva, Florence and Genoa - (September/October 1966)
• Short-time visitor t National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, USA - (16-26 June 1985)
• Short-time researcher at the Institute for the study of Earth and Man, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, USA – (1-30 October 1985 and 1-14 August 1986)
• Short-time fellowship at the Research School of Biological Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia – (March-April 1988)
Professional Experience:
• Part-time Lecturer, Department of Botany, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda (2004-date)
• Consultant: Plant biodiversity, Taxonomy, Ethnobotany, Indigenous Knowledge (1997-)
• Leader, Kenya Resource Center for Indigenous Knowledge (1992-1996)
• Botanist in Charge, East African Herbarium, Nairobi, Kenya (1971-1994)
• Taxonomic Botanist, East African Herbarium, Nairobi, Kenya (1964-1994)
a) General administration of the East African Herbarium and the research programme
b) Providing routine identification services for East African region
c) Liaising with botanists at Kew and elsewhere on work towards writing the Flora of Tropical East Africa (FTEA); this goes with the fact that the E.A Herbarium has the basic collections for the East African region and therefore apart from Kew, acts as a center for the study of the Flora although a larger part of the writing is done abroad.
d) Giving advice on research projects touching on vegetation studies by both local and foreign scientists
e) Liaising with national and local institutions on issues related to plant genetic resources: inventory, research, conservation and utilization
f) Co-management of the Indigenous Food Plants Programme - Kenya (1989-1992)
g) Chair of the National Plant Genetic Resources Committee (1987-1994); also on the National Gene Bank Committee (Kenya)
h) Lecturing and giving practicals in Plant taxonomy, Ethnobotany and Conservation Biology since 2004
Working Experience:
a) General identification of vascular plants and starting 1965 with special responsibility of naming Gramineae and Cyperaceae
b) Taxonomic revision of Oxalidaceae for the Flora of Tropical East Africa
c) Made various plant collecting trips in East Africa
d) Organized National Workshops on Plant Genetic Resources (6-7 July 1987 &15-17 February 1994)
e) Organized a Workshop on indigenous food plants (14-16 April 1993)
f) Worked with the Maasai community in Kenya establishing kitchen gardens using indigenous food species (1991-1993)
g) Worked on a pilot study of a project on Indigenous Agricultural Knowledge Systems in Kitui, Kenya (April-October 1995)
Membership to Professional Bodies:
• AETFAT (Association Pour L’Etude Taxonomique de la Flora Tropicale)
• IAPT (International Association for Plant Taxonomy)
• Regional member (Africa), Species Survival Commission of IUCN (World Conservation Union)
• ISE (International Society of Ethnobiology) – (also President, 1994-1996)
1. Kabuye CHS 1969. A new species of Biophytum (Oxalidaceae) from East Africa, B. turianiense Kew Bull. 23 (1969): 297
2. Kabuye CHS and D. Wood 1969. A first record of Multicellular Hairs in Gramineae Bot. Journal Linn. Soc. 62 (1969): 69-70
3. Kabuye CHS 1971. Oxalidaceae. Flora of Tropical East Africa (1971) 20pp
4. Kabuye CHS 1971. A new species of Eragrostis (Gramineae) from East Africa E. aristiglumis Kew Bull. 26 (1971): 82-84
5. Kabuye CHS 1973. Anew species of Eragrostis (Gramineae) from East Africa E. abrumpens Kew Bull. 28 (1973): 530
6. Kabuye CHS and S. A. Renvoize, The genus Alloeochaete Trbe Danthonieae (Gramineae, Kew Bull. 30 (1975): 569-577, with three new species described
7. Kabuye CHS 1984. Floristic Inventory Resources, In: Endangered Resources for Development (Proceedings of a workshop on the Status and Options for Management of Plant Communities in Kenya – March 1984): 30-38
8. Kabuye CHS 1985. The Ye-eb nut: A potential crop in Semi-arid lands. Weekly Review (April 1985): 15
9. Kabuye CHS 1986. Edible Roots from wild plants in Arid and Semi-arid land Kenya. Journal of Arid Environments 11 (1986): 65-73
10. Kabuye CHS and Bonnie f. Jacobs 1986. An interesting record of the genus Leptaspis, Bambusoideae from middle Miocene flora deposits in Kenya, East Africa. In Abstr. International Symposium on Grass Systematics and Evolution, July 1986. Smithsonian Inst. Washington DC (1986): 32
11. Kabuye CHS, G.M. Mungai and J. Mutangah 1986. Flora of Kora National Reserve. In: An Ecological inventory of the Kora national Reserve, Kenya (1986): 57-104
12. Kabuye CHS 1986. The Role of Herbaria in Conservation and Utilization of Vegetation: The African Experience. SINET: An Ethiopian Journal of Science 9 (Supplement) (1986): 23-27
13. Kabuye CHS 1987. Coastal Forests of Kenya: Conservation Status.In: Abstr. 14th International Botanical Congress, July 1987. Botanical Museum, Berlin-Dahlem (1987): 426
14. Jacobs Bonnie f. and CHS Kabuye 1987. A middle Miocene (12.2 ma) Forest in the East African Rift Valley, Kenya. Journal of Human Evolution 16 (1987): 147-155
15. Ibrahim KM and CHS Kabuye 1987. An Illustrated Manual of Kenya Grasses. FAO (1987): 765pp
16. Kabuye CHS 1988. East African Plants Used in Basketry. Monograph Systematic Botany, Missouri Botanical Garden 25 (1988): 351-361
17. Kabuye CHS 1988. Herbarium Techniques: African Overview. In: Conservation Biology: A training manual for Biological Diversity and Genetic Resources. Commonwealth Science Council, London (1988): 145-150
18. Kabuye CHS 1988. A 17myr fossil Canarium endocarp from Lake Turkana Region, Kenya. Utafiti 1,2 (1988): 67-68
19. Jacobs Bonnie f. and CHS Kabuye 1989. An extinct species of Pollia Thunberg (Commelinaceae) from the Miocene Ngorora Formation, Kenya. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 59 (1989): 67-76
20. Kabuye CHS 1989. Establishment of Botanic Gardens and Propagation units for Endangered Species. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Plant Genetic Resources, July 1987. Utafiti 2,2 (1989): 48
21. Kabuye CHS 1989. The Seeds of Time. Msafiri 4,1 (1989): 44-46
22. Kabuye CHS 1990. Comments on Latin descriptions. Taxon 39,2 (1990): 240
23. Kabuye CHS 1992. Ethnobotany: What scientists can gain from indigenous knowledge: Forum Botanicum 29:3 (1992): 3 pages
24. Kabuye CHS 1993. The Indigenous Food Plants Programme of Kenya. Abstract, In: Indigenous Knowledge and Development Monitor (1:2) 1993: 13
25. Kabuye CHS 1997. Potential Wild Food Plants of Kenya. In: Conservation and Utilization of Indigenous Medicinal Plants and Wild Relatives of Food Crops. UNESCO, Nairobi (1997): 107-112
26. Kabuye CHS 1998. Codes of Conduct for the use of Indigenous Knowledge: Proposals for the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights of Local Communities: Proceedings of the National Workshop on Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing in Kenya, (19-20 February 1998) 24-25
27. Kabuye CHS 1999. Socio-economic Research and Non-Wood Food Products: An overview. In: Sunderland, Terry C. H., Laurie E. Clark and Paul Vantmme (Eds) Non-Wood Forest Products of Central Africa – Current Research Issues and Prospects for Conservation and Development, FAO, Rome (1999): 111-115
28. Kabuye CHS 1999. The Future of Wild Food Plants. In: Abstract 16th International Botanical Congress August 1999, Missouri Botanic Garden, St. Louis.
29. Kabuye CHS 1999. The Cultural Values of Some Traditional Food Plants in Africa. In: Posey, Darrell Addison (Ed): Cultural and Spiritual Values of Biodiversity. UNEP (1999): 312-315
30. Kabuye CHS 1999. Bark Cloth in Buganda. In: Posey, Darrell Addison (Ed): Cultural and Spiritual Values of Biodiversity. UNEP (1999): 371-372
31. Maundu Patrick M, Grace W Ngugi and CHS Kabuye 1999. Traditional Food Plants of Kenya. National Museums of Kenya (1999): 270pp.
32. Kabuye CHS 1999. Am I My Brother’s Keeper? In Nazarea, Virginia D. (Ed): Ethnoecology: Situated Knowledge/Located Lives. The University of Arizona Press (1999): 263-270
33. Kabuye CHS 2000. Community Resource Rights. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Exploring the Potential of indigenous wild Food Plants of Southern Sudan. Lokichoggio, Kenya (January 2000): 69-71
34. Kabuye CHS and Grace W. Ngugi 2001. The Nutritional and Medicinal Importance of Indigenous Food Plants. In: Kenyatta, Catherine and Amiee Henderson (Eds): The Potential of Indigenous wild Foods, Workshop Proceedings, 22-26 January 2001, Diani, Kenya. USAID/OFDA: 57-60
35. Kabuye CS 2001. Assessment of status of Herbaria and capabilities in taxonomy and systematics for natural resources inventory in Sub-Saharan Africa. In: Robbrecht E, J Degreef & I Friis (Eds): Plant Systematics and phytogeography for the udnderstanding of African biodiversity. Proceedings of the XVIth AETFAT Congress. National Botanic Garden, Belgium: 237-245
36. Kabuye CHS (Ed.) 2002. Indigenous Knowledge for Biodiversity and Development. Proceedings of the National Workshop on Indigenous Knowledge. National Museums of Kenya, Nairobi: 148pp
37. Kabuye CHS 2002. The role of Indigenous Knowledge in Biodiversity Conservation and Development. In: Kabuye CHS (Ed.) Indigenous Knowledge for Biodiversity and Development. Proceedings of the National Workshop on Indigenous Knowledge. National Museums of Kenya, Nairobi: 15-19
38. Kabuye CHS (Ed.) 2002. Ethnobiology and Conservation of Biological and Cultural Diversity. Proceedings of the 5th International Congress of Ethnobiology. National Museums of Kenya, Nairobi: 430pp
Other papers presented:
1. Practical Approaches to Inventory Wildlands in Kenya. Information for decision-makers: How to Mobilize a Developing Nation’s Biotic Wealth (20-22 June 1991) San Jose, Costa Rica
2. Conserving Africa’s Floral Biological Diversity. 4th World Congress on National Parks and Protected Areas
3. Ethnobotany in Africa. Invited paper for the 4th NAPRECA Symposium on Natural Products (16-23 December 1991) Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
4. Ethnobotanical Aspects of the African Flora. Invited guest speaker for the Annual Congress of the South African Association of Botanists (13-17 January 1992) Durban, South Africa
5. The Indigenous Food Plants Programme of Kenya. International Symposium on Indigenous Knowledge and Sustainable Development (21-25 September 1992). Silang Cavite, Philippines
6. The Mijikenda of Coastal Kenya and their Sacred Forests, the Kayas: Conserving Cultural and Biological Diversity. 3rd International Congress of Ethnobiology (10-14 November 1992). Mexico
7. Indigenous Food Plants. Indigenous Food Plants Workshop (14-16 April 1993). Nairobi.
8. Indigenous Food Plants in a Kitchen Garden: Improving Diets and Conserving Biodiversity. Conference for the Society for Conservation Biology (9-13 June 1993), Tempe, Arizona USA
9. Role of the East African Herbarium in Biodiversity. Workshop on Regional Cooperation on Biodiversity Conservation in East Africa (17-11 February 1994), Nairobi
10. Wild Food Plants for Subsistence: Elucidation from Ethnobotanical Studies. Workshop on Indigenous Knowledge (11-15 July 1994), Bandung, Indonesia
11. Conservation Enhancement: Indigenous People and Local Communities. African Round Table on Coordinated Arrangements for Conservation and Sustainable Use of Genetic Material, Material and Technology Transfer and Benefit Sharing (9-10 September 1994), Nairobi (with Darrell Posey)
12. Bioprospecting Demands on African Countries: Rights and Benefits to Local Communities. International workshop on Community Rights and Biodiversity (17-18 October 1994), Montezillon, Switzerland
13. The Price of Ignoring Indigenous Knowledge in Agriculture. Workshop on Indigenous Knowledge Systems (6 March 1995), University of Leiden, The Netherlands
14. Bioprospecting: the Development Agenda for Local Communities. 2nd Congress on the Utilization of Tropical Plants and Conservation of Biodiversity (23-27 October 1995), Douala, Cameroon
15. The Ownership Debate in the Development, Production and Marketing of Phytomedicine. The International Workshop on Commercial production of Indigenous Plants as Phytomedicines and Cosmetics (24-25 June 1996), Lagos, Nigeria
16. Ethnobiology and Biodiversity in Africa: Traditional Practices and Beliefs. Workshop on Medicinal Plants and Herbal Medicine: Policy Issues on Ownership, Access and Conservation (14-17 April 1997), Nairobi
17. Access Regimes in the Implementation of the Convention on Biological diversity and their Implications in the Enforcement of CITES. 7th Session of the Global Biodiversity Forum (6-8 June 1997), Harare, Zimbabwe
18. Tapping the Contribution of Local Communities to Resource Use for Food and Medicine. Forum ’97: New Linkages in Conservation and Development (16-21 November 1997), Istanbul, Turkey
19. Indigenous Plant Use for Food and Medicine. 6th International Congress of Ethnobiology (23-28 November 1998), Whakatane, Aotearoa, New Zealand
20. Ethnobotany in Kenya. ‘People and Plants’ Workshop, Tanzania Botanical Training Program (16-20 March 1999), Arusha, Tanzania
21. Indigenous Knowledge as Intellectual Property. National Workshop on Protection of Plant Genetic Resources: Developing Regulations on Intellectual Property Rights, Access and Benefit Sharing (13-15 July 1999), National Museums of Kenya, Nairobi
22. Some Indigenous Food Plants Used in Health Care. International Symposium on Ethnobotany, Medicinal Plants, Folk Traditions, History and Pharmacology (14-18 August 1999) San Jose, Costa Rica
23. Nutrition and medicine: An integrated Approach to Human Health in Traditional Systems. 7th International Congress of Ethnobiology (23-28 October 2000), University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA (with Grace W. Ngugi)
24. Plant Taxonomy and the Diversity of Plants. Plant Sciences Conference (21-25 February 2005), Makerere University, Uganda - (Keynote)
25. Ethnobiologists playing an advocacy role. 10th International Congress of Ethnobiology (5-9 November 2006) Chiang Rai, Thailand
26. Coping with Hunger: Indigenous Knowledge and Food Resources. Workshop on Indigenous Knowledge and Changing Environments (2007) Cairns, Australia
Activities on the Wider Biodiversity Issues
1. Resource person, UNEP/UNESCO Regional Training Course for Biosphere Reserve Managers in Anglophone African Countries – (10-22 January 1991), Nairobi
2. On Kenyan Delegation to the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for the Convention on Biological Diversity – (23 September-2 October 1991, Nairobi; 25 November-4 December 1991, Geneva; 6-15 February 1992, Nairobi)
3. Leader, Quantification of Biodiversity: Plants for Kenya Country Study on Biological Diversity – (October 1991-January 1992)
4. Represented the National Museums of Kenya on the Inter-ministerial Committee on the Environment (IMCE) – (1991-1994)
5. Chairperson, IMCE’s Subcommittee on Biodiversity; prepared for African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN) Meeting in Nairobi and the 2nd Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity – (August-November1994)
6. African Representative on CITES Plants Committee – (1992-1997)
7. Consultant, Development of a National Herbarium for Uganda – (August 1992)
8. Reported on Kenya’s biodiversity Country Study at UNEP’s International conference on Biodiversity Country Studies – (15-21 November 1992) San Jose, Costa Rica
9. Co-Chairperson for the First Session of UNEP Expert Panel 5 for the revision of Guidelines for Country Studies on Biological Diversity – (1-5 February 1993)
10. Leader, Sub-group on community issues on Biodiversity Conservation for Kenya National Environment Action Plan (NEAP) – (November 1993-February 1994)
11. Organized an Eleven Weeks Certificate Course in Herbarium Techniques for the East African Region – (February-May 1994) Nairobi
12. Organized the National Workshop on Indigenous Knowledge for Biodiversity and Development – (1-3 July 1996) National Museums of Kenya, Nairobi
13. Organized the 5th International Congress of Ethnobiology – (2-6 September 1996) Kenyatta International Conference Center, Nairobi (Theme: Ethnobiology and Conservation of Cultural and Biological Diversity)
14. Feasibility Study for the development of a Reference Herbarium for the United Nations University/ Institute for Natural Resources in Africa – (27-30 January 1997) Accra, Ghana
15. On Peer Review Panel for the UNEP publication ‘Cultural and Spiritual Values of Biodiversity’ – (22-23 September 1997)
16. Research director, East Africa for the United Nations University/Institute for Natural Resources in Africa: Project on Expert Assessment of Status of Herbaria and the Capability in Taxonomy and Systematics for natural resources Inventory in Sub-Saharan Africa – (January-April 1999)
Special Awards
J. W. Harshberger Medal (1997) from the Society of Ethnobotanists, India
E. K. Janaki Ammal Medal (1997) from the Society of Ethnobotanists, India – ‘for long and distinguished service to Ethnobotany’
Attendance of Various Conferences
1. Plenary Meetings of AETFAT (Association Pour L’Etude Taxonomique de la Flora Tropicale) in Uppsala (11-16 September 1966); Geneva (16-21 September 174); St Louis, Missouri (10-14 June 1985); Hamburg (4-10 September 1988); Zomba, Malawi (2-11 April 1991); Wageningen, Netherlands (22-27 August 1994); Harare, Zimbabwe (3-7 February 1997); Meise, Belgium (28 August-3 September 2000); Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (21-26 September 2003)
2. Economic Plants for Arid Lands – Kew, England (23-27 July 1984)
3. Grass Systematics and Evolution – Washington DC, USA (27-31 July 1986)
4. Conservation and Rational Utilization of Vegetation – Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (28-30 October 1986)
5. African Wildlife – Kampala, Uganda (8-10 December 1986)
6. 14th International Botanical Congress: Forests of the World – Berlin, Germany19 July-1 August 1987)
7. 64th Meeting of the Species Survival Commission of IUCN – Rome, Italy (20-22 August 1989)
8. Origins and Development of Agriculture in East Africa – Leiden, Netherlands (7-10 May 1990)
9. 2nd International Congress of Ethnobiology – Kunming, China (22-26 October 1990)
10. Annual Congress of South African Association of Botanists – Durban, South Africa (13-17 January 1992)
11. International Symposium on Indigenous Knowledge and Sustainable Development – Silang, Philippines (20-26 September 1992)
12. 3rd International Congress of Ethnobiology – Mexico City (10-14 November 1992)
13. International Seminar on Indigenous Knowledge – Padjadjaran Universit, Badung, Indonesia (11-15 July 1994)
14. Workshop on Biodiversity in Africa’s Human Landscape – Nairobi (21-24 July 1994), organized by Social Science Research Council and the African Academy of Sciences.
15. International Workshop on the Biology, Agronomy and Improvement of Brachiaria – Cali, Colombia (3-7 October 1994), organized by International Center for Troipcal Agriculture (CIAT)
16. International Workshop on Community Rights and Biodiversity – Montezillon, Switzerland (17-18 October 1994), organized by Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN)
17. International Symposium on Patents, genes and Butterflies – Berne, Switzerland (20-21 October 1994), organized by SwissAid and WWF
18. African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN) – Nairobi (24-26 October 1994), UNEP
19. 9th Conference of the Parties to CITES – Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA (7-16 November 1994)
20. 4th International Congress of Ethnobiology – Lucknow, India (18-21 November1994)
21. Conference on Ethnoecology: Different Takes and Emergent Properties – Athens, Georgia, USA (7-8 April 1995), University of Georgia
22. Workshop on Conservation of Indigenous Medicinal Plants and Wild Relatives of Food Crops – Nairobi (24-30 July 1995), UNESCO/UNEP
23. Workshop on Conservation and Responsible use of Dalbergia melanoxylon – Maputo, Mozambique (6-9 November 1995), Fauna and Flora International and Mozambique Department of Forestry and Wildlife
24. International Planning Workshop on Conservation and Development Forum – Jekyll Is., Georgia, USA (29 November- 2 December 1995), University of Florida and the Ford Foundation
25. International Workshop on Commercial Production of Indigenous Plants as Phytomedicines and Cosmetics – Lagos, Nigeria (24-25 June 1996)
26. 5th Session of the Global Biodiversity Forum – Buenos Aires, Argentina (1-3 November 1996)
27. 3rd Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity – Buenos Aires, Argentina (4-9 November 1996)
28. 7th Meeting of CITES Plants Committee – San Jose, Costa Rica (11-15 November 1996)
29. Workshop on Medicinal Plants and Herbal Medicine in Africa: Policy Issues on Ownership, Access and Conservation – Nairobi (14-17 April 1997), OAU, DEPA and Kenya Industrial Property Office
30. 7th Session of the Global Biodiversity Forum – Harare, Zimbabwe (6-8 June 1997), IUCN, ACTS, UNEP, WWF and WRI
31. 10th Conference of the Parties to CITES – Harare, Zimbabwe (9-20 June 1997)
32. 6th International Congress of Ethnobiology – Whakatane, Aotearoa, New Zealand (23-28 November 1998)
33. Nomenclature Session and 16th International Botanical Congress – St. Louis, Missouri, USA (23 July-7 August 1999)
34. International Symposium on Ethnobotany, Medicinal Plants, Folk Traditions, History and Pharmacology – San Jose, Costa Rica (14-18 September 1999)
35. 11th Conference of the Parties to CITES – Nairobi (10-20 April 2000), on Kenyan Delegation
36. 7th International Congress of Ethnobiology – Athens, Georgia, USA (23-28 October 2000)
37. 8th International Congress of Ethnobiology – Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (2002)
38. 10th International Congress of Ethnobiology – Chiang Rai, Thailand (5-9 November 2006)
39. Indigenous Knowledge and Changing Environments - Cairns, Australia (August 2007), UNESCO
40. 11th International Congress of Ethnobiology – Cusco, Peru (25-30 June 2008)