Useful Australian Plants. 35 Agropyron pectinatum J. H. Maiden, « Useful Australian Plants. 35 Agropyron pectinatum », Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales Miscellaneous Publication, vol. 133, p. 1-2, 1897. Read more about Useful Australian Plants. 35 Agropyron pectinatumGoogle ScholarBibTeXRTFMARCEndNote XMLRIS
Australopyrum (Triticeae: Gramineae) in New Zealand H. E. Connor, Molloy, B. P. J., et Dawson, M. I., « Australopyrum (Triticeae: Gramineae) in New Zealand », New Zealand Journal of Botany, vol. 31, p. 1-10, 1993. Read more about Australopyrum (Triticeae: Gramineae) in New ZealandGoogle ScholarBibTeXRTFMARCEndNote XMLRIS
Sources of new genes and DNA sequences for plant breeding and molecular systematics R. Appels, « Sources of new genes and DNA sequences for plant breeding and molecular systematics », Australian Biologist, vol. 5, p. 31-39, 1992. Read more about Sources of new genes and DNA sequences for plant breeding and molecular systematicsGoogle ScholarBibTeXRTFMARCEndNote XMLRIS