
Search results

  1. Systematic studies in Homopholis: evidence for a new genus (Poaceae:Paniceae) Node/Biblio

    Keywords: GENUS, HOMOPHOLIS , PANICEAE, POACEAE Homopholis (World Grasses), Homopholis (World Grasses) ... II Abstracts, RBG, Sydney, p.92 (1998) Keywords: GENUS, HOMOPHOLIS , PANICEAE, POACEAE ...

    Bryan Kenneth Simon - 2015-07-03 19:41

  2. Systematic studies in Homopholis (Poaceae: Panicoideae: Paniceae) Node/Biblio

    ENTOLASIA, HOMOPHOLIS , PANICEAE, PANICOIDEAE, PANICUM, PHENETICS, POACEAE , THYRIDOLEPIS Homopholis (World ... Grasses), Digitaria (World Grasses), Entolasia (World Grasses), Homopholis (World Grasses), Panicum (World ... University of New England, Armidale, p.122 (1996) Keywords: CLADISTICS, Digitaria, ENTOLASIA, HOMOPHOLIS ...

    Bryan Kenneth Simon - 2015-07-03 19:41

  3. Systematic Studies in Paniceae (Poaceae): Homopholis and Whalleya gen. et sp. nov Node/Biblio

    Digitaria, HOMOPHOLIS , PANICEAE, PANICUM, PHENETICS, POACEAE , WHALLEYA Alternate Journal: Australian ... Systematic Botany Homopholis (World Grasses), Panicum (World Grasses), Digitaria (World Grasses), Digitaria ... (World Grasses), Homopholis (World Grasses), Panicum (World Grasses) Publication Type: Journal Article ...

    Bryan Kenneth Simon - 2015-07-03 19:41

  4. Panicoideae Node/Page

    Fig. 2 from Morrone et al, Phylogeny of the Paniceae ( Poaceae : Panicoideae): integrating plastid ... Sedis Acritochaete  Homopholis Hydrothauma  Megaloprotachne Thyridachne  Trachys, Reynaudia ... Homolepis (World Grasses), Homopholis (World Grasses), Homozeugos (World Grasses), Hopia (World Grasses), ...

    Bryan Kenneth Simon - 2015-07-03 19:41

  5. B.K.Simon cv Node/Page

    entirely dedicated to the study of the Poaceae . My first nine years (1965-1974) were spent in the position ... of the literature of the grass family.  To this end I have complied an extensive Endnote bibliography of the Poaceae ... I have also published on many other taxa of Poaceae (see Publication list), with publication of almost 80 ...

    Bryan Kenneth Simon - 2015-07-03 19:41

  6. Panicoideae Node/Page

    Fig. 2 from Morrone et al, Phylogeny of the Paniceae ( Poaceae : Panicoideae): integrating plastid ... of these groups (Incertae Sedis). Classification Incertae Sedis   Acritochaete  Homopholis Hydrothauma  ...

    Bryan Kenneth Simon - 2016-09-18 14:34

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith