Revision of Bambusoideae from Thu, 2014-03-13 02:45

Bambusoideae. -- Much progress is being made in the understanding of bamboo phylogeny, largely due to the efforts of the BPG (Bamboo Phylogeny Group), a collaboration of 20 bamboo specialists from 11 countries, working on the first widely sampled data-rich phylogeny estimation for bamboos (Clark 2008; Kelchner & Clark 2008). Early phylogenetic study on the bamboos (Judziewicz et al., 1999) has them as being monophyletic, with two main lineages - herbaceous bamboos (Olyreae) and woody bamboos (Bambuseae). However recent work (Clark 2008) indicates that the temperate woody bamboos are sister to a group of tropical woody bamboos and the Olyreae. An early detailed classificatory scheme of the woody bamboos (Dransfield & Widjaja 1995) consists of 9 subtribes, without evidence of it being based on any published phylogeny, although the existence of some of these subtribes is presented in the cladograms of Zhang & Clark (2000) and of Clark et al. (2007).

GrassWorld currently includes 112 genera and 1647 species within the Bambusoideae (Table 2). Of these 21 genera and 116 species belong to the herbaceous Olyreae and the remaining 90 genera and 1062 species to the woody Bambuseae. Many new genera have been described since Dransfield & Widjaja (1995) and, of them, 21 have not been designated to a subtribe. It appears that a number of these new genera have no phylogenetic basis but are described on the basis of phenetic differences from existing genera. The rationale for having them described at this stage of their knowledge is probably related to issues of conservation and having names for communication. The bamboos are unusual in this respect in that in many cases no flowering material is known and new species have been described solely from sterile material (Franklin 2008).

APG - P.F.Stevens & E.A.Kellogg

Woody; culms often
branched; fusoid cells and strongly asymmetrically invaginated arm and fusioid
cells +; microhairs elongated, with slender, thin-walled cap cells ["panicoid
type"]; (multiple buds per node); leaves pseudopetiolate, often with inner and
also outer ligules, culm leaves often very different from the others; (lodicules
3); A (2-)6(-140), (basally connate); stigmas (1-)2-3; (fruit a berry); first
seedling leaf without lamina; n = 7, 9-12.
84-101/940-1320. Bambusa (120), Chusquea (200), Sasa
(60), Phyllostachys (55), Arundinaria (50). Tropical to temperate,
often in forests (map: see Judziewicz et al. 1999; Sungkaew et al. 2009).

Synonymy: Bambusaceae Berchtold & J. Presl, Olyraceae
Berchtold & J. Presl, Parianaceae Nakai

BNW Bamuseae New World              BOW Bambuseae Old World       Oly  Olyreae

BOW Acidosasa
BNW Actinocladum
Oly Agnesia
BNW Alvimia
BOW Ampelocalamus
BNW Apoclada
Oly Arberella
BNW Arthrostylidium
BOW Arundinaria
BNW Athroostachys 
BNW Atractantha
BNW Aulonemia
BOW Bambusa

BOW Bashania
BOW Bonia
Oly Buergersiochloa
BOW Cathariostachys
BOW Cephalostachyum
BOW Chimonobambusa
BOW Chimonocalamus
BNW Chusquea
BNW Colanthelia
Oly Cryptochloa
BOW Cyrtochloa
BOW Davidsea
BOW Decaryochloa
BOW Dendrocalamus
Oly Diandrolyra
BOW Dinochloa
BOW Drepanostachyum
Oly Ekmanochloa
BNW Elytrostachys
Oly Eremitis
BNW Eremocaulon
BOW Fargesia
BOW Ferrocalamus
BNW Filgueirasia
BOW Fimbribambusa
Oly Froesiochloa
BOW Gaoligongshania
BOW Gelidocalamus 
BOW Gigantochloa
BNW Glaziophyton
BOW Greslania
BNW Guadua
BOW Hickelia
BOW Himalayacalamus
BOW Hitchcockella
BOW Holttumochloa
BOW Indocalamus
BOW Indosasa
BOW Kinabaluchloa
Oly Lithachne
BOW Maclurochloa
Oly Maclurolyra
BOW Melocalamus
BOW Melocanna
BNW Merostachys
Oly Mniochloa
BNW Myriocladus
BOW Nastus
BOW Neohouzeaua
BOW Neoleleba
BOW Neomicrocalamus
BOW Ochlandra
BOW Oligostachyum
BNW Olmeca
Oly Olyra
BOW Oreobambos
BNW Otatea
BOW Oxytenanthera
BOW Parabambusa
Oly Pariana
Oly Parodiolyra
BOW Perrierbambus
BOW Phyllostachys
BOW Pinga
Oly Piresia
BOW Pleioblastus

BOW Pseudobambusa
BOW Pseudosasa

BOW Pseudostachyum
BOW Pseudoxytenanthera
BOW Racemobambos
Oly Raddia
Oly Raddiella
Oly Rehia
Oly Reitzia
BNW Rhipidocladum
BOW Sasa
BOW Schizostachyum
BOW Semiarundinaria
BOW Shibataea
BOW Sinobambusa
BOW Sirochloa

BOW Soejatmia
BOW Sphaerobambos
Oly Sucrea
BOW Temburongia
BOW Temochloa
BOW Thamnocalamus
BOW Thyrsostachys
BOW Valiha 
BOW Vietnamosasa
BOW Yushania

New World Bamboos -

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith