Revision of Snow from Fri, 2015-07-03 19:41


Curriculum Vitae

March 2014

Assistant Professor of Botany (since 2013)

Director, T.M. Sperry Herbarium

Department of Biology

Pittsburg State University

Pittsburg, KS 66762

620-235-4424 (phone); 620-235-xxxx (fax)


Missouri Botanical Garden (Associate Researcher; 1999-present)

University of Hawaii-Manoa (Affiliate Graduate Faculty; 2010-2011)

Au Sable Institute of Environmental Studies (2006)


Ph.D., 1997 (Population and Evolutionary Biology); Washington University in St. Louis

Dissertation: "Phylogeny and Systematics of Leptochloa P. Beauv. sensu lato

(Poaceae: Chloridoideae)". Advisor: Dr. Peter H. Raven.

M.S., 1988 (Botany); University of Wyoming. Thesis: "Floristics of the Headwaters Region of the Yellowstone River, Wyoming)". Advisor: Dr. Ronald L. Hartman

B.S., 1985 (Botany); Colorado State University. Advisor: Dr. Dieter H. Wilken

2011-2013: Director, then Botanist, Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, Montana
2007-2011: Botanist, Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawaii
1998-2007: Assistant then Associate Professor of Biology and Botany, Curator of the Herbarium; School of Biological Sciences, University of Northern Colorado
2005 (sabbatical). Project Manager and Senior Ecologist, H. T. Harvey & Associates, Fresno, CA
1997-1999: Senior Botanist, Queensland Herbarium, Brisbane, Australia
1990-1997: Doctoral student, Washington University in St. Louis; Missouri Botanical Garden
2008-2011: Book review editor, Systematic Botany
1981-present: 10,700+ plant collections across 21 states, 10 countries and 4 continents
1990-current: Monographic and revisionary studies of Poaceae and Myrtaceae
2001-current: DNA sequence analysis (ITS-1,-2 regions) of myrtle family (Myrtaceae).
1990-1992: Chloroplast DNA rflp analysis. (Schaal lab; Washington University in St. Louis)
1990: Teaching assistant (general biology; Washington University in St. Louis)
1989: Chloroplast rflp; isozyme analysis (Brown lab; University of Wyoming)
1987-1989: Teaching Assistant (general biology, plant systematics; University of Wyoming)
1987-1989: Floristics research: Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Montana, Kansas (MS thesis and student projects: ca. 8,000 collections)
1985-1986: Teaching Assistant (general biology; University of Texas-Austin)
1984: (May-August) Denver Botanical Garden internship (Denver, Colorado)
1982: (May-August) Bureau of Land Management (Montana)

Systematics of vascular plants (Myrtaceae, Poaceae); evolutionary biology; herbarium management, ecology, history of biology and science
Pittsburg State University (2013-)

Undergraduate: General Biology (2013-2014; ca. 165 students); Medical Botany; Plant Taxonomy
Graduate: Medical Botany
University of Northern Colorado (1998-2007)
Undergraduate: Evolution; Plant taxonomy; Introductory Biology; Introductory Biology labs;
Anatomy and Morphogenesis of Plants; Field Botany (1 [Au Sable Institute]); Life of the Mind
Graduate: Species and Speciation; Evolutionary Plant Ecophysiology; Consilience – The
Unification of Knowledge; several miscellaneous readings courses and numerous independent
studies taught once.
2012. Bureau of Land Management, Eco-regional Data Services Agreement ($62,000)
2012. National Resource Conservation Service, U.S.D.A.
2012. National Resource Conservation Service, U.S.D.A. Ecological site descriptions in Montana
2011-2015. Bureau of Land Management, ongoing data services and development
2011-2015. US Forest Service, ongoing data services agreement

Snow, N. 2013-2014. Start-up funding from K-INBRE (Kansas Ideas Network for Biomedical
Research Excellence), grant number P20GM103418 from the Institutional Development
Award (IDeA) of the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes
of Health. $25,000
Snow, N. (PI), S. James, N. Harbottle, T. Ranker, D. Lorence. 2010. “Collaborative Research:
Consortium of Pacific Herbaria – A Research and Collections Network for Oceania”. National
Science Foundation. ($1,401,000)
James, S. A., A. Allison, N. Snow. 2010-2012. "Discovery and Description of Papua New
Guinea’s Megadiverse Flora”. National Science Foundation ($600,000)
Snow, N. 2007. Short-Term Visitor Grant ($1950), National Museum of Natural History,
Smithsonian Institution
Snow, N. 2005. Summer Faculty Research Fellow, UNC ($4500): "Systematics of Eugenia
(Myrtaceae) from Madagascar"
Snow, N. (co-PI), with P. M. Simmons (PI; Colorado State U.), R. Hartman (U. of Wyoming), T.
Ranker and R. Guralnick (U. of Colorado). 2003. National Science Foundation ($450,000).
Collaborative Research: Linked Databases and an Interactive Key for the Vascular Flora of
the Southern Rocky Mountain Region (RUI)
Snow, N. 2003. National Geographic Society ($15,000)."Systematic Revisions of Ten Genera of
Myrtaceae for the Flore de la Nouvelle-Calédonie"
Snow, N. 2002. Faculty and Research Publications Board, UNC ($2,500). “Systematic Revisions
of Seven Genera of the Myrtle Family (Myrtaceae) in New Caledonia”
Snow, N. 2001. Summer Faculty Research Fellow, UNC ($4500): “Taxonomic studies in Eugenia,
sections Stenocalyx and Phyllocalyx (Myrtaceae)”
Snow, N. 2000. Summer Faculty Research Fellow, UNC ($4500): “New and endangered plant
species from Australia and New Caledonia”

Moore, J., N. Snow. 2000. National Park Service, ($65,000): “Ecosystem impacts resulting from
the use of herbicides at Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado”
Snow, N. 1999 Faculty and Research Publications Board, UNC ($2500) “Molecular Phylogeny of
Eugenia (Myrtaceae)”
Snow, N. 1995. National Geographic Society ($18,417): “Systematics and conservation of
sprangletop grasses (Leptochloa)”
Snow, N. 1992. American Society of Plant Taxonomists ($500)
Snow, N. 1992. Organization for Tropical Studies ($500)
Snow, N. 1992 and 1989. Sigma Xi ($1000 both years)
Snow, N. 1990. Explorer’s Club ($750)
Snow, N. 1989. Short-Term Visitor Grant, Smithsonian Institution ($2000)

College Scholar Award, College of Arts & Sciences, Univ. Northern Colorado, 2002
Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant, Univ. of Wyoming, 1988
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, Univ. of Wyoming, 1988
Young Botanist Recognition Award, Botanical Society of America, 1985
Outstanding Foreign Language Student (Spanish), Chief Sealth High School (Seattle), 1978
Eagle Scout (Boy Scouts of America), 1974
Clayton, W. D., N. Snow. 2010. A Key to Pacific Grasses. Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew. 107 pp.

PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS (student authors underlined)
(109) Snow, N., P.M. Peterson, K. Romaschenko, B.K. Simon. In prep. Systematics of Diplachne (Poaceae: Chloridoideae: Cynodontae). Phytokeys
(108) Snow, N., M.C. Callmander. In prep. Studies of Malagasy Eugenia – IV: Twelve new endemic species, including another eaten by lemurs, with comments on emerging distributional and ecological patterns. Systematic Botany
(107) Snow, N., P.M. Peterson, K. Romaschenko. 2013. Systematics of Disakisperma (Poaceae: Chloridoideae: Cynodontae). Phytokeys: 26:21-70. doi: 10.3897/phtokeys.26.5649
(106) Snow, N. 2012. Five new species of Rhodamnia (Myrtaceae: Myrteae) from New Guinea. PhytoKeys: 31-49. doi: 10.3879/phytokeys.19.4098.
(105) Snow, N., P.M. Peterson. 2012. Systematics of Trigonochloa (Poaceae: Chloridoideae: Cynodontae). PhytoKeys 13: 25-38. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.13.3355
(104) Peterson, P.M., K. Romaschenko, N. Snow, G. Johnson. 2012. A molecular phylogeny of Leptochloa (Poaceae: Chloridoideae: Cynodonteae). Annals of Botany 109: 1317-1329. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcs077
(103) Snow, N., J. Rabenantoandro, F. Randriatifika, D. Rabehevitra, N. D. Razafimamonjy, S. Cable. 2012. Studies of Malagasy Eugenia (Myrtaceae) – III: Seven new species of high conservation concern from the eastern littoral forests. Phytotaxa 48: 39-60.
(102) Snow, N. 2012. Leptochloa P. Beauv. Pp. 131-138, In: Flora Argentina, F.O. Zuloaga, Z.E. Rúgolo, A.M. Anton (eds). Vol. 3, Tomo 2. Graficamente Ediciones, Córdoba.
(101) Snow, N. 2011. A new name in Asplenium (Aspleniaceae) from Hawaii. Harvard Papers in Botany 16: 161.

(100) Snow, N. 2011. Studies of Malagasy Eugenia (Myrtaceae) – II: Four new species, including one eaten by black lemurs on Nosy Be. Systematic Botany 36(3): 677-689.
(99) Snow, N., G. Davidse. 2011. Notes on grasses (Poaceae) in Hawai'i: 3. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 110: 17-22.
(98) Snow, N., T. A. Ranker, D. H. Lorence. 2011. Taxonomic changes in Hawaiian ferns and lycophytes. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 110: 11-16.
(97) Snow, N., J. McFadden, T. Evans, A. Salywon, M. F. Wojciechowski, P. G. Wilson. 2011. Morphological and molecular evidence of polyphyly in Rhodomyrtus (Myrtaceae: Myrteae). Systematic Botany 36: 390-404.
(96) Snow, N., J. F. Veldkamp. 2010. Miscellaneous taxonomic and nomenclatural notes for Myrtaceae. Austrobaileya 8: 177-186.
(95) Pérez C., J. L, N. Snow, E. Sánchez G. 2010. Comentario sobre el género Leptochloa P. Beauv. (Poaceae, Eragrostideae), en Extremadura y Andalucía (España). Acta Botanica Malacitana 35: 169-172.
(94) Snow, N., L. A. Craven. 2010. Five new species of Syzygium (Myrtaceae) from New Guinea. Harvard Papers in Botany 15: 123-136.

(93) Snow, N. 2010. Schedonnardus Steud. p. 212-213, In: Grasses in the Intermountain Region. Utah State University Press.
(92) Snow, N. 2010. Leptochloa P. Beauv. Pp. 182-184, In: Grasses in the Intermountain Region. Utah State University Press.
(91) Snow, N., A. Lau. 2010. Notes on grasses (Poaceae) in Hawai'i: 2. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 107: 46-60.

(90) Snow, N. 2010. Studies of Malagasy Syzygium (Myrtaceae) – Two new species with small leaves and winged branchlets. Harvard Papers in Botany 15(1): 85-91.
(89) Snow, N., P. G. Wilson. 2010. New species of Eugenia and Gossia (Myrtaceae: Myrteae) from Papua New Guinea. Telopea 12(3): 453-461. [Corrigendum: Telopea 12(4)]
(88) Snow, N., J. Cantley. 2010. A new species of Uromyrtus and Rhodomyrtus (Myrtaceae: Myrteae) from Kamiali Wildlife Management Area, Papua New Guinea, with an updated key to Rhodomyrtus. Harvard Papers in Botany 15: 63-70.
(87) Snow, N., W. Takeuchi. 2009. New species of Rhodamnia and Xanthomyrtus (Myrtaceae) from the Kamiali Wildlife Management Area, Papua New Guinea. Harvard Papers in Botany 14: 137-143.
(86) Snow, N. 2009. Additional family acronyms for vascular plants. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 3 (2): 993.
(85) Snow, N. In review. Kanakomyrtus N. Snow, In: Flore de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Vol. 23. Myrtaceae, Myrtoideae III.
(84) Snow, N. In review. Xanthomyrtus Diels, In: Flore de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Vol. 23. Myrtaceae, Myrtoideae III.
(83) Snow, N. In review. Rhodomyrtus (DC.) Rchb., In: Flore de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Vol. 23. Myrtaceae, Myrtoideae III.
(82) Snow, N. In review. Rhodamnia Jack, In: Flore de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Vol. 23. Myrtaceae, Myrtoideae III.
(81) Snow, N. In review. Gossia N. Snow & Guymer, In: Flore de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Vol. 23. Myrtaceae, Myrtoideae III.
(80) Snow, N. In review. Uromyrtus Burret, In: Flore de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Vol. 23. Myrtaceae, Myrtoideae III.
(79) Snow, N. In review. Archirhodomyrtus Burret, In: Flore de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Vol. 23. Myrtaceae, Myrtoideae III.

(78) Snow, N. In review. Myrtastrum Burret, In: Flore de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Vol. 23. Myrtaceae, Myrtoideae III.
(77) Snow, N. 2009 Twenty-eight new three-letter family acronyms for vascular plants (with comprehensive listings on-line). Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 3: 273-277.
(76) Snow, N. 2009. Kanakomyrtus (Myrtaceae): A new endemic genus from New Caledonia with linear stigma lobes and baccate fruits. Systematic Botany 34: 330-344.
(75) Smith, P. S., D. Hazlett, N. Snow. 2009. New state records of vascular plants for the Southern Rocky Mountain Region. Journal Botanical Research Institute of Texas 3: 317-318.
(74) Snow, N., P.M. Peterson, D. Geraldo-Cañas. 2008. Leptochloa (Poaceae: Chloridoideae) in Colombia. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 2: 861-874.
(73) Schiebout, M. H., D. Hazlett, N. Snow. 2008. A floristic survey of vascular plants over parts of northeastern New Mexico. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 2: 1407-1447.
(72) Snow, N., J. McFadden, J. P. Atwood. 2008.Three new species of Rhodomyrtus (Myrtaceae) from Papua New Guinea. Austrobaileya 7: 691-706.
(71) Snow, N. 2008. Notes on grasses (Poaceae) in Hawai‘i. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 100: 38-43.
(70) Snow, N. 2008. Studies of Malagasy Eugenia (Myrtaceae) - I: Two new species from the Masoala Peninsula and generic transfers from Monimiastrum. Systematic Botany 33: 343-348.
(69) Snow, N. 2007. Briza L. Pp. 143-144, in: Manual of Grasses for North America. Logan: Utah State University Press.

(68) Snow, N. 2007. Leptochloa P. Beauv., Pp. 198-200, in: Manual of Grasses for North America. Logan: Utah State University Press.
(67) Snow, N. 2007. Limnodea L. H. Dewey, Pp. 180, in: Manual of Grasses for North America. Logan: Utah State University Press.
(66) Snow, N. 2007. Schedonnardus, Pp. 237-238, in: Manual of Grasses for North America. Logan: Utah State University Press.
(65) Snow, N. 2007. Buchloë Engelm., P. 246, in: Manual of Grasses for North America. Logan: Utah State University Press.

(64) Snow, N. 2007. A new combination in Elymus (Poaceae, Triticeae). Phytologia 89: 223-224.
(63) Snow, N. 2007. Limnodea L. H. Dewey, P. 75. Flora of North America, Vol. 24. Oxford Univ. Press.
(62) Snow, N. 2007. Briza L., Pp. 612-614. Flora of North America, Vol. 24., Oxford Univ. Press.
(61) Snow, N. 2007. Systematics of the Australian species of Rhodamnia (Myrtaceae). Systematic Botany Monographs 82: 1-69.
(60) Snow, N. 2006. New species of Gossia N. Snow & Guymer and Rhodomyrtus (DC.) Hassk. (Myrtaceae) from Papua New Guinea. Austrobaileya 7: 325-340.
(59) Pritekel, C., A. Whittemore-Olson, N. Snow, J. C. Moore. 2006. Impacts from invasive plant species and their control on the plant community and belowground ecosystem at Rocky Mountain National Park, USA. Applied Soil Ecology 32: 132-141.
(58) Snow, N. 2005. Successfully curating smaller herbaria and natural history collections in academic settings. BioScience 55: 771-779.
(57) Snow, N. 2005. A new combination in Boechera (Brassicaceae) for the Rocky Mountain Region. Madroño 52: 62.
(56) Snow, N. 2005. Five new combinations of Gossia in the Myrtle Family (Myrtaceae) from Australasia. Novon 15: 477-478.
(55) Snow, N., J. W. Brasher, R. Wallace, J. Grasser, W. F. Jennings. 2004. Noteworthy collections: Colorado. Madroño 51: 331-332.
(54) Brasher, J. W., N. Snow. 2004. Further update to Weber’s 3-letter family acronym system. Taxon 53 (3): 1-3 (electronic version; website now defunct).
(53) Snow, N. 2004. A first report of Leptochloa panicea subsp. brachiata (Poaceae) from Western Australia. Nuytsia 15: 169-170.(52) Holst, B.K., M. Serrano, N.W. Snow, L. Kawasaki, P.M. Jorgensen. Myrtaceae. In: Catálago de las Plantas Vasculares de Bolivia (Missouri Botanical Garden). (13 pp ms. accepted: publication 2013 or later).
(51) Snow, N. 2004. Systematics of Pilidiostigma (Myrtaceae). Systematic Botany 29: 393-406.
(50) Snow, N. In Reivew. Rhodamnia, Flora of Australia, Vol. 20.
(49) Snow, N. In Review. Gossia, Flora of Australia, Vol. 20.
(48) Snow, N. In Review. Decaspermum, Flora of Australia, Vol. 20.
(47) Snow, N. In Review. Pilidiostigma Burret, Flora of Australia, Vol. 20.
(46) Snow, N. In Review. Lenwebbia N. Snow & Guymer, Flora of Australia, Vol. 20.
(45) Snow, N. In Review. Archirhodomyrtus Burret, Flora of Australia, Vol. 20.
(44) Snow, N. In Review. Psidium L., Flora of Australia, Vol. 20.
(43) Snow, N. In Review. Austromyrtus (Nied.) Burret, Flora of Australia, Vol. 20.(42) Snow, N. In Review. Rhodomyrtus (DC.) Rchb., Flora of Australia, Vol. 20.
(41) Snow, N. In Review. Uromyrtus Burret, Flora of Australia, Vol. 20.
(40) Snow, N. In Review. Lithomyrtus F. Mueller, Flora of Australia, Vol. 20.
(39) Snow, N. 2003. Schedonnardus Steud. Flora of North America. Vol. 25: 228-230.
(38) Snow, N. 2003. Buchloë Engelm. Flora of North America, Vol. 25: 270-271, Oxford Univ. Press.
(37) Snow, N. 2003. Leptochloa P. Beauv. Flora of North America. Vol. 25: 51-60, Oxford Univ. Press.
(36) Snow, N., G. P. Guymer, G. Sawvel. 2003. Systematics of Austromyrtus, Lenwebbia, and the Australian species of Gossia (Myrtaceae). Systematic Botany Monographs 65: 1-95. doi:10.2307/25027907
(35) Peterson, P. M., N. Snow. 2001. Leptochloa P. Beauv., Pp. 130-137, In: Catalogue of New World Grasses (Poaceae): II. Subfamily Chloridoideae. Contributions from the U. S. National Herbarium Vol. 41.(34) Snow, N., G. P. Guymer. 2001. Revision of Australian species of Uromyrtus (Myrtaceae) and two new combinations from New Caledonia. Systematic Botany 26: 733-742.
(33) Snow, N., G. P. Guymer. 2001. A new species of Decaspermum (Myrtaceae) from northeastern Queensland. Novon 11: 475-478.
(32) Snow, N., A. J. Ford, B. Koblitz. 2001. Rhodamnia longisepala (Myrtaceae): An endangered species from northeastern Queensland, Australia. Novon 11: 479-483.(31) Snow, N. 2000. A conspectus of Australasian Myrtinae (Myrtaceae). Kew Bulletin 55: 647-654.
(30) Nic Lughadha, E., N. Snow. 2000. Biology and Evolution of the Myrtaceae: A Symposium. Kew Bulletin 55: 591-592.
(29) Snow, N. 2000. A new Leptochloa (Poaceae: Chloridoideae) from Papua New Guinea and the Torres Strait Islands of Australia. Novon 10: 238-241.
(28) Snow, N. 2000. Festuca reptatrix L., Pp. 250-251, In: Typification of Linnaean plant names in the Poaceae (Gramineae), S. Cafferty, C. E. Jarvis, N. J. Turland (eds.). Taxon 49: 239-260.
(27) Snow, N., N. Holton. 2000. Additions to Weber’s three-letter family acronyms based on results of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group. Taxon 49: 77-78.
(26) Snow, N., G. P. Guymer. 1999. Systematic and cladistic studies of Myrtella F. Muell. and Lithomyrtus F. Muell. (Myrtaceae). Austrobaileya 5: 173-208.
(25) Snow, N. 1999. Notes on generic concepts in Rhodomyrtus, Archirhodomyrtus, Decaspermum, and Pilidiostigma. Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 99: 5-7.
(24) Snow, N., G. P. Guymer. 1999. Rhodamnia angustifolia (Myrtaceae), a new and endangered species from southeastern Queensland. Austrobaileya 5: 421-426.
(23) Snow, N., B. K. Simon. 1999. Australian distribution of the weedy neotropical grass Leptochloa fusca subsp. uninervia, with an updated key to Australian Leptochloa (Poaceae). Austrobaileya 5: 299-305.(22) Snow, N., P. L. Keating. 1999. The relevance of specimen citations to conservation. Conservation Biology 13: 943-944.
(21) Snow, N. 1998. Caryopsis morphology of Leptochloa (Poaceae, Chloridoideae). Sida 18: 271-282.
(20) Snow, N. 1998. Nomenclatural changes in Leptochloa P. Beauvois sensu lato (Poaceae: Chloridoideae). Novon 8: 77-80.
(19) Snow, N. 1998. A new species of Leptochloa (Poaceae, Chloridoideae) from Sri Lanka. Novon 8: 183-186.
(18) Snow, N., G. Davidse. 1998. Proposal to reject the name Poa malabarica (Gramineae). Taxon 47: 157-159.
(17) Snow, N., B. K. Simon. 1997. Leptochloa southwoodii (Poaceae: Chloridoideae), a new species from south-east Queensland. Austrobaileya 5: 137-143.
(16) Snow, N. 1997. Application of the phylogenetic species concept: a botanical monographic perspective. Austrobaileya 5: 1-8.(15) Snow, N., J. M. Beiswenger. 1997. Biodiversity and human ecology: analysis and resolution of fictitious conflict. American Biology Teacher 59: 344-348.
(14) Snow, N., 1996. The phylogenetic utility of lemmatal micromorphology in Leptochloa and related genera in subtribe Eleusininae (Poaceae, Chloridoideae, Eragrostideae). Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 83: 504-529. doi: 10.2307/2399991
(13) Snow, N. 1996. The phylogenetic paradigm of comparative biology – a response to Hedberg. Taxon 45: 85-90.
(12) Snow, N. 1994. The vascular flora of southeastern Yellowstone National Park and the headwaters region of the Yellowstone River, Wyoming. Wassman Journal of Biology 50-51: 52-95.
(11) Snow, N., J. M. MacDougal. 1993. New chromosome reports in Passiflora (Passifloraceae). Systematic Botany 18: 261-274.
(10) Snow, N., G. E. Crow. 1993. Primera documentación de Leptochloa panicoides (Presl) Hitchc. en Costa Rica. Brenesia 39-40: 189-190.(9) Snow, N., G. Davidse. 1993. Leptochloa mucronata (Michx.) Kunth is the correct name for L. filiformis (Poaceae). Taxon 42: 413-417.
(8) Snow, N., 1993. Environmental Issues: Tropical Deforestation. Pp. 17-21, In: J. M. Beiswenger & D. P. Bagby, Fundamentals of Biology: Laboratory Manual. Burgess Publishing, Edina (MN).
(7) Snow, N., P. Goldblatt. 1992. Chromosome number in Ticodendron (Fagales, Ticodendraceae). Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 79: 906-907.
(6) Snow, N., P.M. Peterson. 1991. Noteworthy collections, Nevada: Leptochloa filiformis. Madroño 39: 158-159.(5) Snow, N., M. G. Lelong.1991. A first report of Leptochloa scabra in Alabama.Sida14: 615-616.
(4) Goldblatt, P., N. Snow. 1991. Chromosome cytology and systematics of Eleutherine Herbert (Iridaceae). Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 78: 942-949.
(3) Snow, N., B. E. Nelson, R. L. Hartman. 1990. Additions to the vascular flora of Yellowstone National Park. Madroño 37: 214-216.
(2) Snow, N. 1990. The distribution of Frankenia jamesii Torr. ex Gray (Frankeniaceae) in the Great Plains. The Prairie Naturalist 22: 211-214.
(1) Snow, N. 1990. Noteworthy collections, Wyoming: Chloris verticillata. Madroño 37: 140.

Byng, J., P.G. Wilson, N. Snow. Taxonomic and Nomenclatural notes of Indian Myrtaceae.
Snow, N., J. F. Smith, E. Biffin, A. Salywon, P. F. Wilson. A phylogeny of Eugenia (Myrtaceae:
Myrteae) based on structural pairing, paired-sites models using ITS sequence data
Snow, N., P.M. Peterson. Systematics of Diplachne (Poaceae: Chloridoideae)
Snow, N., P.M. Peterson. Systematics of Leptochloa sensu stricto (Poaceae: Chloridoideae)
Snow, N., P.M. Peterson. Systematics of Dinebra (Poaceae: Chloridoideae)

ON-LINE PUBLICATIONS AND RESOURCES (student authors underlined)
Snow, N. 2012. Taxon editor for Decaspermum, Eugenia, Myrtus, Rhodomyrtus, and Syzygium
for Flora of India in TROPICOS, J.R. Abbott (general editor).
Snow, N. 2009. Checklist of Vascular Plants of the Southern Rocky Mountain Region (Version 3).
316 pp.
Snow, N. 2009. Three-letter family acronyms for vascular plants.
Snow, N., N. Rakotonorina. December 2007. Eugenia (Myrtaceae) for Madagascar Catalog
Snow, N. October 2007. Checklist of Vascular Plants of the Southern Rocky Mountain Region
(Version 2). 306 pp. (Replaced by Snow 2009, above)
Snow, N. Sept. 2007. Checklist of Vascular Plants of the Southern Rocky Mountain Region
(Version 1). 306 pp. (Defunct: Replaced by Version 2 [see previous line, above])
Sawvel, R., N. Snow, G. P. Guymer, G. Sawvel. 2005. An on-line Lucid key to the Australian
species of Gossia (Myrtaceae).
Brasher, J. W., N. Snow. 2004. An on-line compilation: Weber’s system of three-letter plant family
acronyms. ( University of Northern
Colorado. Greeley, CO.
Brasher, J. W., N. Snow. 2003. Southern Rocky Mountain Interactive Flora (SRMIF). Phase 1:
Key to Families. University of Northern Colorado. (
Simmons, M., N. Snow, R. Hartman, T. Ranker, R. Guralnick. 2004. Vascular Flora of the
Southern Rocky Mountain Region. [Defunct]
Snow, N., J. W. Brasher. 2004. A Provisional checklist of the Vascular Plants for the Southern
Rocky Mountain Interactive Flora. 314 pp. University of Northern Colorado. (Defunct:
replaced by Snow 2007 [see above, this section])
Snow, N. 2001-2007. The University of Northern Colorado Herbarium.

Snow, N. 2011. The Kew Plant Glossary: An Illustrated Dictionary of Plant Terms. Systematic
Botany 36: 253.
Snow, N. 2010. Flora of North America, Volume 7, Salicaceae to Brassicaceae. Flora of North
America Editorial Committee. Plant Science Bulletin Fall 2010: 143-144.
Snow, N. 2010. Flora Mesoamericana Volumen 4, Parte 1, Cucurbitaceae a Polemoniaceae.
Systematic Botany 35(4): In press.

Snow, N. 2010. Palms of Southern Asia. Andrew Henderson. Princeton University Press.
Systematic Botany 35: 220.
Snow, N. 2009. Catálago de las Plantas Vasculares de Cono Sur (Argentina, Sur de Brasil, Chile,
Paraguay y Uruguay), F. O. Zuloaga et al. (eds). Systematic Botany 34: 610-611.
Snow, N. 2009. Grasses of Colorado. Robert J. Shaw. University Press of Colorado. Systematic
Botany 34: 439-440.
Snow, N. 2003. AusGrass: A model for the efficient dissemination of taxonomic data. Taxon 52:
Snow, N. 2000. Plant Systematics: A Phylogenetic Approach. Judd, W. S., C. S. Campbell, E. A.
Kellogg, P. F. Stevens. 1999. Sunderland, Massachusetts: Sinauer Associates, Sunderland,
Massachusetts. xvi + 464 pp., with CD-ROM. ISBN 0-87893-404-9. Sida 19: 227-232.
Snow, N. 1999. Australian Tropical Rain Forest Trees and Shrubs, Second Edition, by B.P.M.
Hyland, T. Whiffin, D.C. Christophel, B. Gray, R. W. Elick, A.J. Ford. 1999. CD-ROM plus User
Guide. Collinwood, Victoria: CSIRO Publishing. Systematic Botany 24: 498-499.
Snow, N., D. Sharp. 1999. LucIDTM Professional for Windows: Contemporary Identification Tools,
CPITT (Centre for Pest Information Technology and Transfer, The University of Queensland).
1999. CD-ROM plus Instruction Manual. 121 pp. illustr. ISBN 0-643-06415-X. Collingwood,
Victoria: CSIRO Publishing. Systematic Biology 48: 828-830.
Snow, N. 1997. Colorado Flora: Eastern Slope (Revised Ed.) and Colorado Flora: Western Slope
(Revised Ed.), by William A. Weber and Ronald C. Wittman. Sida 17: 529-531.
Snow, N. 1996. Review: Grasses of the Trans-Pecos and adjacent areas, by A. Michael Powell.
Madroño 43: 442-443.

Snow, N., E. Bryon. 2 May 2013. Botanists Discover new plant in the Scapegoat Wilderness.
Special to: Helena Independent Record.
Snow, N., S. L. O'Kane, Jr. 2008. New plant species in Colorado and a call to action. Aquilegia
32: 4-5.
Snow, N. 2008. Botanists discover 2 new plant species. Special to: The Durango Herald (March
6, 2008) Durango, Colorado.
Snow, N. 2008. Updated generic keys for Poaceae for the Southern Rocky Mountain Region. 3.
Festuca. Aquilegia 32 (2): 1-3.
Snow, N. 2008. Updated generic keys for Poaceae for the Southern Rocky Mountain Region. 2.
Poa. Aquilegia 32 (1): 1-3.
Snow, N. 2007. Updated generic keys for Poaceae for the Southern Rocky Mountain Region. 1.
Bromus L. Aquilegia 31: 1-4.
Snow, N. 2006. Review of new plant taxonomy textbooks. Aquilegia 30: 4.
Snow, N. 2004. The Vascular Flora of the Southern Rocky Mountain Region. Castilleja 23: 4-5.
Snow, N. 2004. Buffalograss shares generic boundaries with Blue Grama (Bouteloua). Aquilegia
Snow, N. 2000. Generic Changes to the Scrophulariaceae affect the Rocky Mountain Flora.
Aquilegia 24: 1-2.
Snow, N. 2000. The UNC herbarium: Mission and activities. Aquilegia 24: 6.
Snow, N. 1994. The Missouri Botanical Garden: A Research Paradise. Castilleja 13: 3

PAPERS PRESENTED (presenter in bold; student authors underlined)
Bernardini, B., J. Byng, N. Snow. 2014 (planned). Phylogeny, biogeographic origins, and
convergent evolution in Old World Eugenia L. (Myrtaceae), with a focus on African species.
BOTANY 2014, Boise, Idaho.
Schneider, N.A., Azevedo Filho, W.S., N. Snow. 2014. Leafhoppers (Cicadellidae: Ciadellinae)
Potential vectors of the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa in of Plum Leaf Scald in Southern Brazil.
Pittsburg State University Research Colloquium.
Byng, J., B. Bernardini, N. Snow. 2014. Systematics of African and Malagasy Myrtaceae:
Progress and Future Prospects. AEFAT, Cape Town, South Africa. January.

Snow, N., N. Harbottle, S. A. James, T. A. Ranker, M. Thomas, D. H. Lorence. 2011. The
Consortium of Pacific Herbaria: A new research and collections network for Oceania. Society
for the Preservation of Natural History Collections, Annual Meeting (San Francisco).
J. W. Brasher, N. Snow. 2008. Factors correlated with recognition of plants and mammals:
Implications for weed control. Western Society of Weed Science 61st
Annual Meeting, 11-14
March 2008, Anaheim, CA.
J. W. Brasher, N. Snow. 2007. Species Identification Survey: Factors correlated with recognition
of plants and animals. BOTANY 2007 (Chicago, IL).
J. Csizmadi, N. Snow, M. Wojchiechowski, A. Salywon, G. Beredsford. 2006. Testing generic
boundaries of Rhodomyrtus (Myrtaceae) using ITS sequence data and morphology. BOTANY
2006 (Chico, CA).
Brasher, J., N. Snow. 2004. Rapid and Efficient Dissemination of Biological Data with Interactive
Keys: The Southern Rocky Mountain Interactive Flora. GBIOT-04 (First Biotechnology and
Bioinformatics Symposium, Colorado Springs, September).
Snow, N. 2004. Successfully marketing and managing smaller natural history collections in an era
of declining funding. BOTANY 2004. (Snowbird, UT).
Snow, N. 2004. A new endemic genus in Myrtaceae from New Caledonia. BOTANY 2004
(Snowbird, UT).
Salywon, A., N. Snow, M. J. Wojciechowski, J. Csizmadi, L. R. Landrum. 2004. Phylogeny of
Myrtaceae based on ITS sequences. BOTANY 2004 (Snowbird, UT).
Snow, N. 2002. Interactive computer keys as constructivist learning tools in biology. Botany in the
Curriculum: Integrating Research and Teaching. BOTANY 2002 (Madison, WI)
Salywon, A., N. Snow, L. R. Landrum. 2002. Phylogenetic relationships of the berry fruited
Myrtaceae as inferred from ITS sequences. BOTANY 2002 (Madison, WI)
Koblitz, B., N. Snow. 2002. An Interactive Key to the Vascular Flora of the Laramie Foothills
Region, Colorado. BOTANY 2002 (Madison, WI)
Snow, N. 1999. Systematics of Leptochloa P. Beauv. using the phylogenetic species concept.
XVI International Botanical Congress, St. Louis.
Snow, N., G. P. Guymer. 1999. Systematic revision of Austromyrtus (Myrtaceae) in Australia. XVI
International Botanical Congress, St. Louis.
Snow, N., G. P. Guymer. 1997. Conservation and systematics of Myrtella and Lithomyrtus F.
Muell. (Myrtaceae). Australian Systematic Botany Society and Society of Australian Systematic
Biologists, Adelaide.
Snow, N.1997. Application of the phylogenetic species concept: a case study with Leptochloa
(Poaceae, Chloridoideae). Australian Systematic Botany Society and Society of Australian
Systematic Biologists, Adelaide.
Snow, N. 1995. Leaf cross-sectional anatomy in Leptochloa (Poaceae). American Journal of
Botany Abstracts 82: 162

Snow, N. 1994. Micromorphological characters in Poaceae: considerations of ontogeny,
homology, and phylogenetic application. American Journal of Botany Abstracts 82: 187.
Snow, N. 1994. Lemmatal micromorphology as a source of phylogenetic markers in the subtribe
Eleusininae (Poaceae, Chloridoideae, Eragrostoideae) American Journal of Botany Abstracts
81: 186-187.
Snow, N. 1990. Phytogeographical affinities of the Absaroka Range (Wyoming-Montana),
Southwestern and Rocky Mountain Division, American Association for the Advancement of
Snow, N. 1990. A teaching exercise concerning tropical deforestation using a fictitious scenario.
Colorado-Wyoming Academy of Science.

Snow, N. 1998. The use of hairs for phylogenetic inference in grasses (Poaceae). Abstracts: 51.
Monocots II, Comparative Biology of the Monocotyledons, Sydney, Australia.
Snow, N. 1998. Application of the phylogenetic species concept to Leptochloa (Poaceae).
Abstracts: 84. Monocots II, Comparative Biology of the Monocotyledons, Sydney, Australia.

POSTERS (student authors underlined)
Snow, N., J. Byng, M. Callmander. 2014 (planned). Twelve more new species illuminate
distributional patterns among Eugenia L. (Myrtaceae) in Madagascar and highlight the urgent
need for conservation. BOTANY 2014, Boise, Idaho.
Snow, N., S. Young, S. Martin, A. Jayawardhana. 2014. A preliminary survey of the holdings of
the T.M. Sperry Herbarium, Pittsburg State University. K-INBRE: Kansas-Ideas Network for
Research in Biomedical Excellence, Kansas City, 18 January.
James, S. A., C. Imada, N. Snow. 2009. Hawaii’s invasive plant species: an interactive tool for
identification, management and public outreach. Hawaii Conservation Alliance, Honolulu (July).
Snow, N., B. Legler. 2009. Vascular flora of the Southern Rocky Mountain Region: A twenty-year
review. Colorado Native Plant Society Annual Meeting; “Best Poster” award
Schiebout, M., H., D. Hazlett, N. Snow. 2007. Floristics of northeastern New Mexico. UNC
Academic Excellence Week (April 2007) and New Mexico Native Plant Society Annual Meeting
(August 2007)
Csizmadi, J., N. Snow, M. Wojciechowski, A. Salywon, G. Beresford. 2006. Testing generic
boundaries of Rhodomyrtus (Myrtaceae) using ITS sequence data and morphology. UNC
Academic Excellence Week (April 2006)
Schiebout, M., N. Snow. 2006. A floristic survey of northeastern New Mexico: Preliminary
Results. UNC Academic Excellence Week (April 2006)
Csizmadi, J., N. Snow. 2004. Leaf anatomical variation in Eugenia (Myrtaceae) based on SEM.
Botany2004 (Snowbird, UT)
Brasher, J. W., N. Snow. 2004. Progress report on the Southern Rocky Mountain Interactive
Flora. Botany2004 (Snowbird, UT)
Brasher, J. W., N. Snow. 2002. Colorado Interactive Flora, Phase 1: Key to the families.
American Society of Plant Taxonomists, Botany 2002 (Madison, WI)

REPORTS (student authors underlined)
Snow, N. January 2012. Database Development and Support. Report to U.S. Bureau of Land
Management, Montana State Office. Montana Natural Heritage Program, Helena, MT. 4 pp.
Snow, N. 2011. 5-Year Annual Reports for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for the following species
of conservation concern in the Pacific Basin: Argyroxiphium sandwicense var. sandwicense,
Clermontia drepanomorpha, Cyaenea platyphylla, Cyaenea stictophylla, Cyrtandra tintinnabula,
Delissea argutidentata, Isodendrion hosakae, Lipochaeta venosa, Nesogenes rotensis,
Nothocestrum breviflorum, Osmoxylon mariannense, Phyllostegia racemosa, Phyllostegia
velutina, Phyllostegia warshaueri, Plantago hawaiensis, Pleomele hawaiiensis, Pritchardia
affinis, Serianthes nelsonii, Sicyos alba, Vicia menziesii.
Moore, J. C., N. Snow, C. Pritekel. 2004. Ecosystem impacts resulting from the use of herbicides
at Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. Final Report to Rocky Mountain National Park,
Estes Park, Colorado. 52 pp.
Duke, R. R., B.B. Boroski, N. Snow, H. Clark, R. Sisk, J. Seay. 2005. Kettlemen City Commercial
Development Biotic Study. H. T. Harvey & Associates. 50 pp.

2014. Successfully curating small collections: What has and has not changed in ten years.
Central Michigan University, NSF-sponsored workshop; “Recruiting, Supporting, and Retaining
Small Collections in Biodiversity Digitization”
2014. Diversity and Conservation of the Myrtle family (Myrtaceae). Department of Biology.
Emporia State University
2014. Bird Species: Who decides and how? Sperry-Galligar Audubon Society, Pittsburg, KS
2013. The 21st
Century: An Exciting New Era of Biodiversity Discovery. Rotary, Pittsburg, KS
2013. Diversity and Conservation of the Myrtle family (Myrtaceae). Pittsburg State University, KS
2013. The Myrtle family (Myrtaceae): Diversity and conservation. Montana State University:
Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences
2013. Phylogeny and systematics of Eugenia (Myrtaceae): A mega-rich but poorly studied genus
of vascular plants. Botanical Research Institute of Texas

2011. In the wild worlds of wherever: The discovery of new plant species in the Myrtle family.
Montana Native Plant Society (Missoula and Helena)
2011. Phylogeny and systematics of Eugenia (Myrtaceae): A mega-rich but poorly known genus
of vascular plants. Colorado Mesa University
2011. Towards a better understanding of ‘Ohi’a lehua (Metrosideros polymorpha, Myrtaceae): A
call for a 3-year collaboration to update our knowledge of its taxonomy and biology. Third
Annual Symposium: Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science. University of
Hawaii, Hilo
2010. The relationship of taxonomy to conservation biology. University of Hawaii at Manoa.
Graduate seminar presentation followed by discussion
2009. Can Plant Families Gain Weight? Evidence from the Myrtle family (Myrtaceae). University
of Hawaii at Manoa
2009. An Overview of Grasses (Poaceae) with Emphasis on the Pacific. Hawaii Botanical Society
2008. Myrtaceous meanders: A walk through the Myrtle family. Hawaii Botanical Society (5 May)
Snow, N. 2007. The process of discovery: New plant species in Myrtaceae. University of Denver
Snow, N. 2007. Systematics and Evolution of the Myrtaceae. Bishop Museum, Hawaii
Snow, N. 2006. Discovery and description of new plant species: Case studies from the Myrtle
family (Myrtaceae). University of Northern Colorado
Snow, N. 2006. Discovery and description of new plant species – a view from Down Under. Au
Sable Institute, Coupeville, Washington
Snow, N. 2005. Collaborative systematic and evolutionary studies in the Myrtle family, Myrtaceae.
University of Alaska-Fairbanks
Snow, N. 2004. Interactive keys: Important new tools for the dissemination of taxonomic data.
Kent State University
Snow, N. 2003. Interactive keys: Important new tools in the study of biodiversity. Colorado State
Snow, N. 2001. Taxonomic Studies in the Myrtle Family (Myrtaceae) and the Dissemination of
New Data Using Interactive Keys. New Mexico State University
Snow, N. 2000. Biodiversity, Species Concepts, and Endangered Species Laws: A perspective
from Australia. Colorado State University
Snow, N. 1999. The legal ramifications of species concepts: A perspective from Australia.
University of Wyoming
Snow, N. 1999. Conspectus of Australasian Myrtinae (Myrtaceae): Current status and future
priorities. Symposium: Biology and Evolution of the Myrtaceae: Current Knowledge and Future
Directions. XVI International Botanical Congress, St. Louis
Snow, N. 1999. What is new in systematics at the millennium? Department of Chemistry,
University of Northern Colorado
Snow, N. 1998. Applying methodological advancements in systematics: Species boundaries and
phylogeny of Leptochloa (Poaceae). University of Northern Colorado
Snow, N. 1998. Implementation of the phylogenetic species concept in botanical monography: a
case study using Leptochloa. Queensland Herbarium, Australia
Snow, N. 1997. Phylogeny and Systematics of Leptochloa P. Beauv. (Poaceae). Washington
University, St. Louis. Ph.D. defense seminar
Snow, N. 1996. Phylogenetics and plant systematics: necessary merger or mere fad?
Queensland Herbarium, Brisbane
Snow, N. 1996. An overview of the Rocky Mountain Flora. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew England
(January); National Botanical Institute, Pretoria South Africa (February), Royal Botanic
Gardens, Sydney (March), Queensland Herbarium, Brisbane (April)
Snow, N. 1995. The character resolution index: a potential method for the a posteriori filtering of
characters in the cladistic paradigm. Rancho Santa Ana Botanical Garden, Claremont

Snow, N. 2013. “Careers in Botany”. Invited presentation to Mrs. Larsen’s combined Grade 5
Science classes. Jefferson Elementary School, Helena, Montana
Snow, N. 2013. Discover Plants with U.S. Forest Service. All-day field trip with 4th Graders,
Helena Public Schools

Snow, N. 2013. "Montana Native Plants". Helena Public Schools. 3 weeks of presentations and
field trips to “PEAK” (Gifted/Talented Program), Grades 3-5
Snow, N. 2011. Fun facts of Hawaiian Plants. Combined second grade classes (30 minutes).
Koko Head Elementary School, Honolulu, Hawaii
Snow, N. 2007. Seeds, soil, and seedlings. Presentation at private Lutheran School for combined
first and second years of preschool. Greeley, Colorado

Young, S. Flora of Crawford and Cherokee counties, southeast Kansas, with an emphasis on
taxonomic and nomenclatural changes over a 50-year period (Advisor) Pittsburg State
Heil, J. A comparative survey of arthropods in disturbed and undisturbed Kansas prairie.
(Committee Member). Pittsburg State University
Vernon, A. Interactive key to Hawaiian ferns. M.S. Thesis (Committee member). University of
Hawaii-Manoa (June 2011)
Legler, B. 2010. A Floristic Inventory of Vermejo Park Ranch, New Mexico and Colorado. M.S.
Thesis (Initial thesis advisor at UNC; completed at Univ. of Wyoming with same thesis project)
Goshorn, M. Comparative leaf anatomy in Syzygium (Myrtaceae). M.S. Thesis (Committee
member). University of Denver. (February 2008)
Brasher, J. W. The Southern Rocky Mountain Interactive Flora (SRMIF) and factors associated
with recognition of plants and mammals. Ph.D. Dissertation. (Advisor) (May 2006)
Csizmadi, J. An assessment of generic boundaries of Rhodomyrtus (Myrtaceae) based on
morphology and the Nuclear Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS-1,-2) region sequence data. M.
S. Thesis (Advisor). Graduate Dean's Outstanding Thesis Award. (March 2006).
Schiebout, M. A floristic survey of northeastern New Mexico. M.S. Thesis (Advisor). (October
Harris, W., Systematics and Phylogeny of Notelaea (Oleaceae, Oleoideae) and the related
genera in the Australasian Region. Ph.D. thesis (external reader) University of Queensland
Lightsey, V. Late-season vegetation analysis of white-tailed and black-tailed prairie dog
ecosystems with black-footed ferret reintroductions. M.S. Thesis (Co-advisor). (April 2003)
Pritekel, C. Impacts from invasive plant species and their control on the plant community and
belowground ecosystem at Rocky Mountain National Park, USA. M.S. Thesis (Committee
member). (May 2004)
Koblitz, B. Interactive key to the Flora of the Laramie Foothills, University of Northern Colorado.
M.S. Thesis (Advisor). (Successfully defended 2002 but did not graduate)

Spanish – moderate fluency in reading and speaking; intermediate writing
Portuguese – intermediate skills reading, speaking and writing

American Society of Plant Taxonomists (1985-present)
Kansas Native Plant Society (2014-)
Montana Native Plant Society (2011-)

Colorado Native Plant Society (1998-2011)
International Association of Plant Taxonomists (1998-2009)
Society of Systematic Biologists (1998-2007)
Australian Systematic Botany Society (1997-2003)
Society for the Study of Evolution (1998-2002)

FIELD AND MUSEUM FIELD STUDIES (10,700+ collections)
USA – 21 states (1981-2012) and 13 countries; Australia (1996-1999, 2003, 2005); Brazil (2001;
herbarium work only); Botswana (1996); Costa Rica (1992); Dominican Republic (2001); France

(1996 and 2004, herbarium work only); Mexico (1986, 1992, 1995); Namibia (1996); New
Caledonia (2003); Philippines (1994); Puerto Rico (2001); South Africa (1996); Swaziland (1996)

Participant: 3-day workshop at USGS in Virginia for development of BISON (Biodiversity in
Service of the Nation; September 2011)
University of Hawaii-Hilo: Judge of student papers and posters, Biology Symposium (April 2011)
Hawaii Restoration and Conservation Initiative (2008-2011; Bishop Museum Representative)
Biota of North America Program; Hawaiian Representative (2008-present)
Participant: Central Short-grass Prairie Partnership Initiative, The Nature Conservancy, 2006.
Participant: “Workshop to Produce a Decadal Vision for Taxonomy and Natural History
Collections”, National Science Foundation, Univ. of Florida, Gainesville. Nov. 2003.
Chief Organizer, Symposium: “Biology and Evolution of Myrtaceae: Current Knowledge and
Future Directions: XVI International Botanical Congress, St. Louis, 1999
External Advisor: Flora of the Philippines, Botanical Research Institute of Texas (Fort Worth) &
Philippine National Herbarium (Manila), sponsored by National Science Foundation, 1994
Colorado Native Plant Society: Board of Directors (2000-2004)
Wyoming Native Plant Society: President (1990); Vice President (1989)

Formal peer review (61 articles) for: Systematic Botany, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution,
American Journal of Botany, Harvard Papers in Botany, Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden,
International Journal of Plant Sciences, Plant Ecology Evolution and Systematics, PhytoKeys,
Phytotaxa, Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Selbyana, Novon, Nuytsia,
Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, Bonplandia, Brittonia, Annales Botanici Fennici,
Austrobaileya, Caldasia, New Zealand Journal of Botany, Madroño, American Fern Journal,
Cycad Journal; Phytologia; Monocots IV: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium of

National Science Foundation (2007 Panelist for Biological Science Collections; ad hoc for other)
National Science Foundation (ad hoc: 2002, 2004, 2006)
National Geographic Society (2004)

APPENDIX 1: New plant taxa (bold) and nomenclatural combinations. Includes five new genera:
Myrtaceae (Gossia, Lenwebbia, Kanakomyrtus, Lithomyrtus); Poaceae (Trigonochloa). Includes
species in review. Note: Some unpublished names are included given prolonged delays (up to
ten years) of manuscript publishing in Flora volumes.

Asplenium dielpallidum N. Snow (nom. nov.); Asplenium x joellaui (W.H. Wagner) N. Snow

Boechera holboelii (Hornem.) Löve & Löve var. pendulocarpa (A. Nelson) N. Snow


Dinebra aquatica (Scribn. & Merr.) P.M. Peterson & N. Snow; Dinebra caudata (K. Schum) P.M.
Peterson & N. Snow; Dinebra chinensis (L.) P.M. Peterson & N. Snow; Dinebra coerulescens
(Steud.) P.M. Peterson & N. Snow; Dinebra decipiens (R. Br.) P.M. Peterson & N. Snow; Dinebra
decipiens subsp. asthenes (Roem. & Schult.) P.M. Peterson & N. Snow; Dinebra decipiens var.
asthenes (Roem. & Schult.) P.M. Peterson & N. Snow; Dinebra decipiens subsp. peackockii
(Maiden & Betche) P.M. Peterson & N. Snow; Dinebra decipiens var. peackockii (Maiden &
Betche) P.M. Peterson & N. Snow; Dinebra haareri (Stapf & C. E. Hubb.) P.M. Peterson & N.
Snow; Dinebra ligulata (Lazarides) P.M. Peterson & N. Snow; Dinebra marquisensis (F. Br.) P.M.
Peterson & N. Snow; Dinebra nealleyi (Vasey) P.M. Peterson & N. Snow; Dinebra neesii
(Thwaites) P.M. Peterson & N. Snow; Dinebra panicea (Retz.) P.M. Peterson & N. Snow; Dinebra
panciea subsp. brachiata (Steud.) P.M. Peterson & N. Snow; Dinebra panciea var. brachiata
(Steud.) P.M. Peterson & N. Snow; Dinebra panicea subsp. mucronata (Michx.) P.M. Peterson &
N. Snow; Dinebra panicea var. mucronata (Michx.) P.M. Peterson & N. Snow; Dinebra panicoides
(J. Pres.) P.M. Peterson & N. Snow; Dinebra scabra (Nees) P.M. Peterson & N. Snow; Dinebra
simoniana (N. Snow) P.M. Peterson & N. Snow; Dinebra somalensis (Stapf) P.M. Peterson & N.
Snow; Dinebra “sonorensis” N. Snow & P.M. Peterson ined.; Dinebra southwoodii (N. Snow &
B. K. Simon) P.M. Peterson & N. Snow; Dinebra squarrosa (Pilg.) P.M. Peterson & N. Snow;
Dinebra srilankensis (N. Snow) P.M. Peterson & N. Snow; Dinebra viscida (Scribn.) P.M.
Peterson & N. Snow; Dinebra xerophila (P.M. Peterson & Judz.) P.M. Peterson & N. Snow;
Diplachne fusca (L.) P. Beauv. subsp. fascicularis (Lam.) P.M. Peterson & N. Snow; Diplachne
fusca subsp. muelleri (Benth.) P.M. Peterson & N. Snow; Diplachne fusca subsp. uninervia (J.
Presl) P.M. Peterson & N. Snow; Diplachne fusca var. uninervia (J. Presl) P.M. Peterson & N.
Snow; Disakisperma dubium (Kunth) P.M. Peterson & N. Snow; Disakisperma eleusine (Nees)
P.M. Peterson & N. Snow; Disakisperma obtusiflorum (Hochst.) P.M. Peterson & N. Snow;
Disakisperma yemenicum (Chiov.) P.M. Peterson & N. Snow; Elymus ponticus (Podp.) N. Snow;
Leptochloa caudata (K. Schum.) T. A. Cope & N. Snow; Leptochloa crinita (Lag.) P.M. Peterson &
N. Snow; Leptochloa decipiens (R. Br.) Stapf ex Maiden subsp. asthenes (Roem. & Schult.) N.
Snow; Leptochloa decipiens (R. Br.) Stapf ex Maiden subsp. peacockii (Maiden & Betche) N
Snow; Leptochloa eleusine (Nees). T. A. Cope & N. Snow; Leptochloa fusca (Lam.) Kunth subsp.
fascicularis (A. Gray) N. Snow; Leptohcloa fusca (Lam.) Kunth subsp. muelleri (Bentham) N.
Snow; Leptochloa fusca (Lam.) Kunth subsp. uninervia (J. Presl) N. Snow; Leptochloa gigantea
(Launert) T. Cope & N. Snow; Leptochloa panicea (Retz.) Ohwi subsp. brachiata (Steud.) N.
Snow; Leptochloa pluriflora (E. Fourn.) P.M. Peterson & N. Snow; Leptochloa simoniana N.
Snow; Leptochloa southwoodii N. Snow & B. K. Simon; Leptochloa srilankensis N. Snow;
Trigonochloa rupestris (C.E. Hubb.) P.M. Peterson & N. Snow; Trigonochlora uniflora
(Hochst. & A. Rich.) P.M. Peterson & N. Snow

Austromyrtus glabra N. Snow & Guymer; Decaspermum struckoilicum N. Snow & Guymer;
Eugenia spp. nov. 1 - 12 (unnamed); Eugenia “andapae” ined.; Eugenia ambanizanensis N.
Snow; Eugenia ardyceae N. Snow; Eugenia “bemangidiensis” ined.; Eugenia
“calciscopulorum” ined.; Eugenia craveniana N. Snow & Peter G. Wilson; Eugenia
“echinulata” ined.; Eugenia guajavoides N. Snow & F. Randria.; Eugenia “harahara” ined.;

Eugenia “iantarensis” ined.; Eugenia kanakana N. Snow (nom. nov.); Eugenia longuensis N.
Snow (nom. nov.); Eugenia lacerosepala N. Snow; Eugenia louisiae N. Snow; Eugenia
manonae N. Snow & J. Rabenant.; Eugenia nosibensis N. Snow; Eugenia petrikensis N.
Snow & F. Randriat.; Eugenia petrinensis (Guého & A. J. Scott) N. Snow; Eugenia psidioideum
(Guého & A. J. Scott) N. Snow; Eugenia “ranomafana” ined.; Eugenia roseopetiolata N. Snow
& S. Cable; Eugenia stictophylla N. Snow & Razafim.; Eugenia pyxidata (Guého & A. J. Scott)
N. Snow; Eugenia stibephylla N. Snow & D. Rabeh.; Eugenia “tiampoko” ined.; Eugenia
vanwykiana N. Snow; Eugenia williamsiana N. Snow; Gossia acmenoides (F. Muell.) N. Snow
& Guymer; Gossia alaternoides (Brongn. & Gris) N. Snow; Gossia alaternoides (Brongn. & Gris)
N. Snow var. pulchrifolius (Guill.) N. Snow; Gossia alaternoides (Brongn. & Gris) N. Snow var.
conspicua (Vieillard ex Guillaumin) N. Snow; Gossia alaternoides (Brongn. & Gris) N. Snow var.
velutinosus N. Snow ined.; Gossia aneityensis (Guillaumin) N. Snow; Gossia angustifolia N.
Snow ined.; Gossia aphthosa (Vieill. ex Brongn. & Gris) N. Snow; Gossia bamagensis N. Snow
& Guymer; Gossia bidwillii (Bentham) N. Snow & Guymer; Gossia bourailensis N. Snow ined.;
Gossia byrnesii N. Snow & Guymer; Gossia clusioides (Brongn. & Gris) N. Snow; Gossia
clusioides (Brongn. & Gris) N. Snow var. bleuensis N. Snow ined.; Gossia clusioides (Brongn. &
Gris) N. Snow var. grandibullata N. Snow ined.; Gossia clusioides (Brongn. & Gris) N. Snow var.
maoyensis N. Snow ined.; Gossia clusioides (Brongn. & Gris) N. Snow var. ploumensis
(Däniker) N. Snow ined.; Gossia clusioides (Brongn. & Gris) N. Snow var. rembaiensis (Däniker)
N. Snow ined.; Gossia clusioides (Brongn. & Gris) N. Snow var. tiegabhiensis N. Snow ined.;
Gossia clusioides (Brongn. & Gris) N. Snow var. taomensis N. Snow ined.; Gossia colnettiana
(Guillaumin) N. Snow; Gossia conduplicata N. Snow ined.; Gossia dallachiana (F. Muell.) N.
Snow & Guymer; Gossia diversifolia (Brongn. & Gris) N. Snow; Gossia eugenioides (A. J. Scott)
N. Snow; Gossia floribunda (A.J. Scott) N. Snow & Guymer; Gossia fragrantissima (F. Muell. ex
Benth.) N. Snow & Guymer; Gossia gonoclada (F. Muell. ex Benth.) N. Snow & Guymer; Gossia
grandiflora N. Snow ined.; Gossia grayi N. Snow & Guymer; Gossia hillii (Benth.) N. Snow &
Guymer; Gossia inophloia (J.F. Bailey & C.T. White) N. Snow & Guymer; Gossia kaalaensis N.
Snow ined.; Gossia katepahiensis N. Snow ined.; Gossia kuakuense (Vieill. ex Guillaumin) N.
Snow; Gossia lewisensis N. Snow & Guymer; Gossia longipetiolata N. Snow; Gossia lucida
(Gaertn.) N. Snow & Guymer; Gossia mandjeliaensis N. Snow ined.; Gossia macilwraithensis
N. Snow & Guymer; Gossia myrsinocarpa (F. Muell.) N. Snow & Guymer; Gossia ngaensis N.
Snow ined.; Gossia nigripies (Guillaumin) N. Snow; Gossia ouazangouensis N. Snow ined.;
Gossia pancheri (Brongn. & Gris) N. Snow; Gossia pubiflora (C.T. White) N. Snow & Guymer;
Gossia punctata N. Snow & Guymer; Gossia ramiflora N. Snow ined.; Gossia randiana (Merrill
& Perry) N. Snow; Gossia retusa N. Snow & Guymer; Gossia salamonensis (A. J. Scott) N.
Snow; Gossia sankowskiorum N. Snow & Guymer; Gossia scottiana N. Snow; Gossia
shepherdii (F. Muell.) N. Snow & Guymer; Gossia versteeghii (Merrill & Perry) N. Snow; Gossia
vieillardii (Brongn. & Gris) N. Snow; Gossia virotii (Guillaumin) N. Snow; Gossia yelana N. Snow
& Peter G. Wilson; Kanakomyrtus dawsoniana N. Snow; Kanakomyrtus longipetiolata N.
Snow; Kanakomyrtus mcphersonii N. Snow; Kanakomyrtus myrtopsidoides (Guillaumin) N.
Snow; Kanakomyrtus prominens N. Snow; Kanakomyrtus revoluta N. Snow; Lenwebbia
lasioclada (F. Mueller) N. Snow & Guymer; Lenwebbia prominens N. Snow & Guymer;
Lithomyrtus cordata (A. J. Scott) N. Snow & Guymer; Lithomyrtus densifolia N. Snow &
Guymer; Lithomyrtus dunlopii N. Snow & Guymer; Lithomyrtus grandifolia N. Snow &
Guymer; Lithomyrtus hypoleuca F. Muell. ex N. Snow & Guymer; Lithomyrtus kakaduensis
N. Snow & Guymer; Lithomyrtus linariifolia N. Snow & Guymer; Lithomyrtus microphylla
(Bentham) N. Snow & Guymer; Lithomyrtus obtusa (Endl.) N. Snow & Guymer; Lithomyrtus
repens N. Snow & Guymer; Lithomyrtus retusa (Endl.) N. Snow & Guymer; Pilidiostigma
sessile N. Snow; Rhodamnia angustifolia N. Snow & Guymer; Rhodamnia arenaria N. Snow;
Rhodamnia asekiensis N. Snow; Rhodamnia daymanensis N. Snow; Rhodamnia fordii N.
Snow; Rhodamnia hylandii N. Snow; Rhodamnia kamialiensis N. Snow & Takeuchi;
Rhodamnia longisepala N. Snow & A. Ford; Rhodamnia makumak N. Snow; Rhodamnia
sharpeana N. Snow; Rhodamnia toratot N. Snow; Rhodamnia waigeoensis N. Snow;
Rhodomyrtus guymeriana N. Snow & J. P. Atwood; Rhodomyrtus kaweaensis N. Snow;
Rhodomyrtus longisepala N. Snow & J. McFadden; Rhodomyrtus mengenensis N. Snow;
Rhodomyrtus misimana N. Snow; Rhodomyrtus takeuchii N. Snow & J. Cantley; Syzygium

ludovicii N. Snow; Syzygium neurophyllum N. Snow; Syzygium purpuricarpum N. Snow;
Syzygium rakotavaoanum N. Snow; Syzygium rambutyense N. Snow; Syzygium ridsdalei
Craven & N. Snow; Syzygium thompsonii (Merr.) N. Snow; Syzygium watutense Craven & N.
Snow; Uromyrtus acuminata N. Snow ined.; Uromyrtus allisoniana N. Snow; Uromyrtus
artensis (Montrouz.) var. baumanii N. Snow ined.; Uromyrtus baumannii (Guillaumin) N. Snow &
Guymer; Uromyrtus lamingtonensis N. Snow & Guymer; Uromyrtus longipedunculata N.
Snow ined.; Uromyrtus myrtoides (Brong. & Gris) N. Snow ined.; Uromyrtus rostrata (Lauterb.) N.
Snow & Guymer; Uromyrtus sunshinensis (Guillaumin) N. Snow & Guymer; Uromyrtus tenellus
N. Snow & Guymer; Xanthomyrtus kanalaensis (Hochr.) N. Snow; Xanthomyrtus splendens N.
Snow & Takeuchi

Cyclosorus pendens (D.D. Palmer) N. Snow

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith