


Name. Jan Frederik
Veldkamp                                  Celebration of Grasses, Kew, 2004  Photo BKS

Born. 31 March 1941, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Marital status.
Widower of Elizabeth Maaike Dekker (dec. 1986), divorced from Amalia Vissers. 3
daughters (Fleur Cornélie Marguérite,1979; Maaike Jeannette Didérique
1981 ; Lianne Caroline Amalia, 1989), 1 granddaughter (Maud Elizabeth
Johanne, 2009).

Educational history.

1945--1946. Primary
school Amersfoort,
The Netherlands

1946--1948. Primary
school Plaju, Palembang, Indonesia

1949--1950. Primary
school Groningen,
The Netherlands

1950--1952. Primary
school Plaju, Palembang, Indonesia

1952--1956. Gymnasium
Quakerschool Eerde, Ommen, The Netherlands (registred in The Netherlands on 24
Sep 1952).

1956--1957. Gymnasium
β, Christelijk Lyceum, Zeist,
The Netherlands

1957--1959. Gymnasium
β, 1e Vrijzinnig Christelijk Lyceum, The
Hague, The Netherlands

1959--1960. Fulbright
Grant, Hamline University,
St. Paul, Minnesota,
U.S.A.: majors:
Biology, Inorganic Analytical Chemistry.

1961--1969. University
Leiden, The Netherlands: Biology. Candidate
degree ('B.Sc.') 1964, Doctoral degree ('M.Sc') 1967, Ph.D. 1973

Professional history

1963--1965. Students'
Assistant Dept. of Genetics, University Leiden.

Candidates' Assistant Rijksherbarium, University Leiden.

Rijksherbarium, later National Herbarium of The Netherlands, Leiden University,
now Netherlands Centre of Biodiversity - Naturalis (NCB), section National
herbarium of The Netherlands, Leiden
University. Various
ranks, ultimately Senior Scientist.

1973. PhD. A
revision of Digitaria Haller (Gramineae) in Malesia.

2003—hodie. Honorary
scientific collaborator at the above.

Teaching history

Assistantships at Genetics and Angiosperm Taxonomy.

1967--2006. Supervisor
of Courses in Angiosperm Taxonomy.

1987. Co-leader of
course in Angiosperm Taxonomy at Bogor,
sponsored by UNICEF and MAB. * Check: I was there twice!

1993--1995. Supervisor
of courses in DELTA (DEscription Language for TAxonomy) and affiliated computer

Supervisor of numerous MSc students, co-promotor of PhD students; both Dutch
and foreign (Belgian, German, Indian, Indonesian, Philippine, Spanish,
Taiwanese, Thai).


Taxonomy of Asian, Thai,
Malesian Gramineae. Also of Berberidopsidales, Malesian Compositae
(Coreopsidinae, Papuacalia), Elaeagnaceae, Geraniaceae, Juncaceae,
Melastomataceae (Diplectrieae), Parnassiaceae (Parnassia), Oxalidaceae,
Rutaceae (Evodiella), Sparganiaceae, Sterculiaceae (Leptonychia).

nomenclature, attending several Nomenclatural Sessions at Botanical Congresses
(Berlin, Canberra,
Melbourne, St. Louis, Sydney, Vienna).

Advisor in
nomenclatural problems in Annonaceae, Araucariaceae (Agathis), Myrtaceae, Pandanaceae,
Rafflesiaceae, Vitaceae (Tetrastigma), Zingiberaceae.

checklists for Malesian species of Amischotolype (Commelinaceae),
Berberidaceae, Buxaceae, Compositae, Stemonaceae.

Floristics of
subalpine vegetations of SE Asia, especially Celebes and New Guinea.

Application of DELTA
and affiliated computer programs.

Field experience

1953--hodie. Field
trips with collections in North, West, Central, South Europe (all discarded),
Madeira, U.S.A. (mainly Minnesota; all discarded), Canada (all discarded),
Ghana, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, China (Hong Kong, Macao), Malay Peninsula,
Singapore, Indonesia (Ambon, Bali, Buton, S Celebes, Flores, Java, Kabaëna,
Sumatra, Sumba), Philippines (Luzon, Palawan), Australia (Queensland, New South
Wales, S. Australia).

1972. Mt. Suckling
Expedition, Papua New Guinea.

1975. Star Mts.
Expedition, Papua New Guinea.

1977. Mt. Kegum – Mt. Burgers
Expedition, Papua New Guinea.

1981. Mt. Kerewa –
Mt. Karoma
Expedition, Papua New Guinea.

1982/3. Gunung Raya
Expedition, Kalimantan, Indonesia.

1989. Mt. Fala – Mt. Yule - Mt. Otto
Expedition, Papua New Guinea.


Founder & Editor
of Grass Literature since 1986

Editor Flora Malesiana
Bulletin since 1984

300+ scientific books,
papers, and reviews (see separate file bibljfv.doc):

Congresses and major

1981. XIII
International Botanical Congress, Canberra

1986. Second
International Symposium on Grass Systematics and Evolution, Washington (D.C.)

1987. XIV
International Botanical Congress, Berlin

1989. First Flora
Malesiana Symposium, Leiden

1991. First
International Melastomataceae
Symposium, Washington

1992. Second Flora
Malesiana Symposium, Yokyakarta

1995. Third Flora
Malesiana Symposium, Kew.

1995. Systematics
Agenda 2000 - The challenge for Europe. Leiden.

1997. LOF Symposium
'Robert Hegnauer and the secondary metabolites'. Utrecht.

1997. Symposium
'Rainforests for health, the health consequences of rainforest degradation'. Leiden.

1998. Ben Stone
Memorial Symposium, Kuala Lumpur,

1998. Fourth Flora
Malesiana Symposium, Kuala Lumpur,

1998. Second
International Conference on the comparative biology of Monocotyledons &
Third International Symposium of grass systematics and evolution, Sydney, Australia.
Chairman at afternoon session, 1 October.

1999. 11th Flora of Thailand Meeting, Leiden

1999. XVI
International Botanical Congress, St.
Louis, U.S.A.

2001. Fifth Flora
Malesiana Symposium, Kew, United Kingdom.

2002. Symposium
species level systematics. IAPT / Linnean Society / National Herbarium, Leiden.

2004. Sixth Flora
Malesiana Symposium, Los Baños,

2005. XVII
International Botanical Congress, Vienna

2007. Seventh Flora
Malesiana Symposium, Leiden.

2010. Eight Flora
Malesiana Symposium, Singapore.

2011. XVIII International
Botanical Congress, Melbourne.

Current memberships

Association of Plant Taxonomists

Linnean Society, London

Honorary editor of the
Gardens Bulletin Singapore,



Veldkampia Ibaragi & Shiro
Kobay., J. Jap. Bot. 83 (2008) 108, t. 1—6, type V. sagaingensis Ibaragi
& Shiro Kobay., descr. gen.-specif. --- (Gramineae).


Artabotrys veldkampii I.M. Turner, Folia
Malays. 10 (2009) 73, t. 9. --- (Annonaceae).

Biophytum veldkampii Shavanas, Santhosh,
Binu & Pushpangadan, Rheedea 8 (1998) 79, t. 1. ---  (Oxalidaceae).

Digitaria veldkampiana B.K. Simon, Austrobaileya 8 (2010) 198, t. 2. --- (Gramineae).

Dimeria veldkampii M.S.K. Raj &
Sivadasan, Abstr. XVI Ann. Conf. IAAT (2006) 52--53, nom. inval. (descr. angl.,
sine typo, herb.); Novon 18 (2008) 183 (validation). --- (Gramineae).

Glyphochloa veldkampii M.A. Fonseca &
Janarthanam, Rheedea 13 (2004, '2003') 35--38, illus. ---  (Gramineae).

Isachne veldkampii K.G. Bhat &
Nagendran, Curr. Sci. 52 (1983) 111, t. 1--4. --- (Gramineae).

Lasut, Reinwardtia 12 (2006) 257, t. 1. --- (Gramineae).

Potdar, Gaikwad, Salunkhe & Yadav, Kew Bull. 59
(2005, '2004') 629, illus. ---  (Gramineae).

D.J.N. Hind, Kew Bull. 57 (2002) 693, illus. ---


Veldkamp, 3 July 2010


To save somebody interested
enough to make a bibliography of my scientific works a lot of time, I here
present them in a more or less ordered form. There are some -a and -b numbers,
in case of reprints, or small notes in larger, heterogeneous articles (e.g. no.
66). I did not renumber by date, as the publications have been entered in the
order that they were received.

It will be noted that there are
quite a number of joint authorships. To avoid any suggestion of parasitizing on
my students and colleagues, an explanation seems in order. In many cases
students at the Course in Advanced Plant Taxonomy, that I taught or assisted
for perhaps 40 years, started a small revision as a training subject. They had
put several weeks of tiro's efforts in them, using the Leiden Herbarium's
precious material, and the results were sometimes of some scientific interest,
so that it seemed a waste not to do something with their reports. However, I
usually had to put in such a considerable time and effort to polish them up to
an acceptable form, that a co-authorship seemed warranted. After 1982 I was
ordered by Kalkman to do so in all cases where a student had done a subject
under my guidance (but I got away with articles by Mark Sosef & Ron de
Koning, and the one by Leni Duistermaat, although as much energy had been put
in them as with the others). This arrangement had become required, as without a
staff member as a co-author, the Herbarium would get no kudos from the
University. In later publications I was invited as a co-author because of my
transliteration of the original text and my general editorship, nomenclatural
advise, literature research, etc., often a lot of work.

With Professor Van Steenis (I
never called him otherwise, although I was his bridge partner for years! Only
the elder staff members ever called him Cees) I agree that it was no more than
fair that a student should publish the subject of his Bachelor's / Masters’
Degree under his / her own name: possibly the only scientific publication on
his / her CV. They usually were first authors and must be regarded as
responsible for the actual taxonomic work, I for the English and the more
general paragraphs, such as the introduction, the nomenclature, and the notes.

In the case of Thonner's Key (48)
most of the effort was put into it by Rob Geesink and me, and quite a bit, but
not the final touch, was done by Colin Ridsdale on Thonnerstag Abend, Thursday
evenings, later on Friday afternoons when Kalkman --- finally --- saw the
scientific value of this effort. Toon Leeuwenberg (WAG) was included in the
authorship because he had started a translation, but didn't have the time to do
the gigantic job all by himself, although he already had made a contract with a
publisher. After the handing over of his translation to us, which had to be
rewritten completely for reasons of style and structure, only the chapter on
eponymy remained his sole contribution. Besides a good part of the key, I wrote
all the introductory chapters, the key to the Monocots, the Glossary, and most
of the Index, for which Rob had made in impressive scroll on a huge wooden

The Manual (88) was for the
larger part written by me, too, as one can see. It had started as an idea grown
during the work on Thonner's Key to have a companion volume based on Pulle's
Compendium and the Manual we had made over the years for the Course at the
Herbarium. For the Course in Bogor
this was exactly what was needed and De Vogel did little more than formatting
the text on his computer.

The Flora Malesiana Bulletin, of
which I became Editor in 1983, has as such not been included, although
sometimes more than 50% of my time had gone into compiling the Bibliographies,
editing general chapters, contributions, and preparing the indices. It was a
sad day when Eric Smets behind my back changed my editorial to include a note
that the Bulletin would be available on the Internet, only. I was not informed
of this change and I only became aware of it through people who pointed it out
to me. This was apparently announced and adopted without further discussion at
the Board Meeting of the Flora Malesiana Symposium in Leiden, 2007. Contrary to custom I was not
invited to attend that, nor was I informed beforehand of this move. This
decision was made, but there was no implementation of how this was going to
take place. Thus the FMB died a silent death. Yet, I kept on gathering the data
for the Bibliography, just in case. If this was not done, such information
could never be retrieved again. At a later meeting of editors of the journals
published by the National Herbarium of The Netherlands, Leiden University
branch, I was not invited, either, and only afterwards heard that it had taken
place. Half-hearted excuses were made by Smets and Marco Roos. Smets, nor Roos,
ever inquired about what I was doing. This was otherwise all right by me.
Obviously, this lack of interest and commitment caused a lot of resentment on
my side.

“Ghost papers”

The treatment of the Averrhoaceae
as attributed to me by Henry Airy Shaw (1-a, -b) is incorrect. I did write it,
but to show that the “family” was based on Hutchinson's erroneous observations. (I had
to buy my own copy of 1-b!)

Paper 6  with Wil Vreezen was written by her, partly
based on my Master's thesis in Genetics; because the Staff of the Department
did not believe the results, she did it all over again, and came to the same
conclusions... I never knew about the paper until I got the reprints!

The papers 15 and 20 were written
by Van Steenis without the knowledge of the co-authors! No doubt, he meant
well, but could have told us! I only saw them when in proof and did not very
much like what I saw. Emmy van Nieuwkoop, his devoted secretary for many years,
said I could change what I thought fit, for Van Steenis never read these things
again, and, in the unlikely case that he did, it would be too late, anyway. I
never got any flack.

The joint papers with Ben Stone
(28) and Peter Stevens (39) were written by them, based on our correspondence.


1a. Veldkamp, J.F.
1966. Averrhoaceae. In J.C. Willis (H.K. Airy Shaw, ed.), A dictionary of the
flowering plants and ferns, ed. 7: xxi, 109, 279, 330, 638, 1003.

1b. (= 18a). Veldkamp,
J.F. 1973. Id.,
ed. 8 (1973) 112, 286, 338, 655, 1030.


2. Veldkamp, J.F.
1968. A revision of Sarcotheca Bl. and Dapania Korth. (Oxalidaceae). Blumea 15:

3. Veldkamp, J.F.
1968. Oxalidaceae. Identif. Lists Males. Specim. 33: 489--501.

4. Veldkamp, J.F.
1968. A synopsis of the genus Enicostema Bl., nom. cons. (Gentianaceae). Blumea
16: 133--136.

5. Veldkamp, J.F.
1968. Revalidation of the African Biophytum helenae Busc. & Muschler
(Oxalidaceae). Blumea 16: 137--138.


6. Vreezen, W.J. &
J.F. Veldkamp. 1969. Selection and temperature effects on extra dorsocentral
bristles in Drosophila melanogaster. Genetica 40: 19--39.


7. Meijden, R. van
der, & J.F. Veldkamp. 1970. Drie voor Nederland
nieuwe Amaranthaceae uit de geslachten Gomphrena en Alternanthera. Gorteria 5:

8. Veldkamp, J.F.
1970. Oxalidaceae. Fl. Thail. 2: 16--23.


9. Veldkamp, J.F.
1971. Enige opmerkingen over de aanpassing van de Zeeraket (Cakile maritima
Scop.) aan het strand. Gorteria 5: 227--231.

10. Monod de
Froideville, C. (& J.F. Veldkamp). 1971. Notes on Malesian grasses. IV. A
synopsis of Centotheca and reduction of Ramosia. Blumea 19: 57--60.

11. Veldkamp, J.F.
1971. Notes on Malesian grasses. V. New species and combinations in
Pheidochloa, Hyparrhenia, and Leptochloa. Blumea 19: 61--64.

12. Veldkamp, J.F.
1971. Alternanthera paronychioides St. Hil. (Amaranthaceae) in Indo-Malesia.
Blumea 19: 167--169.


13. Veldkamp, J.F.
1972. Oxalidaceae. Fl. Males. I, 7: 151--178.

14. Veldkamp, J.F.
1972. (Review). Gilliland, H.B., with contributions by R.E. Holttum, N.L. Bor,
edited by H.M. Burkill, A revised flora of Malaya, vol. 3, Grasses of Malaya.
Fl. Males. Bull. 26: 2055--2056.

15. Bakhuizen v.d.
Brink f., R.C., C.G.G.J. van Steenis & J.F. Veldkamp. 1972. Amaranthaceae.
Fl. Males. I, 6: 915--917.


16. Veldkamp, J.F.
1973. A botanical expedition to Mt. Suckling (Goropu Mountains), Papua New
Guinea, 1972: 11 pp. Mimeograph, Rijksherbarium, Leiden.

17. Veldkamp, J.F.
1973. A revision of Digitaria Haller (Gramineae) in Malesia. Blumea 21: 1--80

18. Steenis, C.G.G.J.
van, & J.F. Veldkamp. 1973. Note on Houttuyn's herbarium. Blumea 21:

18a = 1b.


19. Veldkamp, J.F.
1974. A taxonomic revision of Dichelachne Endl. (Gramineae) with some new
combinations in Stipa L. and Oryzopsis Michx. Blumea 22: 5--12.

20. Lavaleye, M. &
J.F. Veldkamp. 1974. A note on Neptunia Lour. (Leguminosae) in Malesia. Blumea
22: 168--169.


21. Veldkamp, J.F. in
F. Fijten. 1975. A taxonomic revision of Buergersiochloa Pilg. (Gramineae).
Blumea 22: 418.


22. Veldkamp, J.F.
1976. Panicum ciliatum Ell. (Gramineae) has to be called P. leucoblepharis
Trin. Taxon 25: 185--186.

23. Touw, A. &
J.F. Veldkamp. 1976. Een botanische expeditie naar de Star
Mountains, Papua New Guinea,
1975: 13 + 2 pp. Mimeograph, Rijksherbarium, Leiden.

24. Veldkamp, J.F.
1976. Proposal for the conservation of Echinochloa Beauv. (1812) (Gramineae)
against Tema Adanson (1763) and Ornithospermum Dumoulin (1782), non
Ornithosperma Raf. (1817) (Convolvulaceae). Taxon 25: 363--364.

25. Veldkamp, J.F.
1976. Digitaria (Gramineae). Identif. Lists Males. Specim. 52: 938--952.
Mimeograph, Rijksherbarium, Leiden.

26. Veldkamp, J.F.
1976. Cyperaceae, Gramineae, Geraniaceae, in G.S. Hope et al. 1976. The
equatorial glaciers of New
Guinea: 156--158, 161.


27. Veldkamp, J.F.
1977. A new Juncus from New
Guinea (Juncaceae). Blumea 23: 415—416. ---
'nupela' is Pidgin, meaning 'new'.

28. Stone, B.C.,
H.J.M. Bowen & J.F. Veldkamp. 1977. European weeds introduced to Gunung Ulu
Kali, Genting Highlands, Pahang. Mal. Nat. J. 30:


29. Veldkamp, J.F.
1978. A botanical trip to the Burgers Mt. and Mt. Kegum, Papua New Guinea, 1977: 28 pp. Mimeograph,
Rijksherbarium, Leiden.

30. Veldkamp, J.F.
1978. A proposal to reject the name Alternanthera ficoidea (Linne) Beauv.
(Amaranthaceae) in favour of A. tenella Colla. Taxon 27: 310--314.

31. Veldkamp, J.F.
1978. The identity of Digitaria leptalea and its variety (Gramineae). Acta
Phytotax. Geobot. 29: 178.


32. Veldkamp, J.F.,
N.A.P. Franken, M.C. Roos & M.P. Nayar. 1979. A revision of Diplectria
(Melastomataceae). Blumea 24: 405--430.

33. Veldkamp, J.F.
& M.P. Nayar. 1979. The synonymy of the species in Anplectrum (Melastomataceae).
Blumea 24: 431--435.

34. Veldkamp, J.F.
1979. Notes on Creochiton, Dissochaeta, and Macrolenes (Melastomataceae).
Blumea 24: 437--446.

35. Veldkamp, J.F.
1979. The Medinilla myrtiformis-alliance (Melastomataceae). Blumea 24:

36. Veldkamp, J.F.
& A. Moerman. 1979. A review of the Malesian species of Geranium L.
(Geraniaceae). Blumea 24: 463--477.

37. Veldkamp, J.F.
1979. Obituary. Monod de Froideville, Charles (31. v. 1896. -- 21. xi. 1978).
Fl. Males. Bull. 32: 3180--3183.

38. Veldkamp, J.F.
1979. A new Vaccinium (Ericaceae) from Papua New Guinea. Blumea 25:

39. Stevens, P.F.
& J.F. Veldkamp. 1979. The Mt.
Suckling Expedition of
1972. Bot. Bull., Lae 10: iv, 36 pp.


40. Veldkamp, J.F.
1980. Poaceae, p.p. in P. van Royen. 1980. Alpine flora of New Guinea 2:

41. Veldkamp, J.F.
1980. The Rijksherbarium at 150 years. Taxon 29: 101--104.

42. Veldkamp, J.F.
1980. Conservation of Notodanthonia Zotov (Gramineae). Taxon 29: 293--298.

43. Veldkamp, J.F. 1980.
Setaria clivalis (Ridl.) Veldk., comb. nov. (Gramineae). Liber gratulatorius in
honorem H.C.D. de Wit. Misc. Pap. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 19: 315--320.

44. Veldkamp, J.F.
1980. Notes on Malesian grasses. VII. Chikusichloa, Digitaria. Blumea 26: 387--392.

45. Hart, E. 't &
J.F. Veldkamp.  1980. A revision of
Elaeagnus (Elaeagnaceae) in Malesia. Blumea 26: 393--401.


46. Veldkamp, J.F.
1981. Pseudodissochaeta spirei (Guill.) Veldk. & Maxwell, in J.F. Maxwell,
Taxonomic notes on the tribe Dissochaeteae (Naud.) Triana (Melastomataceae).
Gard. Bull. Singapore
33: 324.

47. Veldkamp, J.F.
1981. Some notes on Alternanthera Forssk. and Froelichia Moench (Amaranthaceae)
and a proposal to amend Article 48 and delete Article 69. Taxon 30: 129,

48. Geesink, R.,
A.J.M. Leeuwenberg, C.E. Ridsdale & J.F. Veldkamp. 1981. Thonner's
analytical key to the families of flowering plants. Leiden Bot. Ser. 5: xxvi, 231 pp.

49. Veldkamp, J.F.
1981. Validation of Blakeochloa Veldk. (Gramineae). Taxon 30: 477--478.

50. Geesink, R. &
J.F. Veldkamp. 1981. HI-IAPT Portraits of botanists. 98. Franz Thonner. Taxon
30: 878.


51. Steenis, C.G.G.J.
van, & J.F. Veldkamp. 1982. Miscellaneous botanical notes. XXVI.
Reinwardtia 10: 21--27.  --- 158. Juncus
bufonius Linné (Juncaceae) on Mt. Kinabalu, Sabah.

52. Veldkamp, J.F.
1982. Agrostis (Gramineae) in Malesia and Taiwan. Blumea 28: 199--228.

53. Veldkamp, J.F.
1982. Cruciferae, Saxifragaceae. In C.G.G.J. van Steenis, Critical notes on New Guinea
plants described by A. Gilli. Blumea 28: 166, 169.

54. Veldkamp, J.F.
1982. Agrostis valvata Steud. is the correct name for Agrostis nipponensis  (Gramineae). J. Jap. Bot. 57: 96.


55. Sevenster, J.G.
& J.F. Veldkamp. 1983. A revision of Helictotrichon (Gramineae) in Malesia.
Blumea 28: 329--342.

56. Veldkamp, J.F.
1983. Nomenclature of Agathis dammara (Lamb.) L.C.M. Rich. (Araucariaceae).
Acta Bot. Neerl. 32: 118.

57. Veldkamp, J.F.
1983. (Review). P. Macura. Elsevier's Dictionary of Botany. II. general terms
in English, French, German, and Russian. Acta Bot. Neerl. 33: 121--122.

58. Veldkamp, J.F.
1983. Proposal to conserve 5777a Astronidium A. Gray (1854) against Lomanodia
Raf. (1838) (Melastomataceae). Taxon 32: 134--135.

59. Veldkamp, J.F.
& C. Kalkman. 1983. In Memoriam Dr. M. Jacobs. Mare 19 Mei 1983: 22.

60. Veldkamp, J.F.
1983. Proposal to conserve Trisetum (Gramineae) and its type species. Taxon 32:
487--488. --- Rejected: Taxon 36: 75.

61. Veldkamp, J.F.
& J.C. van der Have. 1983. The genus Trisetum (Gramineae) in Malesia and Taiwan. Gard.
Bull. Singapore
36: 125--135.

62. Koning, R. de,
M.S.M. Sosef & J.F. Veldkamp. 1983. A revision of Heteropholis and
Thaumastochloa (Gramineae). Gard. Bull. Singapore 36: 137--162.

63. Veldkamp, J.F.
1983. (Review). Hodd, T. & P. Hodd. Grasses of Western
India. Fl. Males. Bull. 36: 3946.

64. Veldkamp, J.F.
1983. (Review). Cope, Th. A. Poaceae. In E. Nasir & S.I. Ali, Flora of Pakistan
143 (1982). Fl. Males. Bull. 36: 3980.


65. Veldkamp, J.F.
1984. The identity of Andropogon nutans Linnaeus (Gramineae). Taxon 33: 95--97.

66a. Veldkamp, J.F.
1984. Ericaceae. In C.G.G.J. van Steenis, et al., Miscellaneous botanical
notes. XXVII. Blumea 29: 401.

66b. Veldkamp, J.F.
1984. Gramineae. In C.G.G.J. van Steenis, et al., Miscellaneous botanical
notes. XXVII. Blumea 29: 403.

66c. Veldkamp, J.F.
1984. Records from the Latimodjong Mts., Central Celebes.
In C.G.G.J. van Steenis, et al., Miscellaneous botanical notes. XXVII. Blumea
29: 405.

66d. Veldkamp, J.F.
1984. Cerastium in New
Guinea. In C.G.G.J. van Steenis, et al.,
Miscellaneous botanical notes. XXVII. Blumea 29: 406.

67. Veldkamp, J.F.
& D.J. de Laubenfels. 1984. Proposal to reject Pinus dammara
(Araucariaceae). Taxon 33: 337--347. -- Defeated: Taxon 36: 736

68. Veldkamp, J.F.
1984. Dear Dr. Harvey. Nom. For. 6: 45.

69. Veldkamp, J.F.
1984. Berberidopsis (Flacourtiaceae) in Australia. Blumea 30: 21--29.

70. Veldkamp, J.F.
1984. A new Poa (Gramineae) from New Guinea. Blumea 30: 71--72.


71. Veldkamp, J.F.
1985. Anemanthele Veldk. (Gramineae: Stipeae), a new genus from New Zealand.
Acta Bot. Neerl. 34: 105--109.

72. Korthof, A.M.
& J.F. Veldkamp. 1985 ('1984'). A revision of Aniselytron with some new
combinations in Deyeuxia in S.E. Asia (Gramineae). Gard. Bull., Singapore
37: 213--223.

73. Veldkamp, J.F.
1985. (Review). N.N. Tsvelev: Grasses of the Soviet Union.
Acta Bot. Neerl. 34: 247--248.

74. Veldkamp, J.F.
1985. (Review). N.T. Burbidge: Australian grasses. Acta Bot. Neerl. 34: 250.

75. Schouten, Y. &
J.F. Veldkamp. 1985. A revision of Anthoxanthum including Hierochloe
(Gramineae) in Malesia and Thailand.
Blumea 30: 319--351.

76. Veldkamp, J.F.
1985. Aegopogon (Gramineae) in Malesia. Reinwardtia 10: 115--117.

76a. Veldkamp, J.F.
1985. Material requested: De in Nederland
verwilder(en)de soorten van Elaeagnus. Gorteria 12: 244.

77. Veldkamp, J.F.
1985. (Review). R.M.T. Dahlgren, H.T. Clifford and P.F. Yeo: The families of
the Monocotyledons, structure, evolution and taxonomy. Acta Bot. Neerl. 34: 447--448.

78. Veldkamp, J.F.
1985. (Review). But, P.P.-H., L.-C. Chio, H.-L. Fung & S.-Y. Hu, Hong Kong bamboos. Bambusblatter 4: 17--18.


79. Veldkamp, J.F.
1986. Elaeagnaceae. Fl. Males. I, 10: 151--156.

80. Veldkamp, J.F.
1986. Insecticidal properties of the Neem tree (Azadirachtha indica): it's for
the birds! Fl. Males. Bull. 9: 304.

81. Veldkamp, J.F.
1986. Terrorist tactics in taxonomy, a summary. Fl. Males. Bull. 9: 311--312.

82. Veldkamp, J.F.
1986. (Review). But, P.P.-H., L.-C. Chio, H.-L. Fung & S.-Y. Hu, Hong Kong bamboos. Fl. Males. Bull. 9: 315--316.

83. Veldkamp, J.F.
1986. (Review). R.M.T. Dahlgren, H.T. Clifford and P.F. Yeo: The families of
the Monocotyledons, structure, evolution and taxonomy. Fl. Males. Bull. 9:

84. Veldkamp, J.F.
1986. (Review). G.L. Leach & P.L. Osborne. Freshwater plants of Papua New Guinea.
Fl. Males. Bull. 9: 320.

85. Veldkamp, J.F., R.
de Koning & M.S.M. Sosef. 1986. Generic delimitation of Rottboellia and
related genera (Gramineae). Blumea 31: 281--307.


86. Veldkamp, J.F.
& R.J. Rouwenhorst. 1987. A revision of Evodiella (Rutaceae). Blumea 32:

87. Veldkamp, J.F.
& R.C. Flipphi. 1987. A revision of Leptonychia (Sterculiaceae) in Southeast Asia. Blumea 32: 443--457.

88. Veldkamp, J.F.
1987. In E.F. de Vogel (Ed.). Manual of herbarium taxonomy and practice:
20--73, 127--157.

89. Veldkamp, J.F.
1987. Mimosa invisa Colla var. inermis. Fl. Males. Bull. 9: 416.

90. Steenis, C.G.G.J.
van & J.F. Veldkamp. 1987. Botanical guide to the sandy sea shores of
Malesia. Fl. Males. Bull. 9: 421--428.

91a. Veldkamp, J.F.
1987. Obituary. Reinier Cornelis Bakhuizen van den Brink. Fl. Males. Bull. 9:

91b. Veldkamp, J.F.
1987. Obituary. Josephine Therese Koster. Fl. Males. Bull. 9: 374--375.

92. Veldkamp, J.F.
1987. (Review). Goetghebeur, P. Genera cyperacearum. Een bijdrage tot de kennis
van de morfologie, systematiek en fylogenese van de Cyperaceae-genera. Fl.
Males. Bull. 9: 439--440.

93. Veldkamp, J.F.
1987. (Review). Peekel, P.G. (M.S.C.). Flora of the Bismarck
Archipelago for naturalists. Fl. Males. Bull. 9: 441--442.

94. Veldkamp, J.F.
Gramineae. 1987. In C.G.G.J. van Steenis, Checklist of generic names: 63--68.


95. Gideon, O.G., S.S.
Tjitrosoedirdjo & J.F. Veldkamp. 1988. Notes on Mycetia (Rubiaceae).
Floribunda 1: 17--19.

96. Saw, L.G., T. Uji
& J.F. Veldkamp. 1988. Notes on the Setaria palmifolia group (Gramineae) in
Malesia. Floribunda 1: 21--23.

97. Veldkamp, J.F.
1988. Obituary. Santos,
Jose Vera. Fl. Males. Bull. 10: 3--5.

98. Veldkamp, J.F., W.
Vink & D.G. Frodin. 1988. Ledermann's and some other German localities in Papua New Guinea.
Fl. Males. Bull. 10: 32--38.

99. Veldkamp, J.F.
1988. Notes on Pteleocarpa, incertae sedis. Fl. Males. Bull. 10: 47--50.

100. Veldkamp, J.F.
1988. (Review). George, A.S. (Ed.). Flora of Australia. Vol. 45. Hydatellaceae
to Liliaceae. Fl. Males. Bull. 10: 51--52.

101. Veldkamp, J.F.
1988. (Review). Grierson, A.J.C. & D.G. Long. Flora of Bhutan, including a
record of plants from Sikkim.
I, 3. Fl. Males. Bull. 10: 52.

102. Veldkamp, J.F.
1988. (Review). Mabberley, D.J. The plant book -- A portable dictionary of the
higher plants. Fl. Males. Bull. 10: 53.

103. Veldkamp, J.F.
1988. (Review). Maxwell, J.F. et al. 1987. Weeds of plantations crops in Southern Thailand. Fl. Males. Bull. 10: 53--54.

104. Veldkamp, J.F.
1988. (Review). Rosengarten Jr., F. 1984. The book of edible nuts. Fl. Males.
Bull. 10: 55.

105. Veldkamp, J.F.
1988. (Review). Soerjani, M. et al. (Eds.). 1986. Weeds of rice in Indonesia. Fl.
Males. Bull. 10: 56.

106. Veldkamp, J.F.
1988. (Review). Steenis, C.G.G.J. van. 1987. Checklist of generic names in
Malesian botany. (Spermatophytes). Fl. Males. Bull. 10: 56--57.

107. Veldkamp, J.F.
1988. (Review). Uhl, N.W. & J. Dransfield. 1987. Genera palmarum. A
classification of palms based on the work of Harold E. Moore Jr. Fl. Males.
Bull. 10: 57--58.

108. Meijer, W. &
J.F. Veldkamp. 1988. A revision of Rhizanthes (Rafflesiaceae). Blumea 33:

109. Veldkamp, J.F.
1988. The Medinilla myrtiformis-alliance. II. (Melastomataceae). Blumea 33:


110. Veldkamp, J.F.
1989. A Dutchman's view of 'copynii'. Nomencl. Forum 20: 149.

111. Veldkamp, J.F.
1989. Notes on Biophytum (Oxalidaceae) of the Old World.
Taxon 38: 110--116, 1 tab.

112. Veldkamp, J.F.
& H. Scholz. 1989. The identity of Panicum tenellum Lam. (Gramineae). Bull.
Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat., Paris,
IV, 10, B, Adansonia: 435--436.

113. Veldkamp, J.F.
& H.J. van Scheindelen. 1989. Australopyrum, Brachypodium, and Elymus
(Gramineae) in Malesia. Blumea 34: 61--76.

114. Veldkamp, J.F.,
A.W.M. Eijs & R.B. Zoetemeyer. 1989. Panicum curviflorum (formerly P.
trypheron) and P. sumatrense (P. miliare auct.) (Gramineae) in Southeast Asia. Blumea 34: 77--85.

115. Veldkamp, J.F.
1989. The correct citation of Setaria palmifolia var. blepharoneuron
(Gramineae). Fl. Males. Bull. 10: 142.

116. Veldkamp, J.F.
1989. A note on Philippine collections of F.M. Blanco and A. Llanos. Fl. Males.
Bull. 10: 143--145.

117. Veldkamp, J.F.
1989. (Review). Corner, E.J.H. Wayside trees of Malaya,
ed. 3. Fl. Males. Bull. 10: 150--151.

118. Veldkamp, J.F.
1989. (Review). Davies, R.A. & K.M. Lloyd (Eds.). 1988. Kew
Index for 1987. Fl. Males. Bull. 10: 152--153.

119. Veldkamp, J.F.
1989. (Review). Earl of Cranbrook (Ed.) Malaysia
(Key environments). Fl. Males. Bull. 10: 153--156.

120. Veldkamp, J.F.
1989. (Review). Koyama, T. 1987. Grasses of Japan and its neighboring
countries. Fl. Males. Bull. 10: 157--158.

121. Veldkamp, J.F.
1989. (Review). Rauh, W. Tropische Hochgebirgspflanzen. Fl. Males. Bull. 10:

122. Veldkamp, J.F.
1989. (Review). Rubeli, K. Tropical rain forest in South-East
Asia -- A pictorial journey. Fl. Males. Bull. 10: 161--162.

123. Veldkamp, J.F.
1989. (Review). Saldanha, C.J. (Ed.). 1985. Flora of Karnataka. I. Magnoliaceae
to Fabaceae. Fl. Males. Bull. 10: 162.

124. Veldkamp, J.F.
1989. (Review). Taxon 37/3. Fl. Males. Bull. 10: 162--164.

125. Veldkamp, J.F.
1989. Sparganiaceae, in Van Steenis et al., Addenda, corrigenda et emendanda.
Fl. Males. I, 10: 718.

126. Veldkamp, J.F.
1989. Deyeuxia nagensis, the correct name for D. borii (Gramineae). J. Econ.
Tax. Bot. 13: 74.


127. Veldkamp, J.F.
1990. (Review). Kew Index for 1987. Acta Bot.
Neerl. 39: 122.

128. Veldkamp, J.F.
1990. The true identity of Sporobolus poiretii (Gramineae). Taxon 39: 327--328.

129. Veldkamp, J.F.
1990. (Review). Beer, J.H. de & M.J. McDermott. 1989. The economic values
of non-timber forest products in Southeast Asia, with emphasis on Indonesia, Malaysia
and Thailand.
Fl. Males. Bull. 10: 250.

130. Veldkamp, J.F.
1990. (Review). Borrell, O.W. 1989. An annotated check-list of the flora of Kairiru Island, New Guinea. Fl. Males. Bull. 10:

131. Veldkamp, J.F.
1990. (Review). Forman, L.L. & D. Bridson. 1989. The herbarium handbook.
Fl. Males. Bull. 10: 251.

132. Veldkamp, J.F.
1990. (Review). Holm-Nielsen, L.B., I.C. Nielsen & H. Balslev (Eds.). 1989.
Tropical forests, botanical dynamics, speciation and diversity. Fl. Males.
Bull. 10: 251--253.

133. Veldkamp, J.F.
1990. Sporobolus rigidifolius and S. mauritianus (Gramineae). Kew
Bull. 45: 581--582.

134. Veldkamp, J.F.
1990. Sporobolus indicus (L.) R. Br. var. indicus (Gramineae) en Gironde, France.
Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. O. France, n.s. 12: 79--80.

135. Maxwell, J.F.
& J.F. Veldkamp. 1990. Notes on the Astronieae (Melastomataceae). -- I. Astrocalyx, Astronia. Blumea 35: 71--114.

136. Maxwell, J.F.
& J.F. Veldkamp. 1990. Notes on the Astronieae (Melastomataceae). -- II.
Astronidium, Beccarianthus. Blumea 35: 115--164.

137. Veldkamp, J.F.
1990. Bromus luzonensis Presl is the correct name for Bromus breviaristatus
Buckl. (Gramineae). Taxon 39: 660.

138. Veldkamp, J.F.
1990. (Review). The identification of flowering plant families, 3d edition.
P.H. Davis and J. Cullen. Acta Bot. Neerl. 39: 411.


139. Baaijens, G.J.
& J.F. Veldkamp. 1991. Sporobolus (Gramineae) in Malesia. Blumea 35:

140. Veldkamp, J.F.
& L.A. Kreffer. 1991. Notes on Southeast Asian and Australian Coreopsidinae
(Asteraceae). Blumea 35: 459--482.

141. Veldkamp, J.F.,
M. Eriks & S.S. Smit. 1991. Bromus (Gramineae) in Malesia. Blumea 35:

142. Steenis-Kruseman,
M.J. van, & J.F. Veldkamp. 1991. Van Breda's  Genera et species orchidearum fasc. IIII
effectively published. Fl. Males. Bull. 10: 331--334.

143. Veldkamp, J.F.
1991. Addresses of herbaria in Malesia. Fl. Males. Bull. 10: 339--342.

144. Veldkamp, J.F.
1991. (Review). P.K. Holmgren, et al. (Eds.). 1990. Index herbariorum. Part
I:  the herbaria of the world. Ed. 8. Fl.
Males. Bull. 10: 345--346.

145. Veldkamp, J.F.
1991. (Review). H. Keng. 1990. The concise flora of Singapore. Gymnosperms and
dicotyledons. Fl. Males. Bull. 10: 346--347.

146. Veldkamp, J.F.
1991. (Review). A. Latiff. (Ed.). Status of herbaria in Malaysia. Fl. Males. Bull. 10: 348.

147. Veldkamp, J.F.
1991. Notes on Ericaceae from Papua
New Guinea. Blumea 36: 161--164.

148. Veldkamp, J.F.
1991. Papuacalia (Compositae), a new genus for the woody Senecios of New
Guinea. Blumea 36: 165--178.

149. Veldkamp, J.F.
1991. Miscellaneous notes on Southeast Asian Gramineae. VI. Blumea 36:


150. Veldkamp, J.F.
& H. van Steenbergen. 1992. Perotis Aiton (Gramineae) in Australia and Southeast
Asia. Austrobaileya 3: 609--614.

151. Veldkamp, J.F.
1992. Notes on Australian Coreopsidinae (Compositae). Austrobaileya 3:

152. Veldkamp, J.F.
1992. Addresses of herbaria in Malesia (corrections and additions). Fl. Males.
Bull. 11: 45.

153. Veldkamp,
J.F.  1992. (Review). D.H. Benzing.
Vascular epiphytes. Fl. Males. Bull. 11: 54.

154. Veldkamp,
J.F.  1992. (Review). R.K. Brummitt.
Vascular plant families and genera. Fl. Males. Bull. 11: 54--55.

155. Veldkamp,
J.F.  1992. (Review). P.I. Forster, P.D.
Bostock, L.H. Bird & A.R. Bean. Vineforest plant atlas for South-east Queensland. Fl. Males. Bull. 11: 56.

156. Veldkamp,
J.F.  1992. (Review). D. Johnson (Ed.).
Palms for human needs in Asia. Fl. Males.
Bull. 11: 56--57.

157. Veldkamp,
J.F.  1992. (Review). T.F. Rijnberg. 's
Lands Plantentuin, Buitenzorg. 1817--1992. Fl. Males. Bull. 11: 58--59.

158. Veldkamp, J.F.
1992. Flora Malesiana Bulletin. Index volume 10: 1--51.

159. Veldkamp,  J.F. 1992. Miscellaneous notes on SE Asian
Gramineae. VII. Blumea 37: 227--237.


160. Veldkamp, J.F.
1993. (Review). S. Dransfield: The bamboos of Sabah.
Blumea 37: 528.

---. See 222

161. Veldkamp, J.F.
1993. (Review). S. Dransfield: The bamboos of Sabah.
Fl. Males. Bull. 11: 145.

162. Veldkamp, J.F.
1993. (Review). B. Sunarno & Rugayah: Flora Taman Nasional Gede Pangrango.
Flora Malesiana Bulletin 11: 150--151.

163. Veldkamp, J.F.
1993. Miscellaneous notes on Southeast Asian Gramineae. VIII. New species in
Danthonia. Blumea 38: 217--219.

164. Meijer, W. &
J.F. Veldkamp. 1993. A revision of Mitrastema (Rafflesiaceae). Blumea 38:

165. Veldkamp, J.F.
1993. The Anthoxanthum horsfieldii, A. formosanum, and A. japonicum complex
(Gramineae) in E. Asia. J. Jap. Bot. 68:

See also 170, 173, 222


166. Veldkamp, J.F.
1994. Geranium lucidum L., de Glanzige ooievaarsbek. Sleutelblad 1994/1: 3-4
(excl. fig.!).

167. Veldkamp, J.F.
1994. Deyeuxia stenophylla and D. suizanensis (Gramineae) in Malesia and Taiwan.
Taiwania 38: 1--4.

168. Veldkamp, J.F.
1994. A new variety of Sarcotheca laxa (Oxalidaceae) from Sumatra.
Blumea 38: 459--460.

169. Veldkamp, J.F.
1994. Poa L. (Gramineae) in Malesia. Blumea 38: 409--457.

170. Veldkamp, J.F.
1994. (Review). Edwards, I.D., A.A. Macdonald & J. Proctor (Eds.). 1993.
Natural history of Seram, Maluku,
Indonesia. Fl.
Males. Bull. 11: 301--302.

171. Veldkamp, J.F.
1994. Miscellaneous notes on Southeast Asian Gramineae. IX. Setaria and
Paspalidium. Blumea 39: 373--384.


172. Veldkamp, J.F.
& R. Nowack. 1995. Vietnamochloa aurea (Gramineae: Eragrostideae), a new
genus and species from Vietnam.
Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. IV, 16, B, Adansonia: 213--218.

173. Veldkamp, J.F.
1995. (Review). Green, P.S., in A.E. Orchard & A.J.G. Wilson (Eds.). 1993.
Flora of Australia
50. Oceanic Islands 1. Fl. Males. Bull. 11:

174 / 175. Veldkamp,
J.F. 1995. (Review). Harriman, N.A. (Ed.). Gramineae, in M.D. Dassanayake, F.R.
Fosberg & W.D. Clayton (Eds.). 1994. Fl. Males. Bull. 11: 430--431; Id., 1994. Blumea 40:

176. Veldkamp, J.F.
1995. (Review). Newman, M.F., P.F. 
Burgess & T.C. Whitmore. 1995. Manuals of Dipterocarps for foresters
-- Singapore.
Fl. Males. Bull. 11: 432--433.

177. Veldkamp, J.F.,
R. van Donkelaar & R.D. Kloppenburg. 1995. The identity of Sperlingia Vahl
(Asclepiadaceae). Blumea 40: 425--428; reprinted in Fraterna, 1st Quart. 1996:


178. Veldkamp, J.F.
1996. Proposal to conserve the name Brachiaria (Trin.) Griseb. (Gramineae) with
a conserved type. Taxon 45: 319--320. --- Rejected: Brummitt, Taxon 47 (1998)

179. Veldkamp. J.F.
1996. Panicum, Whiteochloa (Gramineae: Paniceae) in Malesia. Blumea 41:

180. Markgraf-Dannenberg,
I. & J.F. Veldkamp. 1996. Festuca L.
(Gramineae) in Malesia. Blumea 41: 217--222.

181. Veldkamp, J.F.
1996. DELTA, Snowdenia, of Met-de-PC-gaat't-vlugger. Muurkrant September 1996:

182. Veldkamp. J.F.
1996. Name changes in Agrostis, Arundinella, Deyeuxia, Helictotrichon, Tripogon
(Gramineae). Blumea 41: 407--411.

183. Veldkamp. J.F.
1996. Brachiaria, Urochloa (Gramineae - Paniceae) in Malesia. Blumea 41:

184. Veldkamp, J.F.
& B. Hansen. 1996. New combinations under Hoya verticillata (Vahl) G. Don
(Asclepiadaceae) and a bibliographical note on Sperlingia Vahl. Blumea 41:


185. Veldkamp, J.F.
1997. Overlooked genera and species in the 
Malesian flora: the case of Crocosmia (Iridaceae) and some others. Fl.
Males. Bull. 11: 511--514.

186. Veldkamp, J.F.
1997. The correct name for Archidendron clypearia (Jack) Nielsen var. casai
(Blanco) Nielsen (Leguminosae - Mimosoideae). Fl. Males. Bull. 11: 515--517.

187. Veldkamp, J.F.
1997. (Review). Thornton, I.
1996. Krakatau, the destruction and reassembly
of an island ecosystem. Fl. Males. Bull. 11: 523--524.

188. Veldkamp, J.F.
1997. (Review). Walsh, N.G. & T.J. Entwisle (Eds.). 1994. Flora of Victoria. Volume 2.
Ferns and allied plants, conifers and monocotyledons. Fl. Males. Bull. 11:
524--526; Blumea 42: 259--260.

189. Veldkamp, J.F.
1997. (Review). Wong, K.M. 1995. The morphology, anatomy, biology and
classification of Peninsular Malaysian bamboos. & Wong, K.M. 1995. The
bamboos of Peninsular Malaysia. Fl. Males. Bull. 11: 526--527.

190. Veldkamp, J.F.
1997. (Review). International Code of nomenclature of cultivated plants, ed. 6.
Fl. Males. Bull. 11: 527.

191. Veldkamp, J.F.
1997. (Review). G.J.H. Grubben & S. Partohardjono (eds.): Cereals. PROSEA
Volume 10. Blumea 42: 260.

192. Veldkamp, J.F.
1997. The herbaceous bamboos in Malesia. In G.P. Chapman, The Bamboos. Linnean
Society Symposium Series 19: 147--160.

193. Willemsen, M.A.
& J.F. Veldkamp. 1997. (Obituary). Verheijen, Jilis Antonius Josephus.
Zevenaar, The Netherlands,
26 March, 1908 -- Teteringen, The Netherlands, 25 April 1997. Fl.
Males. Bull. 12: 30--31.

194. Veldkamp, J.F.
1997. (Review). Dassanayake, M.D. & W.D. Clayton (Eds.). 1997. A revised
handbook to the Flora of Ceylon. XI. Fl. Males. Bull. 12: 55--56.

195. Veldkamp J.F.
1997. (Review). Hanum, I.F. & L.J.G. van der Maesen (Eds.). 1997. Auxiliary
plants. PROSEA 11. Fl. Males. Bull. 12: 57.

196. Veldkamp J.F.
1997. (Review). Lemmens, R.H.M.J., I.
Soerianegara & W.C. Wong (Eds.). 1995. Timber trees: minor commercial
timbers. PROSEA 5(2). Fl. Males. Bull. 12: 58--59.

197. Veldkamp J.F.
1997. (Review). MacKinnon, K., G. Hatta, H. Halim & A. Mangalik. 1996. The
ecology of Kalimantan. The ecology of
Indonesia Series 3. Fl. Males. Bull. 12: 59--60.


198. Veldkamp, J.F.
1998. Groot hoefblad [Petasites hybridus (L.) Gaertn., B. Mey. & Scherb.,
Compositae] is niet Nederlands. KNNV Nieuwsbrief 34: 3--4. (See 204).

199. Veldkamp, J.F.
1998. The Dutch 'long y' or 'y-with-dots' (ij), or, when is the j a vowel when
a consonant? Nomenclatural Forum 32: 230.

200. Hacker, J.B., V.
Phimphachanhvongsod, S. Novaha, P. Kordravang, J.F. Veldkamp & B.K. Simon.
1998. A guide to the grasses of Xieng
Khouang Province,
Lao PDR, and some notes on ecology of grazing lands in the province. Genetic
Resources Communication 28. 89 pp, illus.

201. Veldkamp, J.F.
& M.S.M. Sosef. 1998. A proposal regarding isonyms. Taxon 47: 491--492.

202. Adams, R.P., M.
Zong, Y. Turuspekov, M.R. Dafforn & J.F. Veldkamp. 1998. DNA fingerprints
reveal clonal nature of Vetiveria zizanioides (L.) Nash, Gramineae, and sources
of potential new germplasm. Molec. Ecol. 7: 813--818.

203. Veldkamp, J.F.
1998. Het Kameleon in toga (si non e vero e ben trovato). In J. Batenburg et
al., Lustrumboek Leidse Biologen Club, 1923--1998, Eindeloos: 155--158.

204. Veldkamp, J.F.
1998. Groot hoefblad [Petasites hybridus (L.) Gaertn., B. Mey. & Scherb.,
Compositae] is niet Nederlands. Venkraai 142: 9--14. --- Annotated reprint of

205. J.F. Veldkamp.
1998. (Review). M.M.J. van Balgooy. 1998. Malesian seed plants. Volume 2. ---
Portraits of tree families. Fl. Males. Bull. 12: 179.

206. J.F. Veldkamp.
1998. (Review). K.M. Kochummen. 1997. Tree flora of Pasoh Forest.
Fl. Males. Bull. 12: 179--180.

207. J.F. Veldkamp.
1998. Poaceae, other grasses. In J.H. Beaman & R.S. Beaman, The plants of Mount Kinabalu.
3. Gymnosperms and non-orchid monocotyledons: 151--175.

208. Veldkamp, J.F.
1998. Exbucklandia vs. Symingtonia (Hamamelidaceae). Rheedea 8: 159--161.


209. Veldkamp, J.F.
1999. New records of Gramineae for Malesia. Fl. Males. Bull. 12: 231--239.

210. Veldkamp, J.F.
1999. Steenis-Kruseman, Maria Johanna van. Fl. Males. Bull. 12: 253--255

211. Thijsse, G. &
J.F. Veldkamp. 1999. The Van Royen Herbarium on microfiche. Folder: [2--3].
Index [2--3] with different text (earlier version).

---. Veldkamp, J.F.
1999. Roelstoeler vliegt naar Malta.
Inclusief 9/29: 22--23.

212. Veldkamp, J.F.
1999. Eupatorium catarium, a new name for Eupatorium clematideum Griseb., non
Sch. Bip. (Compositae), a S American species naturalized and spreading in SE
Asia and Queensland, Australia. Gard. Bull., Singapore
51: 123--128.

213. Veldkamp, J.F.
1999. Digitaria effusa Veldk. (Gramineae), a new species from Vietnam. Blumea 44: 447--448.

214. Hacker, J.B.,
Trang T.-K. & J.F. Veldkamp. 1999. A guide to the grasses of grazing lands
in Central Vietnam and some notes on their
ecology. Genmetic Resources Communication 34: 1--90.

215. Veldkamp, J.F.
1999. (Review). Keng, H., S.C. Chin & H.T.W. Tan. 1998. The concise Flora
of Singapore. Volume 2: Monocotyledons. Fl. Males. Bull. 12: 290.

216. Veldkamp, J.F.
1999. (Review). Radcliffe-Smith, A. 1998. Three-language list of botanical name
components. Fl. Males. Bull. 12: 290--291.

217. Veldkamp, J.F.
1999. A revision of Chrysopogon Trin. and Vetiveria Bory (Gramineae) in Thailand and Malesia with notes on some other
species from Africa and Australia.
Austrobaileya 5: 503--533.

218. Wipff, J.K. &
J.F. Veldkamp. 1999. Pennisetum advena sp. nov. (Poaceae: Paniceae): a common
ornamental throughout the southern United States. Sida 18: 1031--1036.


219. Veldkamp, J.F.
2000. Je kan
dit vak ook aan niemand toevertrouwen! Muurkrant Februari 2000: 14--15.

220. Veldkamp, J.F. 2000.
Een enkele reis Paradijs? Muurkrant Mei 2000: 21--23.

221. Veldkamp, J.F.
2000. In S. Cafferty, C.E. Jarvis & N.J. Turland (Eds.), Typification of
Linnaean plant names in the Poaceae. Taxon 49 (2000) 239--260.

222. Veldkamp, J.F.
1993. Cenchrus, in C.E. Jarvis, et al., A list of Linnaean generic names and
their types. Regnum Veg. 127 (1993) 31.

223. Veldkamp, J.F.
2000. (Review). Lack, W. & D.J. Mabberley. 1999. The Flora Graeca story.
Sibthorp, Bauer, and Hawkins in the Levant.
Blumea 45 (2000) 250--251.

224. Veldkamp, J.F.
2000. C.A. Backer, schrijver van een uniek woordenboek, in C.A. Backer,
Verklarend woordenboek van wetenschappelijke plantennamen, 2e druk: ix--xxi.

225. Veldkamp, J.F.
2000. C.A.
Backer, Review. Verklarend woordenboek van wetenschappelijke plantennamen
(1936). Muurkrant Oktober 2000: 13--14, illus.

225-a. 252. Trainor,
C. & J.F. Veldkamp. 1997. In memory of Father Jilis A. J. Verheijen
(1908-1997). Kukila 11: 179--181.

226. Heuvel, E. van
den, & J.F. Veldkamp. 2000. Revision of Hemarthria
(Gramineae--Andropogoneae--Rottboelliinae). Blumea 45: 443--475.

227. Veldkamp, J.F.
2000. (Review). E. Edgar & H.E. Connor: Flora of New Zealand. Volume V. Grasses.
Blumea 45: 495.

228. Veldkamp, J.F.
2000. (Review.) H.J. Noltie: Flora of Bhutan,
including a record of plants from Sikkim
and Darjeeling.
Volume 3, Part 2: The grasses of Bhutan. Blumea 45: 498--499.

229. Veldkamp, J.F.
& C.B. Salunkhe. 2000. Chrysopogon castaneus (Gramineae--Andropogoneae), a
new species from Maharashtra,
India. Rheedea
10: 59--61.


230. Veldkamp, J.F.
2001. Flora Malesiana Bulletin. Index -- Volume 12, 1997--2001: 62 pp.

231. Veldkamp, J.F.
2001. A short biography of C.A. Backer, nestor of the Flora of Java. Fl. Males.
Bull. 12: 364--376.

232. Veldkamp, J.F.
2001. (Review). Straver, H. & A. Boelens: Atlas Maluku. Fl. Males. Bull.
12: 404.

233. Veldkamp, J.F.
2001. Editor's note to F.S.P. Ng, Diospyros and the myth of the forbidden
fruit. Fl. Males. Bul. 12: 399.

234. Buitenhuis, A.G.
& J.F. Veldkamp. 2001. Revision of Eremochloa (Gramineae -- Andropogoneae
-- Rottboelliinae). Blumea 46: 399--420.

235. Veldkamp, J.F.
2001. The identity of three American species of Chloris Sw. (Gramineae)
described from the Philippines
by P. Durand (1808). Taxon 50: 845--852.

236. Veldkamp, J.F.
2001. Weeds, plants of the future. Malayan Nature J. 55: 187--195.

237. Veldkamp, J.F.
2001. Cocos lucifera (Glow palm) another member of the Poleaceae
(Telecomicaceae). BSBI News 88: 15.

238. Bodegom, S. &
J.F. Veldkamp. 2001. A revision of the pseudo-stipular species of Medinilla
Gaud. ex DC. (Melastomataceae - Melastomatoideae - Miconieae). Blumea 46:

239. Turner, H. &
J.F. Veldkamp. 2001. Parnassia (Parnassiaceae) in N
Sumatra. Blumea 46: 599--603.

240. Veldkamp, J.F.
2001. Leading the sighted. New Scientist 2318 (24 November): 113.


241. Veldkamp, J.F.
2002. 15 June 2002, 300th anniversary of Rumphius' death. Fl. Males. Bull. 13:

---. Veldkamp, J.F.
2002. Greet Veldkamp, 90 Jaar! 11 pp --- alfabetisch gedicht, m.m.v Carolien
Kooij-Veldkamp (foto en enkele regels), Fleur Veldkamp & Olaf van Zandwijk

242. Veldkamp, J.F.
2002. A revision of Eragrostis (Gramineae, Chloridoideae) in Malesia. Blumea
47: 157--204.

243. Nowack, R. &
J.F. Veldkamp. 2002. Notes on Lepturus (Gramineae) in Malesia. Blumea 47:

244. Jannink, T.A.
& J.F. Veldkamp. 2002. A revision of Chionachninae (Gramineae:
Andropogoneae). Blumea 47: 545--580.

245. Veldkamp, J.F.
2002. (Review). N. Ravi & N. Mohandan: Common tropical and subtropical
sedges and grasses. Blumea 47: 696--597.

246. Veldkamp, J.F.
2002. Mestica calappa, the coconut pearl, trick or true? Fl. Males. Bull. 13:


247. Veldkamp, J.F.
2003. Nomenclature of Syzygium gracile (Myrtaceae). Blumea 48: 489--490.

248. Veldkamp, J.F.
& S.M. Phillips. 2003. Tripogon (Gramineae) in Thailand. Blumea 48: 491--494.

249. Veldkamp, J.F.
2003. Miscellaneous notes on Thai Gramineae. Blumea 48: 495--501.

250. Veldkamp, J.F.
2003. (Review). A guide to ... Fl. Males. Bull. 13: 284.

251. Veldkamp, J.F.
2003. (Review). Kress, W.J., R. DeFilipps, E. Farr & Daw Yin Yin Kyi. 2003.
A checklist of the trees, shrubs, herbs, and climbers of Myanmar. Fl.
Males. Bull. 13: 284--286.

252 = 225-a.


253. Veldkamp, J.F.
2004. Bilimbia (Lichenes) resurrected. The Lichenologist 36: 191--195.

254. Veldkamp, J.F.
2004. Miscellaneous notes on mainly Southeast Asian Gramineae. Reinwardtia 12:

255. Iskandar, E.A.P.
& J.F. Veldkamp. 2004. A revision of Malesian Isachne sect. Isachne
(Gramineae, Panicoideae, Isachneae). Reinwardtia 12: 159--179.

256. Veldkamp, J.F.
The correct name for Pyrrosia hastata Ching (Polypodiaceae, Pteridophyta).
Reinwardtia 12: 191--193.


257. Lut, C.W.J. &
J.F. Veldkamp. 2005. Guide to plant species descriptions published in seed
lists from botanical gardens for the period 1800--1900. Taxon 54: 567--568.

258. Veldkamp, J.F.
2005. (Review). Mallett, K. (Ed.). 2005. Flora of Australia volume 44B. Poaceae 3.
Blumea 50: 374.

259. Veldkamp, J.F.
2005. Leech repellents? Fl. Males. Bull. 13: 371--372.

260. Veldkamp, J.F.
2005. (Review). Duistermaat, H. Field guide to the grasses of Singapore (excluding the bamboos).
Gard. Bull. Singapore
57: 185--186.


261. Pelser, P., J.F.
Veldkamp & R. v.d. Meijden. 2006. New combinations in Jacobaea Mill.
(Asteraceae -- Senecioneae). Comp. Newsl. 44: 1--11.

262. Veldkamp, J.F.
2006. (Review.) L. Frey (ed.): Problems of grass biology. Blumea 51: 146.


263. Veldkamp, J.F.
2007. Ludwigia sedoides (Onagraceae) in Malesia. Fl. Males. Bull. 14: 27--29.

264. Duk, M.A.N. &
J.F. Veldkamp. 2007. Notes on Trigonotis (Boraginaceae) in Celebes.
Fl. Males. Bull. 14: 32.

265. Veldkamp, J.F.
2007. The weal and woe of Roxburghia (Stemonaceae). Fl. Males. Bull. 14:

266. Veldkamp, J.F.
2007. Some notes on the cultivation of Rafflesia. Fl. Males. Bull. 14: 50--53.

267. Veldkamp, J.F.
2007. (Review). W. Buijze. Leven en werk van Georg Everhardus Rumphius
(1627--1702). Een natuurhistoricus in dienst van de VOC. Fl. Males. Bull. 14:

268. Veldkamp, J.F.
2007. (Review). M. Loderichs. 2004. Rumphius’ wonderwereld. Zeventiende-eeuwse
natuurbeschrijvingen uit Ambon. Fl. Males.
Bull. 14: 59--60.

269. Veldkamp, J.F.
2007. (Review). F.S.P. Ng. 2006. Tropical horticulture and gardening. Fl.
Males. Bull. 14: 60--62

270. Veldkamp, J.F.
2007. (Review). T.S. Nayar, A. Rasiya Beegam, N. Mohanan & G. Rajkumar.
2006. Flowering plants of Kerala. Blumea 52: 204--206.

271. Sierra, S.E.C.,
K.K.M. Kulju, J.F. Veldkamp & P.C. van Welzen. 2007. Resurrection of Hancea
and lectotypification of Adisca (Euphorbiaceae). Blumea 52: 361--366.


272. Veldkamp, J.F.
2008. De Gladde ooievaarsbek, Geranium aequale (Geraniaceae), een niet zo
nieuwe soort voor Nederland?
Gorteria 26: 50--57.

273. Veldkamp, J.F.
2008. The correct name for the Tetrastigma (Vitaceae) host of Rafflesia
(Rafflesiaceae) in Malesia and a (not so) new species. Reinwardtia 12:

274. Jung, M.-J., J.F. Veldkamp & C.-S.
Kuoh. 2008. Notes on Eragrostis Wolf (Poaceae) for the Flora of Taiwan.
Taiwania 53: 96--102.

275. Van Welzen, P.C.
& J.F. Veldkamp. 2008. Trigoniaceae. Fl. Thail. 9, 2: 173--175.

276. Veldkamp, J.F.
2008. Egeria densa (Hydrocharitaceae), a new genus and species for Malesia. Fl.
Males. Bull. 14: 156—159.

277. Veldkamp, J.F.
2008. Mestica calappa, the coconut pearl. 2. The mystery unravelled. Fl. Males.
Bull. 14: 160--161.

278. Esser, H.-J.
& J.F. Veldkamp. 2008. The Croton argyratus-complex (Euphorbiaceae) in the
Malay Peninsula and Sumatra. Fl. Males. Bull.
14: 166--171.

279. Tjitrosoedirdjo,
S.S. & J.F. Veldkamp. 2008. Bartlettina sordida (Eupatorium sordidum)
(Compositae), an invasive alien plant species in the Gede Pangrango
National Park, West Java,
Indonesia. Fl. Males. Bull. 14: 172.

280. Veldkamp, J.F.,
J.L. Reveal & K.N. Ghandi. 2008. (1845) Proposal to conserve Dodecatheon
jeffreyi Hort. ex Van Houtte (1867) against Dodecatheon jeffreyanum K. Koch
(1866; Primulaceae). Taxon 57: 1004--1006. --- Recommended, see Brummitt, R.K. (Ed.) 2011. Report of the
Nomenclature Committee for Vascular Plants: 62. Taxon 60: 227.

281. Veldkamp, J.F.
2008. Press release: Godinnengras / Goddess grass. Mare 32, 7: 7 / 10. (On
Lakshmia venusta).

282. Veldkamp, J.F.
2008. Senecio cymbalarioides, S. subnudus, and S. subpeltatus, history of a
muddle (Asteraceae: Senecioneae). J.
Bot. Res. Inst. Texas
2: 1215--1218.

283. Santhosh Kumar, E.S. , K. Radhakrishnan, C.
Kunhikannan, J. F. Veldkamp & C. N. Mohanan. 2008. Rediscovery of
Maesa velutina Mez (Maesaceae / Myrsinaceae) – An endemic and endangered
species of the Western Ghats, India.
Rheedea 18: 39--42.

284. Veldkamp, J.F.
2008. In goede aarde. Natnl. Geogr. Ned.-België Nov. 2008: 8 (letter to the

285. Veldkamp, J.F.
Sarcotheca lunduensis (Oxalidaceae), a new species from W. Sarawak, Malesia.
Gard. Bull. Singapore
60: 69--71.

286. Veldkamp, J.F. 2008. Silene
fissipetala  (Caryophyllaceae), the correct name
for S. fortunei from Continental China and Taiwan. Taiwania 53: 410--413.


287. Veldkamp, J.F.
2009. (Review). D. Gledhill. 2008. The names of plants, ed. 4. Blumea 53:

288. Sumadijaya, A. & J.F.
Veldkamp. 2009. Notes on Bothriochloa Kuntze Gramineae: Andropogoneae) in
Malesia. Reinwardtia 12: 415--417.

289. Sumadijaya, A.
& J.F. Veldkamp. 2009. Vulpia (Gramineae) in Malesia. Reinwardtia 12:

290. Veldkamp, J.F.
2009. Nomenclatural notes on Senecio valerianifolia. Compositae Newsl. 47:

291. Veldkamp, J.F.
2009. The authorship of Bromus pubescens (Gramineae). 
J. Torrey Bot. Soc. 136: 137--138.

292. Kumar, P.,  G.S. Rawat & J.F.
Veldkamp. 2009. (033) Proposal to broaden the scope of Art.
37.5 allowing an illustration as a type when it is “impossible” to preserve a
specimen. Taxon 58:  664--665.

293. Veldkamp, J.F. 2009. Aegilotriticum × requenii, the
correct name for Aegilops × triticoides (Gramineae). Webbia
64: 13--15.

294. inserted between
302 and 303

295. Neamsuvan, O., T. Seelanan & J.F. Veldkamp. 2009. A revision
of the genus Bothriochloa (Poaceae) in Thailand. Gard. Bull. Singapore
61: 129--143.

296. Neamsuvan, O., T. Seelanan & J.F. Veldkamp. 2009. A revision
of Hemisorghum (Poaceae,
Sorghinae) in Thailand.
Gard. Bull. Singapore
61: 145--149.

297. Turner, I.M. & J.F. Veldkamp.
2009. A history of Cananga (Annonaceae). Gard. Bull. Singapore 61: 191--208.

Veldkamp, J.F. 2009. (1906--1907) Proposals to
conserve the names Engelhardia against Pterilema and E. spicata against P.
aceriflorum (Juglandaceae). Taxon 58: 1012--1013.

---. Veldkamp, J.F. in B.J.M. Zonneveld. 2009. The systematic value of
nuclear genome size for “all” species of Tulipa L. (Liliaceae). Pl. Syst. Evol.
281: 217—245. --- Here 4 new combinations in Tulipa are proposed (all
invalidly) as “Zonn. & Veldk.”. This is not a publication by me.

299. Chen, C.-H., J.F. Veldkamp, C.-S. Kuoh, C.-C. Tsai
& Y.-C. Chiang. 2009. Segregation
of Leptatherum from Microstegium (Andropogoneae, Poaceae) confirmed by Internal
Transcribed Spacer DNA sequences. Blumea 54: 175--180, illus.

300. Veldkamp,
J.F. 2009. Notes on the names of the Tetrastigma (Vitaceae) hosts of Rafflesia
(Rafflesiaceae). Reinwardtia 13: 75--78.

305. Veldkamp,
J.F. 2009. Sedum roberti, a new name for S. multiflorum
R.T. Clausen (1978), non Boenn. (1829 / 1830), from Mexico (Crassulaceae). Haseltonia
15: 79.


301. Neamsuvan, O., T.
Seelanan & J.F. Veldkamp. 2010 (“2009”). Chrysopogon gryllus (Gramineae), a
new record for Thailand.
Thai For. Bull. 37: 107--110.

302. Veldkamp, J.F.
2010 (“2009”). Xerochloa
in Thailand.
Thai Forest Bull. 37: 156--160.

294. Veldkamp,
J.F. 2010 (“2008”). Lakshmia (Gramineae), a new genus from Sri Lanka and W India Rheedea 18: 81--85.

Veldkamp, J.F., G.G. Potdar & S.R. Yadav. 2010 (“2008”). Notes
on 3-flowered Paniceae (Poaceae) from India and the Cape Verde.
Rheedea 18: 91--93.

Kumar, P.  & J.F. Veldkamp. 2010. Pecteilis rawatii
(Orchidaceae), a new species from India. Gard. Bull. Singapore
61: 335--341.

305, see after 300.

306. Veldkamp, J.F.
2010. Notes on indelible autographs and effective publication of  Lindenia Benth. (Rubiaceae). Taxon 59:

Craven, L.A.,
F. Danet & J.F. Veldkamp. 2010. Rhododendron section Schistanthe, the
scientific name for Vireya rhododendrons (Ericaceae). J. Amer. Rhododendron
Soc.: 190--192.

308. Kartonegoro, A. & J.F. Veldkamp. 2010. Revision of Dissochaeta
(Melastomataceae) in Java, Indonesia. Reinwardtia 13: 125—145.

309. Mat-Salleh, M., R. Mahyuni, A. Susatya & J.F.
Veldkamp. 2010. Rafflesia lawangensis (Rafflesiaceae),
a new species from Bukit Lawang, Gunung
Leuser National
Park, North Sumatera,
Reinwardtia 13: 159--165.

310. Veldkamp, J.F. & R.M.K. Saunders. 2010. Goniothalamus tripetalus
(Annonaceae), comb. nov. Reinwardtia 13: 167--169.

311. Snow, N. & J.F. Veldkamp. 2010. Miscellaneous taxonomic and nomenclatural notes
for Myrtaceae. Austrobaileya 8: 177--186.


312. Chen, C.-H., J.F. Veldkamp
& C.-S. Kuoh. 2011. Supplements to the genus Microstegium Nees (Poaceae: Andropogoneae) of Taiwan. Taiwan
J. Biodiv. 13: 85--91.

313. Veldkamp, J.F. & F. Lanting. 2011. Rafflesia. Plant zonder vader. E & V Mag. 6: 118--119,
illus. --- This  title was cooked up by
the editor, René de Vos.

314. Cámara Leret, R.
& J.F. Veldkamp. 2011.
A remarkable new Medinilla
(Melastomataceae) from Celebes,
Indonesia. Gard. Bull. Singapore
62: 213—221.

Veldkamp, J.F. 2011. The nomenclature of Uvaria
velutina Roxb. ex Blume (Annonaceae). Gardens Bull. Singapore 62: 301--306.

316. Chen, C.-H., J.F. Veldkamp
& C.-S. Kuoh. 2011. Microstegium glabratum (Brongn.) A. Camus (Poaceae,
Andropogoneae), a new record for Japan,
China, and Taiwan, based
on morphological and molecular evidence. Taiwania 56: 111--117.

317. Craven, L.A., F. Danet, J.F. Veldkamp, L.A. Goetsch
& B.D Hall. 2011. Vireya rhododendrons: their monophyly and classification
(Ericaceae, Rhododendron section Schistanthe). Blumea 56: 153—158.

318. Raole, V.M., R.J. Desai & J.F. Veldkamp.
2011. Ischaemum sayajiraoi, a new
species of Poaceae from Gujarat,
India. Kew Bull. 66: 303--306.

319. Veldkamp,
J.F. 2011. Georg Everhard Rumphius (1627–1702), the blind seer of Ambon. Gard. Bull. Singapore 63: 1--15.

320. Sumadijaya, A. &  J.F. Veldkamp.
2011. Bothriochloa (Poaceae: Andropogoneae) in Malesia. Gard. Bull. Singapore 63: 71–76.


321. Veldkamp, J.F. & B.J.M.
Zonneveld. 2012. The infrageneric nomenclature of Tulipa (Liliaceae). Pl. Syst. Evol.  298: 87--92.

322. Turner,
I.M. & J.F. Veldkamp. 2012. William Roxburgh’s Eye plant and its relevance
in the nomenclature of Phaeanthus Hook. f. & Thomson (Annonaceae). Kew Bull.66: 1--8.

323. Sumadijaya, A. & J.F. Veldkamp. 2012.
Non-bambusoid grasses (Gramineae) from Batanta and Waigeo
Islands (Raja Ampat Archipelago), West Papua Province, Indonesia. Reinwardtia 13: 241--253.

324. Veldkamp, J.F.
2012. Koordersiochloa Merr. (Gramineae), the correct name for
Streblochaete Hochst.
ex Pilg. Reinwardtia 13: 299--303.

In print

-. Kiran Raj, M.S., M. Sivadasan, J.
F. Veldkamp, A. H. Alfarhan and Jacob Thomas. 
201*. Ravia,
a new genus of the subtribe Dimeriinae (Poaceae –
Panicoideae – Andropogoneae) from India. Nordic. J. Bot. *

Submitted manuscripts:

-. Baas, P. & J.F.
Veldkamp. 201*. Dutch pre-colonial botany and Rumphius’s Amboinese Herbal.
Allertonia (18+ pp msc).

-. Chen, C.-H., J.-F. Veldkamp &
C.-S. Kuoh. 201*. Taxonomic revision of
Microstegium Nees sensu stricto (Andropogoneae, Poaceae). (54+ pp.). Blumea

-. Kiran Raj, M.S., M. Sivadasan, J. F. Veldkamp, A.H. Alfarhan & J.
Thomas.201*. An infrageneric classification of Dimeria R. Br.
(Poaceae -- Panicoideae -- Andropogoneae -- Dimeriinae). (9 pp.).

-. Mahyuni, R. & J.F. Veldkamp.
201*. Rafflesiaceae in Sumatra,
Reinwardtia *: * (12 pp).

-. Morrone, O., S.S. Aliscioni, J.F. Veldkamp, J.F. Pensiero,
F.O. Zuloaga & E.A..
Kellogg. 201*. A revision of Old World
species of Setaria (Poaceae: Panicoideae: Paniceae). Syst. Bot. Monogr. (127 pp).

-. Pramod, C, A.K. Pradeep &
J.F. Veldkamp. 201*. Coelachne madayensis (Poaceae-Pooideae-Isachneae), a new species
from Kerala, India.
Gard. Bull. Singapore
64:: * (5 pp msc).

-. Veldkamp, J.F. 2012. Alpinia costatum Roxb. or A.
cardamomum-medium Roxb. (Zingiberaceae), an enigmatic species from Bangladesh.
Submitted to Dr. Yadav, Rheedea, 23 May 2010. (5 pp.).  Receipt acknowledged by Dr. Yadav. Again on 5 January 2012. Promised
for the June issue on 3 March 2012.

-. Veldkamp, J.F.
201*. A new species of Juncus (Juncaceae) from Mt Kinabalu, Sabah
-- recent speciation after long-distance dispersal. Gard. Bull. Singapore
*: (2 pp msc).

-. Veldkamp, J.F.
201*. Mabberley's Trick. Nomencl. Forum *: (2 pp).

-. Veldkamp, J.F. 201*. Nomenclatural
notes on Eugenia reinwardtiana (Myrtaceae) and more or less associated names.
Gard. Bull. Singapore
*: *--*. (Submitted 28 Sep 2011: 14 pp).

-. Veldkamp, J.F. 201*. A nomenclatural survey of the Eurasian Carex
cuprina (incl. Carex otrubae) (Cyperaceae). Phytotaxa *: (6 pp).
Submitted 1 Dec 2009.

Veldkamp, J.F. 201*. Notes
on some Orchidaceae described by Rumphius (1750) from Ambon, Indonesia, in M.
Kumar (Ed.), Plant
diversity, morphology, taxonomy & ethnobotany: an introspection: *--*. (*
15 pp msc.).

-. Veldkamp, J.F.
201*. Proposal to conserve the name Calandrinia grandiflora Lindl. against
Calandrinia glauca Schrad. (Portulacaceae). Taxon *: *-* (2 pp). Submitted 26
Nov 2009, see
for progress. Taxon number 11295

-. Veldkamp, J.F. 201*. (Review).
Wilson, A. (Ed.). 2009. Flora of Australia Volume 44A,
Poaceae 2: xvi, 410 pp. Blumea *: * (1 p).

-. Veldkamp, J.F. & L.D. Sulastyaningsih. 201*.
Nomenclature and typification of Musa
salaccensis Zoll. ex Kurz (Musaceae). Reinwardtia *: *--*. (7 pp). (Lulut Dwi)

- Widodo, P., A. Hartana, T. Chikmawati
& J.F. Veldkamp. 201*. New combinations in Syzygium (Myrtaceae) from
Gard. Bull. Singapore
61: **--** (6 pp). * Not in GBS 61,1. Why?

-. Widodo, P. & J.F. Veldkamp. 201*.
The confusing nomenclature of Jambosa confusa (Myrtaceae) of southeast Asia.
Reinwardtia *: *--* (3 pp).

Not yet submitted:

-. Nandikar,
M., R.V. Gurav & J.F. Veldkamp. 201*. Rhopalephora scaberrima (Commelinaceae) in India and nomenclatural notes on
the genus. (8 pp).

-. Veldkamp,
J.F. 201*. Notes on the nomenclature and typification of Malesian Cenchrus
(Gramineae, incl. Pennisetum). Ann. Bot. *:

-. Veldkamp, J.F.
201*. A note on Article 32.3, or, the validity of Musa bashoo Siebold.
(Musaceae). * MUST GO TO TAXON (2 pp).

-.Veldkamp, J.F. 201*.
A synopsis of
Lagenophora (incl. Keysseria, Compositae) in Malesia. (6 pp).

-. Veldkamp, J.F., M. Nandikar&
R.V. Gurav. 201*. A nomenclatural survey of
Rhopalephora (Commelinaceae). (12 pp).

To be finalised:

-. Cámara
Leret, R., J.W.A. Ridder-Numan & J.F. Veldkamp. 201*. A revision of
Heteroblemma gen. nov. (Dissochaeteae - Melastomataceae) from Malesia and Vietnam.
Blumea. (23 pp.).

-. Mood, J. D., L.M. Prince&  J.F. Veldkamp. 201*. The history and identity
of Boesenbergia longiflora (Zingiberaceae) with four new, related species.
Phytotaxa *: (10 pp msc.).

-. Veldkamp, J.F.
201*. An attempt to unravel the synonymy of Avenella Drejer (Gramineae). **:
**--**. (12 pp).

-. Veldkamp,
J.F. 201*. Nomenclatural notes on
Boesenbergia Kuntze (Zingiberaceae). 
(12 pp). 

-. Veldkamp, J.F. , M.E.B. van den Boogaart, J.
Heidweiller, M.A.F. v.d. Klaauw, R. de Koning, A.R. Kraaijeveld, M.S.M. Sosef,
R.C.W. Strucker. 201*. A revision of Mnesithea in Malesia and Thailand (Gramineae -
Andropogoneae). Blumea *: (22 pp).

-. Wijnands, D.O., J.
Heniger & J.F. Veldkamp. 201*. Houttuyn's herbarium in Geneva
and Leiden.
Candollea *: **--** (24 pp + 9 plates).

Taxonomic name: 
Festuca (World Grasses), Glyphochloa (World Grasses), Helictotrichon (World Grasses), Hemisorghum (World Grasses), Hyparrhenia (World Grasses), Isachne (World Grasses), Ischaemum (World Grasses), Leptochloa (World Grasses), Lepturus (World Grasses), Microstegium (World Grasses), Mnesithea (World Grasses), Oryzopsis (World Grasses), Panicum (World Grasses), Perotis (World Grasses), Rottboellia (World Grasses), Setaria (World Grasses), Snowdenia (World Grasses), Sporobolus (World Grasses), Stipa (World Grasses), Tripogon (World Grasses), Trisetum (World Grasses), Urochloa (World Grasses), Veldkampia (World Grasses), Vietnamochloa (World Grasses), Vulpia (World Grasses), Whiteochloa (World Grasses), Eragrostis (World Grasses), Echinochloa (World Grasses), Dimeria (World Grasses), Digitaria (World Grasses), Dichelachne (World Grasses), Eremochloa (World Grasses), Deyeuxia (World Grasses), Coelachne (World Grasses), Chrysopogon (World Grasses), Chloris (World Grasses), Chikusichloa (World Grasses), Centotheca (World Grasses), Cenchrus (World Grasses), Buergersiochloa (World Grasses), Bromus (World Grasses), Brachypodium (World Grasses), Bothriochloa (World Grasses), Avenella (World Grasses), Australopyrum (World Grasses), Arundinella (World Grasses), Anthoxanthum (World Grasses), Anemanthele (World Grasses), Andropogon (World Grasses), Agrostis (World Grasses), Aegilops (World Grasses), Isachne veldkampii (World Grasses), Microstegium glabratum (World Grasses), Panicum curviflorum (World Grasses), Setaria palmifolia (World Grasses), Sporobolus indicus (World Grasses), Sporobolus rigidifolius (World Grasses), Vietnamochloa aurea (World Grasses), Dimeria veldkampii (World Grasses), Digitaria leptalea (World Grasses), Digitaria effusa (World Grasses), Chrysopogon gryllus (World Grasses), Chrysopogon castaneus (World Grasses), Bromus pubescens (World Grasses), Bromus luzonensis (World Grasses), Anthoxanthum horsfieldii (World Grasses), Agrostis nipponensis (World Grasses), Aniselytron (World Grasses)
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith